View Full Version : Guardians?

11-24-2002, 09:58 AM
Do they even need to ask how we feel about our pets?

Please visit www.cnn.com today and vote whether you feel you are an "owner" or a "guardian" of your pets.

(scroll down on the page and you will see Quick Vote).

Is Rascal a member of my family? Yes, Yes and Yes! Everytime someone sends me good wishes - without fail they mention Rascal too - because he is FAMILY!

11-24-2002, 10:18 AM
Of course they are family! And so far 50% feel the same.
Thanks for the link gini. :)

11-24-2002, 11:06 AM
It's still at 50% guardian!!

11-24-2002, 03:03 PM
Either I'm havin' one of my blond-er moments, or they changed the poll.... I got one about the cruise liners.

I wonder if the 'guardian' question was inspired by Oprah's guest, Dr. Phil? (the show was aired Nov. 12th-ish) It seems ol' Philly-boy told a family to get rid of their animals (even after the family stressed that the pets were part of the family).

11-24-2002, 03:34 PM
They must have changed the poll, because the cruise-ship one is there for me, too. Rats. Hey - do cruise ship rats get their own name tags and dance numbers?

11-24-2002, 05:52 PM
Well, darn it, they did change the poll and mine is about cruise ships too.

Rats? Dance Cards? Name tags? Dance Numbers?

Maybe they call came down with the virus too!

11-25-2002, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
Either I'm havin' one of my blond-er moments, or they changed the poll.... I got one about the cruise liners.

I wonder if the 'guardian' question was inspired by Oprah's guest, Dr. Phil? (the show was aired Nov. 12th-ish) It seems ol' Philly-boy told a family to get rid of their animals (even after the family stressed that the pets were part of the family).

I got a poll about Saudi Arabia!!

I saw that Dr. Phil. The family was in a money crisis so he said they didn't need their three cats, two dogs and lizard. It was in VERY poor taste and a lot of the time I like Dr. Phil. The lizard belonged to their son, and there was pictures of him playing with the lizard - it was so cute! You would think Dr. Phil would have recommended, "If the son wants to keep the lizard, why doens't he get an afterschool job cutting lawns or something to pay for the food?" but he just said that the family didn't need the pets. And Phil calls himself an animal lover!! :eek:

11-25-2002, 08:46 AM
I missed that show but having read this thread I have lost all respect for that Dr Phil guy. Those people probably can't afford their kid either, are they supposed to 'get rid' of him too??? geez.