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View Full Version : Terrible experience......

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-14-2012, 10:15 PM
......at the Palm Springs Animal Shelter.

We took a drive today, just to visit, put feelers out, maybe get some advice from someone more experienced in placing kitties, and, well, just to get a bit of a kitty fix. PS Animal Shelter is about a 1/2 hour 45 minute drive for us, but there were several of their kitties I saw on petfinder.com that I wanted to meet. I finally convinced Terry that I would NOT be bringing a kitty home so away we go.

Almost the second we walked in the door the old bag (OB) behind the counter had an attitude - as if she was soooo busy and we were bothering her. I started to explain how we just lost Robin and we're looking for a new sister for Jackie. I then tried to explain how he's blind so we need a kitty that is friendly and won't get upset when he bumps into her. OB practically cut me off to explain, "after all, we're just a shelter." I told her I understood that, but there was a room full of cats right there that obviously got along. She hrmphed and started telling me about one kitty that might work. She was listed as a year old, had had kittens "way too young" (as if to imply it was our fault kittens were having kittens and SHE had to deal with it) and blah, blah, blah. I tried to interject that I didn't want a kitty that young but she just kept cutting me off and kept talking.

We ended up with the sweetest little girl in my lap in a room when Terry asked if she was declawed - innocent enough question - and OB practically grabbed the kitty out if my lap and told us in no uncertain terms we would NOT be adopting one of their kitties because there is NO way we would pass the initial......inspection (forgot the term she used) if we intended to declaw. We never said we would or that we even wanted to, Terry just asked a simple question! Terry got upset at her attitude and walked out and she huffed off, both leaving me standing with no kitty in my arms. :(

Like I say, she had a negative attitude towards us from the minute we walked in. Don't know if she was having a bad day or what, but I can assure you they'd adopt a lot more cats out if sour puss wasn't around to turn people off!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-14-2012, 10:19 PM
Here's the link to Brenna's petfinder page. Can't see her that well, but she was a tiny mostly black with a bit of white on her face and chest. She was already bumping on me and tring to get me to pet her more just in the two minutes she was in my lap. I don't think she's what we're looking for, but she sure was sweetly!


10-14-2012, 10:51 PM
Wow, that is not a way to get people to adopt! I am sorry you had that experience. Too bad you aren't closer to the bay area, you could come to ARF (www.arf.net) to get a new kitty.
There are some volunteers at ARF that can be a little like the OB you dealt with. But if any staff member ever heard it, it would not fly.

It just wasn't meant for you to adopt from that place at that time (if you do plan on going back again). You will find the perfect sister for Jack in due time. :)

10-14-2012, 11:23 PM
Eeew! Nasty piece of work, that O.B. :eek: I'd like ta chat 'er up a wee bit :D

10-14-2012, 11:32 PM
I am so sorry. And it's ultimately the kitty and you who lose out from such a negative interaction.

10-15-2012, 12:12 AM
I would write an email to whoever runs the shelter, telling them what you told us. No matter what, this woman is costing them adoptions and donations, and needs an attitude adjustment. Not everyone is cut out for customer service work.

10-15-2012, 12:52 AM
I would write an email to whoever runs the shelter, telling them what you told us. No matter what, this woman is costing them adoptions and donations, and needs an attitude adjustment. Not everyone is cut out for customer service work.

This sounds like a great idea.:) Too bad you had such a horrible experience and too bad for all of the cats that people may want to adopt but this OB scares them away.:(

10-15-2012, 06:39 AM
AMEN Cassiesmom!!


I'm so sorry your had to experience this. Like Karen said, I'd send an email to the Director of this shelter. It's sad that both you AND the kitty lost out on a possibly wonderful connection due to this d-bag's attitude. Could be the reason why they had so many kitties.

Hang in there. When it's right, you'll definitely know it!!! Hope you, Terry and your furbaby are doing well!!

10-15-2012, 07:54 AM
We have many of those in our local shelters, as well. :(

10-15-2012, 09:23 AM
It is bad enough when you get a rude sales person in a store but this very rude woman is costing these Cats a chance at a FurrEver home, and that is totally inexcusable:mad::mad:
I would send in emails of complaint , that's so sad that a Cat that might have fit your needs lost a chance at being your New Friend.:mad::mad::mad:

10-15-2012, 02:51 PM
you have more control than I would have. I would have been so back in her face!!! For sure I would let the manager of the shelter know. If she is that mean to humans who knows how she treats animals when she is alone with them. :love:

10-15-2012, 03:48 PM
That's just awful. That woman should NOT be there. By all means, get in touch with the management or whoever the people in charge are.

Edwina's Secretary
10-15-2012, 04:38 PM
Last week one of the comic strips in my newspaper had this very story line! In the end the receptionist was thinking "you aren't taking one of MY babies!". Sounds like a close relative!

