View Full Version : Dog Abuse

11-24-2002, 02:09 PM
I was just whatching Animal planet and I saw this dog abaned in a card bourd box and there was a pellet in his eye so it had to be romoved and if that wasn't bad enough he was only 8 months old. Does anyone have an idea how we can stop this or at least help?:confused: It makes me so mad:mad: :mad: to see an animal or worse a dog in danger:mad: :mad: :mad: . Now hes settled down with a family and hes a german sheperd:D

11-24-2002, 02:38 PM
Im not fablab any more im back to petna and dosn't anyone care animals are getting killed because of people:mad:

11-24-2002, 02:42 PM
Hmm I dunno if we are doing enough. I mean people can do whatever they want and police officers cannot just waltz in there (without a warranty). So I guess we are doing a lot, I mean if someone knew someone else was abusing animals then they could call the police but people can do it in secret too. I would not know what to put because in ways they are and in ways they are not. But we always cannot make accusations when people are not abusing their animals. My own neighbor shoots squirrels and other little animals and it makes me oh so nervous. What if Sally or Floppsy accidently got out and he mistook them for a squirrel and shot them? Oh God I'd sue him for all he has(well actually my parents would but still..)! My very own sister used to treat my cat very badly. After a long conference with my parents my sister gets a serious punishment everytime she does something to Sally(such as grounding for months, etc.). Because of this fact I have been accused for abusing my pets. It hurts. It is a deep insult because when you know someone thinks you are hurting your pets when they are happiliy sleeping on your lap at that time. But now I realize you cannot help what others think and if they think that well that is their opinion. But anyway back to your topic-
I cannot say if we are or not. Each state, or country for that matter, has different rules and does different things against animal abuse. New York is pretty strict about it, so I would say we do enough here. But as I see you live in England I would have to read up on animal abuse in England to see. ;) Hope this helps now that my fingers feel they are about to fall off:rolleyes:

11-24-2002, 02:49 PM
I see your point and the ones who don't do the work are the english we are so lazy we just let animals die:mad:

I WISH WE WERE LIKE THE USA then maybe there wouldn't be all this stuff
Im only quater English u see Im half american :D

11-24-2002, 03:08 PM
There is animal abuse in every nation, unfortunately. What we CAn do is:

Report any abuse we see to the authorties.

Check the laws in our area and if they aren't strong enough, write your local polititions and ask for the laws to be changed.

Educate people everywhere that abuse is wrong and must be stopped.

Educate children that animals have feelings, and are not just like their teddy bears.

Spread the word to spay and neuter pets. Less pets will end up in homes that won't care for them, or worse, homeless and on the street.

Volunteer whenever possible at local shelters, bring your pets to schools to give pet care demonstrations ...

11-25-2002, 01:51 PM
You make a good point and im going to try it!

11-29-2002, 09:51 PM
I agree with Karen.

We really cannot do enough. We will try are hardest, but there are stupid people out there, and we cannot stop their irresponsible actions.

11-30-2002, 02:10 AM
My mum uset to live in Africa and see all the animals but she also saw elephents being shot down for Ivary and turtles for there shells and its the same for dogs really just in a differant way like my X best friend got a puppy for christmas and promissed she would walk him and the whole package its been a year since she took him out for a walk she never scoops up the poop in the garden its left to the parents. Because he doesn't get walks hes fat and lazy and needs a good brush! By the way the dogs a beautiful Rough Collie!:D :cool: :eek: :) :(

11-30-2002, 08:24 AM
oh, i love rough collies!! poor dog! that is so cruel..:(
my X best friend also has a dog. at first she allowed it to dun around the house, but now she goes to school and both her parents work so they keep the dog locked up in its cage all day long and when they do let it out, she goes crazy. poor girl..:(

11-30-2002, 04:35 PM
Animal Cops & Precinct make me cry sometimes because of the horrible situations these animals are in. My neighbors everyone here has heard about abuse their cat, well, their kids do, I guess that is where my sister got it from. It is wrong that these kids are growing up and learning that abuse is right for their father shoots squirrels and other rodents that cross his property. It scares me to hear the gun shots because I then wonder "Did Floppsy get out? Did he shoot her? Poor animal!! That guy is a freak!!" And sometimes it isn't even him. :mad:

12-01-2002, 01:34 AM
I can relate theres a deer field behind us and they breed the deer for killing so I get my fair shair of worry that Ruby gets out .Twice Ive walked by there and Twice Ive seen less dear!:(

04-11-2003, 10:56 PM
if we were doing enough, there would be any!!!

04-12-2003, 12:08 AM
Are we doing enough of what? Abuse? Or saving?

04-12-2003, 11:32 AM
we could be doing much more to help dogs that have been abused. Also the abusers have to be put away or finned more. I think

04-12-2003, 11:42 AM
Well, as I suggested back in November,

There is animal abuse in every nation, unfortunately. What we Can do is:

Report any abuse we see to the authorties.

Check the laws in our area and if they aren't strong enough, write your local polititions and ask for the laws to be changed.

Educate people everywhere that abuse is wrong and must be stopped.

Educate children that animals have feelings, and are not just like their teddy bears.

Spread the word to spay and neuter pets. Less pets will end up in homes that won't care for them, or worse, homeless and on the street.

Volunteer whenever possible at local shelters, bring your pets to schools to give pet care demonstrations ...

So don't just complain, go out there and get pro-active!

Cisco's Mom
04-13-2003, 12:01 PM
I agree 100% with Karen!!

We can never do enough, but we should excel at what we can do and than the rest will follow!:rolleyes: