View Full Version : is this dog being mistreated???

11-23-2002, 01:08 PM
Let me start by explaining where I live. There are about 10 2 story buildings in our complex, with 8 apartments in each one. We live on the top floor, and we have a cement balcony with a 3 or 4 foot railing around it. During the fall summer and fall months, we left Kito out there sometimes while we were out--with a crate for shade, a water bowl full of ice cubes and water, toys and we put up a tarp so it would be shady on that side--he always laid in the sun, but.... Now that it has gotten colder, he likes to go out there sometimes for a few minutes, but comes back in--he has a very thick coat, so he's fine for a little while. He's also small, so I know he can't jump the railing, even when there are bunnies or Max the Bichon (who he hates), he just barks and jumps up a little.
Anyway, in another building, there is a beautiful husky. She is very tall and gorgeous. Her owner leaves her out there ALL DAY while he is at work, and last night she was out there from around 5:30 until at least midnight, that's the last time we were outside. She has an igloo dog house out there, and for all I know she could have a heated bed inside, but she is always out. She is VERY well behaved, the only time I have even seen her jump is when we walked by with our 2 dogs and the bulldog who lives below her started barking like crazy at ours, and she jumped up a little, but never made a sound. I know she is tall enough to scale the railing, but too smart to do it, knowing she would hurt herself if she were to fall. But is she ok being left outside in the cold that long all the time--it's been around 0 here with the wind chill. I know huskies are cold weather dogs, but it just seems unfair to me.

Any opinions????

11-23-2002, 03:03 PM
Honestly, I think she's ok, expecially if she has a dog house, but that's just my opinion:)

11-23-2002, 03:49 PM
If the dog has protection from the wind etc. I would think he would be fine.

11-23-2002, 04:20 PM
I hesitated to answer this at first, because though my gut instinct wants dogs in the house most of the time, I have known huskies who wanted to be OUT! So perhaps she is okay, outside when he's not home, but inside with him when he is ...

I guess it would vary dog to dog, but if she has shelter and food, and we KNOW she's got that dense Husky coat ... maybe she's okay. Certainly she can be warm enough with the iglooo and her own insulation and warmth ...

11-23-2002, 04:36 PM
If the owner spends time with her when he is home and she gets lots of exercise, she's probably ok. Personally, I can't imagine keeping a husky in an apartment. Mine have over an acre fenced off and I still think it isn't enough! But I know it can be done with alot of work. It sounds like this dog is well fed and sheltered. Several my huskies absolutely will not come in when it's cold out--I live in the far north and -40C is not unusual. They LOVE it!! Cold -wise I don't worry about them. They have shelter from the wind and rain if they choose to use it--usually they don't. Doghouses are for standing on and leaping off of during games of chase! LOL

Bless you for caring about this husky! It could turn into a bad situation, but for now I think she's ok.

11-23-2002, 06:37 PM
I don't think an apartment balcony is any kind of life for a Husky. It would break my heart if these were my neighbors and I had to see this. I would do my best to put a stop to it. Sometimes I go introduce myself to people and try to educate them in a nice way and hopefully they get the picture. It just breaks my heart to think of the poor dog sitting alone on a balcony all the time... awful :(

11-23-2002, 06:51 PM
Aly, I took that the dog was only outside while they were gone/work? Would a balcony not be better than inside all day?? I don't know.:confused:

11-23-2002, 07:08 PM
It's just my opinion, but I don't think ANY dog should be
left outside on a balcony for any length of time without
their people being home to watch them.Certainly not all
day or night and nobody home. Dogs should be inside
THEIR homes & exercised before and after people leave
them to go to work or whatever. I would be a nervous
wreck just thinking about my dog being left in such a place.

As I've said, that's just my opinion.:)

11-23-2002, 07:21 PM
I agree with Liz, a balcony is no place to leave a dog unattended.

11-23-2002, 09:15 PM
Not only is it such a small space, its also very dangerous. Who's to say something will never tempt the dog enough to jump over the balcony? Look at our sweet Graham boy,,, he got spooked enough to go over :(

I hate to see dogs on apartment balconies. In fact, a dog adopted from us at work was just found at the intersection of two MAJOR highways running around. He had escaped after being left on an apartment balcony. Needless to say, those people didn't get him back.

11-23-2002, 09:21 PM
I can't actually use the word abuse, because I can't know all the circumstances. But I do think it is wrong. It is small, she is chained and even if she likes the cold, she is alone for long periods of time.It is just not right to not include a pet in your life as part of the family. Why would you have a dog and then keep it like this???

11-23-2002, 09:41 PM
Is the husky chained? I'd hate to see her chained, even if it did prevent her from jumping over. The people who used to live behind us, chained their dog out in the back yard once [because she used to jump the fence when there was a thunder storm] Well ... it stormed... and she still jumped that fence... but since she was chained.. she hung herself. I'd rather the dog have a broken leg or somthing then having it dead, otherwise she seems ok....if the owner takes her out when he gets home and gives her exercize.

11-23-2002, 10:02 PM
I guess I wasn't thinking of the balcony/height -- that would be danger! I would be afraid to leave a dog out on the balcony alone. Bet its nice though for people who live in apt/condo that they can sit outside when they are home with their dog.

11-24-2002, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by Glacier
Doghouses are for standing on and leaping off of during games of chase! LOL

Yep, isn't it the truth:rolleyes: (not a very good pic, but you get the gist!)

11-25-2002, 12:09 AM
I think that is wrong. A balcony is no place for any dog unsupervied. The dog should be in the house, IMO.

11-25-2002, 11:53 AM
Being the owner of a Husky who will literally run from me when I try to bring him inside, I have to say that I don't see a problem with a dog being outside for long periods of time, as long as they want to be there. The problem I see here is the fact that this dog is kept outside on a second floor balcony. Knowing the prey drive that a Husky has, I feel it's only a matter of time until this dog sees something very interesting down below and will jump after it. When my Husky (Dakota) does want in, he will only come in for half hour max and he wants right back out. He usually comes in, visits with everybody, gets his lovin from all of us, then runs right back to the door to go outside. And I don't live far from you at all.
Dakota also has a dog house that he has never been in. :rolleyes: He'd rather curl up under the porch. He has a nice sized hole dug under there just for him.

So my opinion is that I don't see a problem with the length of time as long as he/she wants to be out there. I do see a problem with him/her being on the balcony. Again, this is just my opinion. It doesn't make it right or wrong, it's just mine.

11-25-2002, 01:04 PM
I agree with Steno, that as long as the dog is fine and happy to be in such a small space for such long periods of time...then it might be ok.
Personally, I wouldn't have that type of dog if I lived in an apartment, unless I was home enough to give it the amount of exercise it needs. I want a dog. I've wanted one for a long time and I even have a decent sized fenced-in back yard, but I don't even have a dog yet because I feel I'm not home enough, and I really don't think it would be fair to leave a dog in the backyard for 10 hours a day. An apartment is even less appropriate. A balcony is worse than a backyard in that it's tiny...not enough room for exercise(unless of course it's a small dog) and it can be dangerous. Actually, I'm surprised that the dog is so well behaved because those kinds of dogs typically get bored when left alone and they needs lots of exercise. But, if the dog seems happy, there's really nothing to worry about, even though I don't agree with the dog being left on the balcony.

11-25-2002, 07:46 PM
It's not that a dog is left OUTSIDE that's a problem. It's
having a dog left OUTSIDE & on a BALCONY that's a problem
in the making. I had to practically get on my knees and beg
my dog Buddy to come inside at bedtime in colder weather.
He loved it outside. Most Shep/Huskies do, but not all day
alone in a yard, and not on a balcony. Once a dog is over the
chewing everything in sight phase, it should consider a spot
inside the house as his home,whether we're there or not.

P.S. to Wolflady,

Purdue beat I.U. 42 to 10 and took the "Ole Oaken Bucket"
back to Lafayette. YEA Boilers !!!