View Full Version : Pookie

11-24-2002, 04:34 AM
So sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Pookie ..... I too had my calico kitty, Peanut, go to the rainbow bridge on August 29, 2002. She was also young .... four and a half years ..... but had cancer. :O( I'm still waiting for her appearance as COTD. The world is always a little sadder for the loss of our furry loved ones. Seeing them as COTD just makes their memory that much more special. =^..^=

Dan Holder
11-24-2002, 06:05 AM
What a shame to lose your little fellow. All of my kitties were throw-aways, some literally from dumpsters. You can be happy that from the time you took him in, he was in heaven. They appreciate so much having a good life after what they go through. He would have had a short, miserable life instead of six happy years without you. Good luck.

11-24-2002, 06:26 AM
Dear Pookie aka Calvin, I am sorry that your life was so short. But I am especially glad that you found good people to stay with in that time. Throw away, in my opinion, are the best type of pet. It makes both you and them feel wanted and needed. I am priveledged to have you as our very special COTD.

11-24-2002, 07:09 AM
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Dear Pookie...He was a beautiful kitty...
I also lost my Dear Ms.Puss on August 20,2002 due to cancer...she was about 8 or so....I really do know how you feel...but please know that Pookie will have plenty of friends at The Bridge to play and romp there...while he waits for you....
and remember that he had a Wonderful,loving home for 6 wonderful years..

Congratulations on being COTD Dear Pookie,(Calvin)

11-24-2002, 07:35 AM
What a lovely tribute to the beatiful Pookie! He was much loved in his time with you here, and will be waiting for you at RB with that serene look in his eyes, and that bright orange coat! What a beautiful COTD.

smokey the elder
11-24-2002, 08:51 AM
What a gorgeous orange ray of sunshine Pookie-angel is. And what great people to take care of the little guy. I hope that he sends other kitties to you.

11-24-2002, 08:57 AM
Oh Pookie Angel, you look soooo much like my late orange tabby Tommy (I gasped when your photo popped up), and he ALSO passed on at the very young age of SIX! It's strange why they would have to leave us so young, but I know just how your loving humans feel. Tommy was the sweetest, most gentlest little boy, beautiful and healthy looking, just like YOU! He seemed too active and young to pass away, never acted sick at all actually, but apparently he was born with a weak heart and nothing could be done. He even seemed fine the day he was going to go to the Rainbow Bridge (he didn't want us to worry). I'm sorry you were sick too Pookie, but I just know you two are Soul Mates and are continuing your youthful playtime at the Rainbow Bridge together! You are Beautiful, and now I have tears in my eyes. Forever Love to you, Sweet Pookie! ;)

11-24-2002, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
What a lovely tribute to the beatiful Pookie! He was much loved in his time with you here, and will be waiting for you at RB with that serene look in his eyes, and that bright orange coat! What a beautiful COTD.

Our friend, Cataholic, said it very well...your tribute to this purrecious boy is so sweet...we too are sorry you didn't have Pookie with you for a longer time (and that Tommy was taken so soon from Felinefriend as well), but you both made their time here a wonderful time...God bless you for caring and loving Pookie, and thank you very much for sharing his story. Enjoy your memories...

Bari and the Pride

11-24-2002, 09:48 AM
Pookie, you made my heart stop - you look so much like my Rascal. I am sorry that you were called to the Rainbow Bridge at such an early age however, it is clear that you were well loved while you were with your humans.

Rest now, sweet one, in time you will be reunited with your loved ones.

11-24-2002, 11:26 AM
It is far more important that he knew the compassionate, warm touch of a human hand, no matter how briefly, than to live out many years without it.

11-24-2002, 12:41 PM
:( :( What a shame it is that Pokie had to go so soon . :D :cool: But at least he didnt have to go through his short life eating out ofd a dumpster , being chased by dogs and mean people. He passed on under the gentle hands of a veternarian , and knowing that he was not a nameles stray , but Pookie a beloved and much missed member of your family.You can hold your head up knowing that you did your best for pookie , whis now a mwember in good standing of The Cat Angels who go all over the world in the Cat Angel bus and have lots of fun everywhere they go.

