View Full Version : The Catmobile is coming to Chicago

10-14-2012, 11:04 AM
We would also like to know if everyone would please come to Chicago around October 19, give or take a couple of days. The Bears have a Monday Night Football game vs. the Detroit Lions on Oct. 22. Chicago is nice in October. We could go to the Art Institute, or if the weather is fine we could visit our big cat relatives at the zoo. The Catmobile gets preferred parking at Soldier Field, too!

The Catmobile gets preferred parking at Soldier Field ... and the kitties have a suite for the game, complete with haggis, Chicago pizza, cheeseburgers and catnip :) I reiterated to Cassie that the meowmies and dads would like everyone safely home before Halloween. Cassie is purring with delight about spending time with her friends again!

10-14-2012, 12:21 PM
And My Michael Ange is purring along with his Cassie Dearest:love::love: and the Found Cat Hotel Cat Bus is gearing up to go to the World Series.:love::love::love:
All Our Angels ove each others company and things should be exciting in Chi Town this week!!!:love::love:

10-14-2012, 01:42 PM
My gang are all ready to go, instruments in tune and dancing shoes shined up!

Sydney Angel and Nelson Angel will also be on hand to provide additional piping and Sean Nos singing and square dance calling as needed.

10-14-2012, 02:44 PM
My gang are totally excited. They finally got Frankie's baseball glove away from him. You should see him in his tiny football helmet. :D

10-15-2012, 07:49 AM
Hi fellow kitties,
A trip to Chicago - I can't wait! I'll call the local Jaguar dealer to arrange for the Catmobile as soon as they open at 9:00 a.m. And now that my Soncat is home again, I'll talk to him about getting us more of those yummy cheezburgers to have on the way. Cassie, this is a great idea! I'm also looking forward to seeing our friend Franklin in his football gear.

Franklin, what's the story with your baseball glove? Was it stolen? Do you need legal help getting it back? With the World Series around the corner, you're going to need it. Let me know what you'd like to do.

Your friend,

10-15-2012, 11:08 AM
Yay!!! I'm in!!! This is so exciting, is my BFFF Chels going?? I hope so, I'm dying to go shopping with her!
Pizza, cheezburgers... yummm!!!

See you soon!!
posted via CatBerry Mobile

10-15-2012, 11:31 AM
Just to clarify, it's Frankie that's the sports nut and Franklin that is the bagpipes nut.....lol
I would love it if my two went along. I'm moving to a new home so The Princess and Franklin are in a tizzy. Maybe some Catmobile time would help calm them down. Chels wants to know if her BFFF is coming and Franklin wants to know if he should bring his pipes. In honor of the upcoming US election, Franklin has been working on "This Land is Your Land" and can't wait to teach it to the others....

Pinot's Mom
10-15-2012, 11:42 AM
Did anyone else have a kitty that didn't make it to bed last night? My guess is the co-pilot was busy making arrangements as she didn't make it to bed. :rolleyes: When Daddy asked Princess Pinot this morning "Were you busy on the Catberry?" ...she just turned her head as if she didn't hear.

10-15-2012, 11:50 AM
Franklin wants to know if he should bring his pipes. In honor of the upcoming US election, Franklin has been working on "This Land is Your Land" and can't wait to teach it to the others....

Of course we need you to bring your bagpipes, Franklin! Meowmie has "This Land Is Your Land" on one of her gazillion CDs so I'm going to listen to it while I polish up and tune up my fiddle. It will be a nice change, lately I've been working to learn "The Devil Went Down to Georgia".

Auntie Elyse, do you think we'll need our sunglasses?

Your friend,

10-15-2012, 02:45 PM
Oh, widdle Frankie still has his ball glove. He sleeps with it every night. I was just channel surfing the other day and he saw a football game. He insisted on watching it. Now he is very excited to see one up close and purrsonal. His sibbies got him a football helmet to wear so now he thinks he is hot stuff!!! :D I think baseball will always be his favorite sport though. Just to be safe, I'm not allowing him to watch any NASCAR!!! :love:

10-15-2012, 03:54 PM
Since Sydney is no longer on hand to play his pipes, except with the Angelic Chorus, Elmer has been showing some interest in learning to play. His big brother Bob is giving him lessons.

Bob is especially helpful to Elmer learning the pipes because they are both CH boys, and Bob knows all kinds of tricks for playing them when your balance is not all there.

