View Full Version : My girls-pics & video

10-09-2012, 06:42 PM
Tues, Oct 9 2012
Here's some photos of my girls + a video of Sissy & LilGirl with mums. In the first photo, you'll see Sissy and LilGirl lying near each other on the couch--unusual. I grabbed the camera before they moved LOL. Outside: it's beginning to look a little bit like fall. Then I got a good pic of sweet Annie.


10-09-2012, 10:08 PM
Very nice pictures and your flowers are lovely. It is a beautiful time of year, isn't it.

10-11-2012, 12:28 PM
Nice pictures and video.:) I think that your girls really do enjoy each others company.;)

10-11-2012, 04:12 PM
What a gorgeous pic of Annie! MWAH! I love her, she is so calm and laid back ALL the time.

And on the sofa, LilGirl may be sleeping by Sissy keeps her eye on MOMMY!!!

The mums in your garden are pretty -- around here they have died off and we have a freeze advisory for tonight.

I watched the vid, so nice to see the little ones.

Now Kay. Sissy was leaving, you called her back and she CAME!! What did she get? You MUST reward her when she listens: treats, praise, jumping around, SOMETHING!!!! Recalls in particular, that could save her life one day. You don't want her to start ignoring you! That is what happens if you don't constantly reinforce.

Riley is in Basic Manners class just now, so I am getting all "MY" training for the 6th time, he heee.

10-11-2012, 06:31 PM
Yay, yay for Sissy and Lil Girl near one another on the sofa! And hello, beautiful Annie! Kisses all around! Your garden is lovely at this wonderful time of the year, too!

10-13-2012, 05:57 PM
Cute pictures of the girls. Sissy looks as if she is a little more "civilized" around LilGirl now.LOL:D
Your flowers are beautiful. Lovely fall pictures. :)

10-14-2012, 05:20 PM
Thanks everybody for your comments. Yes, the girls are getting along better after 6 months together. Sometimes though I'll be in the kitchen and all I hear are them barking and arguing LOL. I guess Sissy touched LilGirl. Anyway they are getting better but we arent there yet.

oh, yes, Freedom/Sandie, more than likely I gave Sissy a cherrio/cookie off camera. I have cherrios in my pockets 99.99% of the time... I dont leave the house without 'em. I'll keep what you said in mind about rewards for obeying commands.