View Full Version : Licking?

10-14-2012, 05:40 PM
My moms dog today was licking Clover's mouth for a while today. Just curious if this is a behavioral thing that means anything to dogs or did her breath just smell of something he wanted? He never really got along with her until today. They played the entire time I was there, then he just started licking her mouth and inside her mouth.

10-14-2012, 06:05 PM
This isn't an entirely uncommon behavior. When I had my two Aussies they would sometimes lick the inside of each others mouth, too. Also licking inside ears is pretty common!! I don't think it really has any significance except they feel the need to clean it... or they just like how it tastes or smells... Gross

10-14-2012, 07:24 PM
I forgot where I read this or if someone told me this, but I've heard it is submissive behavior. In the wild, since more dominant wolves finish eating first, the less dominant ones lick the food (blood I presume) off the Alpha's mouths. It was pretty strange to me, and I really doubt that's the truth, but just thought I'd offer it.

10-14-2012, 07:24 PM
This isn't an entirely uncommon behavior. When I had my two Aussies they would sometimes lick the inside of each others mouth, too. Also licking inside ears is pretty common!! I don't think it really has any significance except they feel the need to clean it... or they just like how it tastes or smells... Gross

She was eating mud for some reason :/ Can't imagine it tastes too good lol

10-14-2012, 07:43 PM
I have also heard that dogs licking another dog's mouth is a submissive behavior. I think sometimes it can be affection or it just simply tastes interesting lol.

10-14-2012, 10:01 PM
I have also heard that dogs licking another dog's mouth is a submissive behavior. I think sometimes it can be affection or it just simply tastes interesting lol.

He usually acts aggressively towards her. She is over a year now and this whole time when he first sees her he will growl and snap at her. So it's good he was behaving this way

10-14-2012, 10:10 PM
Skya is a major mouth licker.....every dog, sometimes to the point where they are annoyed and like "GET OUT OF MY FACE." If we have any new dogs over she just follows them around and licks their mouths. I'd say she's possibly the lowest ranking member of my dog pack, she won't eat her food until the other dogs have finished. I think she has appointed herself as the low pack member, they don't treat her any different. However with dogs she doesn't know she acts pretty vicious at first and if they don't act vicious back then she acts like they are best friends, if they act vicious back its another story. So she doesn't really act submissive to all other dogs? She's hard to figure out, she's a nut. But yeah the mouth licking is pretty common in dogs.

10-15-2012, 04:20 PM
My mom's little poodle mix always does this to her shepherd mix. It's almost like she's so happy to see her and that is her way of expressing it.