11-24-2002, 01:41 PM
I am so sorry to hear this handsome kitty passed away at such an early age. Although I love all kitties, having an orange noy myself hearing an orange tabby die so young grieves me even more. But as everyboby says Pookie had what most other cats never had: So much love.

11-24-2002, 02:36 PM
What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful orange tabby boy with the gorgeous bright round eyes. He sure was special - and had a wonderful life with you. We miss you Pookie.

11-24-2002, 03:39 PM
I just want to thank everyone for taking the time and expressing your love and encouragement for my beloved Pookie. He was a wonderful boy. We took him to our vet every three days for fluid infusion. When he stopped eating I discovered he would eat canned boned chicken, and seemed to thrive a little. He never seemed to be in much pain except for the ulcers that would devlop on his gums. The antibiotics our vet gave him would clear that up inside of one day and then he would almost be his old self again. Not quite as spry, but just as loving. I am retired and he used to follow me all over the house -- even when he became sick -- I'd turn around and there he would be, looking lovingly at me with those big beautiful yellow eyes of his. Toward the end he stopped purring, and then his weight went way down and he became very listless. We knew it was time to let him go. I still miss him everyday and talk to him telling him we'll see again at Rainbow Bridge. He will have his final earthly resting place in our garden with other departed members of our feline family. They all have their own stone markers under the crape myrtle where there is sunshine in the morning and shade in the afternoon. Pookie was a one in a million kitty and I'll miss him as long as I live. God bless you Pookie. Until we meet at Rainbow Bridge . . . I'll love you forever, my Good Tiger!

11-24-2002, 04:20 PM
Dear Pookie...I cried when I read your Mom's touching Cat of the Day tribute. Now, as I read her last message, the tears fall even harder. I cannot say it any better than your loving Mommy has, Pookie. You were one in a million. Bless you beautiful, furangel Pookie. I know you're beaming down with pride from the Rainbow Bridge on this your much deserved day of honor. My heartfelt sympathies go out to your grieving Mom. I too suffered through the heartache of treating a kitty with kidney failure.:( Thank you for standing by your brave little man and making sure he knew, for all of his days, how very, very loved he was, and is. Hold tight to those treasured memories until that day when you and Pookie are together once more.

11-24-2002, 04:44 PM
All the sentiments that I would like to express have been stated above. it is sad that Pookie's life was so short, yet, given the original circumstance, so good that he was given care and love and in return gave it all back. Even so, I know how empty it must feel to crawl under the covers at night and to not feel that warm, little body, so confident in love, and to hear that soothing and comforting purr, telling you that although you are big and he is small, you are safe there at Pookie's side.

Jean Houston
11-24-2002, 06:05 PM
I wonder the same question as you. Who could turn their back on such a wonder creature as an animal in need? i'll never understand. Never. Pookie is a angel as they all are. I have 7 kitties and 3 doggies all strays. Well 3 sisters amoung them. Each a miracle indeed. My home is a home of love. I want to celebrate some new news that I recieved today. My teenager has joined a organizion in here high school. A animal rights group. I'am soo proud of her.

11-24-2002, 06:27 PM
Dearest Pookie,

Such a beautiful & loving companion you were Pookie.
I'm glad your folks found you and were able to love you
and care for you for all the rest of your life. Your life on earth
was much to short, but it was a life filled with love. I'm so
glad your folks told us about you Sweetie. You will always
be remembered for the sweet friend that you were.

Pookie, the CAT OF THE DAY !!!

11-24-2002, 07:19 PM
Oh, Pookie, I'm so sorry you're gone. You were such a beautiful boy inside and out. I know your mom loved you very much by the sweet tribute she wrote for you. You are missed by those who knew you and by those who now know your story. Good-night gentle tiger.

11-24-2002, 11:27 PM
What a beautiful kitty you are. What can i say that others haven't already. My heart goes out to your owner. I and all the others on pet talk know exactly how you feel.
Bless you dear sweet Pookie for being our COTD.

11-25-2002, 04:01 AM
Such a sweet kitty!!!