View Full Version : I'm lookin' for a job too.

11-25-2002, 03:16 PM
I kind of want somthing like Rach and Amy are doing. It sounds lik fun, and not muhc dealing with people. I'll be looking around. Today my father, sister and I were talkign aobut it... Sis said how if i got a job it would higher my chances in getting a dog, and that i rpobably could get one. Dad didn't seem to be disagreeing at all, so who knows.Even if i don't get a dog, i'll have money for myself every now and then ya know.:)

11-25-2002, 03:36 PM
Good luck!! I really hope you find a job that's similiar to mine and Amy's!! :)

11-25-2002, 05:23 PM
Just make sure the job doesn't take away too much time from schoolwork and Simba! :) Maybe you could start your own pet-care, dog-walking business!

11-25-2002, 06:09 PM
I hope you find one!! I cannot really recommend anything because I do not have to work for another 6 years. But it is really good to work with animals more than people!! And I hope you get the puppy! But DO NOT forget about Simba!! :)

11-25-2002, 08:01 PM
Good Luck, Kayann!!! I hope the perfect job will turn up for ya!!! :)

11-26-2002, 01:18 AM
Good luck, KayAnn! If you need any help with anything, just let me know! Here's some things to think about...Since you don't have a car yet, you'll have to take into consideration how far away the place is, and who could take you to work. A lot of places where you work with animals require you to be 18 years old before you can work there. I think maybe if you talked to them in person and they could see how responsible you are/experience with animals there's a chance they could overlook the age. BE PERSISTANT. I don't even know how many applications I submitted with getting very little response...for Petco, I decided to be annoying about it and I kept calling and bugging them lol. Make every accomplishment, no matter how insignificant it feels to you, be a great one. Be confident. Don't be shy. LOL I totally sucked at those last two, so I guess the next thing to say is...Don't be like me!! ha ha ha I think the first step would be to call every pet/grooming shop in the area and talking to them....coming in to talk to the manager in person is a great way to get them to remember you. Maybe even just ask if they will let you volunteer for a while first. Let us know how it goes!! :D

11-26-2002, 03:46 AM
Good luck Kay Ann !!

ps. your last name is not on X-mascard-list ... Can you PM it please ?

11-26-2002, 10:01 AM
Good luck with finding you a job:)