10-16-2012, 02:03 PM
Groucho, I would definitely bring your sunglasses. We are supposed to have a few lovely autumn days this week and next. Princess Chelsea and Sophie, there is some new shopping in Chicago. A Topshop opened on Michigan Avenue and it is very popular. A Target has opened in the old Carson Pirie Scott location on State Street and they have kept the front of the building with the interesting architecture. A Burlington factory store just opened on State Street too.

I asked Cassie to please have the pilots make a quick stop here before the game, so I can do the litter pans and be sure they have plenty of fresh water. I know they will have more than enough food!

10-20-2012, 08:28 PM
I heard from Cassie. The Catmobile will be arriving tomorrow. They will make a quick stop with me for litter pan checks and fresh water. they have not yet decided if they will go to the zoo tomorrow or a museum. The weather is going to be nice, so I hope they will get to be outdoors at least part of the day. Then Monday evening the pipers and dancer are to be part of the pre-game show AND perform the National Anthem! From the pre-game show, they will be escorted to their V.I.P. (very important Purr-ers) seating at Soldier Field. They are doing fine!

Cassie Cat and Elyse

10-21-2012, 01:17 PM
The Catmobile was parked out front when I got home from church. I heard a lot of "murps" and purring. The litter pans were okay and I made sure they have fresh water. They are heading to the zoo today to visit their big cat relatives because it is a nice October day. They might come back here later to do some tailgating and have a quick rehearsal for tomorrow. I have a couple of errands to run but cassie knows what to do if I'm not here.

Edwina's Secretary
10-21-2012, 02:05 PM
The Es wonder if the Catmobile could swing by their old neighborhood on the northside? Perhaps visit Shirley the Squirrel? They get particularly homesick in the fall....

10-24-2012, 04:44 PM
The Catmobile is going to bring Edwina and Eddie for a visit to their former neighborhood! Cassie is excited because she likes city tours! It is a beautiful day to visit Chicago today, sunny and warm with highs in the 70s.

Also -- she heard some of the young'uns discussing whether they could have the Catmobile go to San Francisco for baseball with a quick stop at Frankie's house to drop off his football gear and pick up his baseball glove ;) but I don't know how that worked out.

10-24-2012, 06:31 PM
The Catmobile zoomed through here earlier today. They stopped long enough to have pizza with us. Frankie grabbed his baseball gear and, after I reminded my gang they must be home before Halloween, off they went. Frankie is very excited at the thought of meeting Shirley, the E's friendly squirrel. :love:

Edwina's Secretary
10-24-2012, 09:53 PM
Shirley is so excited! http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg23/EdwinaandEddie/shirleyclose.jpg

10-26-2012, 02:06 PM
Shirley is so excited! http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg23/EdwinaandEddie/shirleyclose.jpg

I have a feeling Frankie will be quite enchanted with Shirley!!! :love:

10-28-2012, 01:20 PM
Text from Cassie from while I was at church...

Hi Meowm
We are at the World Series
And you aren't, ha haa
Frankie almost got a foul ball; I think he might have caught it but I was using the litter pan when it happened. I missed it!
The pipers and dancer were invited for tonight's Seventh Inning Stretch, so we are staying for one more game.
The lady kitties are going to do a little shopping before the game. The pipers and dancer have to be at the stadium early to warm up.
I know I have to be home by Tuesday evening. You don't have to say it again.

10-28-2012, 03:34 PM
All kitties who live on the east coast, you need to get home ASAP! A huge storm is coming that will have lots of rain and very heavy wind. The weathermen on the news are saying this is a very dangerous storm. The very careful Catmobile driver is checking the Catmobile now and watching the Weather Channel to stay on top of things. So, get everything together and be ready to leave when the driver calls you. Any kitty that can't get home is welcome to stay at our place where you'll be safe, warm, and fed.

10-28-2012, 05:34 PM
My kids you need to head home too. It's so close to Halloween I want you here where I can keep an eye on you. Don't 'aw ma' me!!! There will be other trips later. :love:

Pinot's Mom
10-28-2012, 09:03 PM
Message from Pinot's Catberry:

Mom, we're on the way - want to beat the storm. Don't worry, everyone to be home and comfy by 2am.


10-28-2012, 09:39 PM
Message from Pinot's Catberry:

Mom, we're on the way - want to beat the storm. Don't worry, everyone to be home and comfy by 2am.


Hi and thank you for the update, Pinot. Glad to know you all will be home and tucked in before things really start to get bad here. :love:

10-29-2012, 12:31 AM
It's 12:30am here. The catmobile is making great time. They just dropped my bunch off and are on the way to deliver more cat kids home after they had a short rest and some snacks. I refilled their thermos jugs with hot milk and cocoa and catnip tea and sent some sandwiches with them. :love: