View Full Version : Meet Baby Boo! CUTENESS ALERT! Little Orphan Annie too!

10-12-2012, 11:43 PM

Boo was found on a busy street corner early in the morning on October 12th. She was taken to a local vet. and treated for ear mites and worms. Otherwise she is very healthy. She is approximately 8 weeks old, and weighs 2 pounds, one ounce. She stayed at the Vet's office today while I was at work, and I had them give her first shots to her to get her vaccinations started. I brought her home with me tonight. She got a bath immediately upon coming home, then ate, used the litter box, and settled into some serious exploring and PLAYING! She is getting along well with her four brothers......Shadow, Spook, Kingston and Casper.......and three sisters......Little Orphan Annie, Dottie and Sammie. She looks a LOT like Casper did when I brought him home a year ago.......





10-12-2012, 11:54 PM
Boo is ADORABLE!!! What a sweetie pie! Give her hugs and kisses from me.:love:

10-13-2012, 12:01 AM
Awwwwww!!! Definitely adorable. What a cute name too.

10-13-2012, 01:26 AM
Oh my goodness, what a cutie! Hi, Baby Boo!

10-13-2012, 05:23 AM
Aww, Boo's a sweetie!:love:

10-13-2012, 06:12 AM
Awwwww! What a sweet, darling little mite!


10-13-2012, 07:44 AM
She looks so comfortable already. good fit. Cute names. I like the themes.

10-13-2012, 09:34 AM
A Big MEEEOW from My Empess Josephine the daredevil to Little Baby Boo, and Little Orphan Annie and I pray that you are as happy in your new FurrEve Home as all of we Second Chance Cats are in our Pet Talker abodes.
You are so Uber Cute Baby Boo:love::love::love:

10-13-2012, 09:58 AM
How SWEET! Welcome, baby Boo! Do I see some flamepoint kind of colouring in your tail?

Welcome to the best home ever, a Pet Talk home! How wonderful that your fursibs accept you already. :love::love::love:

10-13-2012, 11:11 AM
What an adorable baby!!! I am in danger of melting just from seeing all that cuteness in one kitty. Please give her an ear skritch from me. :love:

10-13-2012, 01:17 PM
Oh My Goodness! Are you cute or what?! Boo, I'm sure you're going to have a wonderful home.

10-13-2012, 01:42 PM
Peach points, orange tail, just like her older brother Casper! They look SO much alike, and I think I brought him home on October 12th LAST year, if I remember correctly.............As far as I know they aren't biologically related, but they sure look a lot alike! So now I have Boo and Casper, both white with peach points, and Spook my little one-eyed black cat, as the three cats who each came to live with me in the month of October when they were babies. Spook is five years old this year. Casper turned one in June, and Boo is just 8 weeks old. Then there is Shadow, Little Orphan Annie, Dottie, S.A.M. ("Sammie") and Kingston.

Little Orphan Annie was the tiny kitten whose plight led me to this site about 7 or 8 years ago now. I attribute her life to the prayers and advice I received from so many people on here. She continues to thrive, and is a beautiful calico girl, gentle, always the first to really welcome her new siblings whenever I happen to bring another one home......... She LOVES to put things in her water bowl....toys, food, socks that Dottie steals and brings to her, underwear, etc., etc., etc......

Shadow is my 21-pound black cat, a really gentle giant. He is such a "lover boy"! He also LOVES to come crashing through my Sunday newspaper when I sit in my recliner and try to read it on Sundays. It never fails.....

Dottie is "Naughty Dottie" and she is VERY possessive of me. When I'm home, she has to be in my lap, or laying beside me on the couch or in bed. She also likes to steal things, like socks, underwear, blankets, towels, washcloths.........

"S.A.M." stands for "Socks And Mittens" because she is a tuxedo kitty with white feet. We couldn't decide whether to call her "Socks" or "Mittens" so we combined it into initials and call her "Sammie". She is very quiet, never says a word.......

Kingston was found under a car where I work after riding in the engine compartment from the Kingston Estates neighborhood where he lived. He's a big, gentle boy who likes to talk a LOT.

Spook.......well, there's only ONE Spook.....what can I say.......he's an ornery little shit and he eats shoe strings (he thinks they're CHEW strings), plastic, anything he isn't supposed to get into......he sucks on my ear lobe at night thus earning the title "mother sucker" from my son. I someone is sitting on the toilet with their pants down to their knees, he'll jump into their pants........he attacks the toilet paper and unrolls it any time he gets a chance. He gets into the trash can, often knocking it over.......He only weighs 8 pounds full-grown but he'll tackle Shadow if he feels like it.......He's constantly trying to get outside, he relaxes like a rag doll when held........he's one of a kind!

Casper has been really good about accepting Boo.....being the youngest until now, he's the only one of my babies who hasn't had to experience having a younger baby brought into the house......but he's been the least "hissy" of any of the rest of them with Boo......

And Boo, well, she's already got the run of the house. I'll try to take more pictures and post more information about her on here and catch up on a lot of other Pet Talk families and babies in the coming days and weeks......I don't get on here as often any more as I once did........but never forget, and especially whenever a new baby comes into my life I HAVE to get back on here and share her with Pet Talk!

10-13-2012, 05:42 PM
Boo is adorable and it sounds like she'll fit right in with your other cats.:) I adopted 5 cats this year, 2 buffs, and 3 orangies although one is more red than orange. I'm glad that your females accept newbies because my two don't.:( I look forward to seeing more and hearing more about baby Boo.:D

10-13-2012, 10:21 PM
Great news for wee Boo! SO very adorable!!