10-15-2012, 05:27 PM
I would write an email to whoever runs the shelter, telling them what you told us. No matter what, this woman is costing them adoptions and donations, and needs an attitude adjustment. Not everyone is cut out for customer service work.
This is exactly what I was going to say. Unless the OB was the one who ran the shelter, there is no excuse for treating you as poorly as she did. Sure, everyone has a bad day, but to make that many rude comments to you is a bit much... even for someone having a bad day :(

10-15-2012, 05:48 PM
I'm with the rest of the gang here. They may not know unless you tell them. Poor kitties.

10-15-2012, 08:10 PM
She definitely sounds like she has rescue burnout. I'm with the others, send an e-mail or snail mail and let them know your experience. She needs a timeout or a break because she is definitely not a good advocate for their rescue.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-17-2012, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the support everyone. Since then we've had other issues we've been dealing with, like a geeky air conditioner in 100 degree heat, so I've kind of forgotten about the whole thing.......and I'm starting to think its just not meant to be right now. About a week ago I sent inquiries on 2 kitties through petfinder.com and I haven't heard a word back from either one. Two different kitties, two different rescue groups, no response.....geeky air conditioner that turns out we need a new one, need new tires on the jeep that we're getting tomorrow, first day of work back at The Living Desert on Saturday........I'm getting the feeling it's time to just hold my horses and wait a bit.....and let things happen naturally rather than try and force the situation.

Jackie relaxing on my lap right now after a day stuck in the bathroom while the air conditioner was replaced.

Edwina's Secretary
10-17-2012, 10:54 PM
That's a good idea! Who knows...maybe a kitty will come to spend the weekend someday...and just never leave!;);):D

smokey the elder
10-18-2012, 09:25 AM
I bet that Robin's succession plan isn't complete yet.:D

10-18-2012, 02:51 PM
I am so sorry for the kitty who did not get the chance to become a Pet Talk kitty. I hope she finds a good spot nevertheless.:(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-18-2012, 05:26 PM
That's a good idea! Who knows...maybe a kitty will come to spend the weekend someday...and just never leave!;);):D

Heehee.....Eddie and his extended stay have definitely come to mind. :D

Saw a stray this morning while we were walking.......

10-18-2012, 06:54 PM
That's a good idea! Who knows...maybe a kitty will come to spend the weekend someday...and just never leave!;);):D

I'm not sure I've ever read how you came to share living space with Eddie and Edwina. The cat that never left is how I acquired Jane and Calla Lily. I thought you picked Eddie to match Edwina.

10-18-2012, 06:55 PM
Heehee.....Eddie and his extended stay have definitely come to mind. :D

Saw a stray this morning while we were walking.......

Do keep us posted. Jane and Calla Lily were strays.

10-18-2012, 09:41 PM
Sometimes the best gifts are unexpected;) ... just ask Eve:D:love::love:.

Hugs to CJ - poor fella must be wondering what on earth is going on!!

10-19-2012, 01:08 AM
I'm sure that when the time is right, a new cat will enter your life. Good luck.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-19-2012, 06:25 PM

Terry stayed home this afternoon (dealing with the geeky a/c which we thought we got fixed but is in fact not fixed -bleh!) so I took the opportunity to head to the Indio Animal Control facility. This is about as bare bones a facility as it gets, old, smelly, cages with tiny litter boxes.....not pleasant at all.....and all the ADORABLE kitties!!! Most of them were very young - 1 year or less - and they were all SO starved for attention! The second we walked in they were all clamoring for attention, meowing, grabbing at us the through the bars, climbing on the bars, etc. it was heart breaking and I wanted to bring them ALL home with me. :-(. There is NO way I can bring Terry to this place - he's such a softy he'd start crying right there!

There was one little girl in cage 300. They estimated her to be about 1 year old and she was much calmer than all the rest. She looked older than most of them but she still looked young......but they have no history on her, whether she's good with other cats, whether she uses he litter box consistently....nothing.

How do I take the chance - especially since we're still dealing with the geeky a/c and a few other thing.....but how do I walk away?

Whose idea was it to go there in the first place - drat!

10-20-2012, 01:05 AM
Would they allow you to adopt her on a trial basis so if things didn't work out then you would be able to return her? The shelter sounds pretty bad so you'd probably not want to return her back to it even if things didn't work out. Adopting a younger cat might even be a bit better because younger animals seem to to be able to adapt better to new homes and situations like even being able to ride comfortably in a motorhome.:)

There are just so many animals in need of homes these days. It's such a sad situation.:( This is one reason why I expanded my cat family by 5 this year. I adopted 4 of them from the same rescue group through the same foster mom. Reece's brother still hasn't been adopted yet.:( Colby was the last of his litter to be adopted and he was almost 10 months old when I adopted him. I know we can't save them all but it makes me feel good that I can at least provide a good loving forever home to 5 more cats/kittens in need.:) I hope that you'll be able to find a cat that will be a good fit to your household. Good luck.:)

10-21-2012, 07:01 PM
I would talk to the manager asap. That is not a way to run a business and the lady needs to get her act together or get fired.