View Full Version : Questions on dealing with no kill shelters

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-09-2012, 11:35 AM
Now that Jackie is an only cat, it's time to start looking for a friend for him. I got Jackie from a kill shelter thinking he was in more dire straits than a cat in a no kill shelter. Generally kitties in no kill shelters aren't under a time frame for euthanasia like kill shelter kitties are.

However, this time I feel I need to know more about the cat before bringing it home. With Jackie being blind, I need a kitty that is a real sweetheart and doesn't have a problem with Jackie bumping into her on occasion. When he accidentally bumped into Robin, she got all bent out of shape and hissed and swatted at him - not knowing what was coming next, he generally cowered, and even though Robin was a total daddy's girl, Terry got really upset when Jackie cowered. Therefore, there will be no tolerance of a new kitty being mean to Jackie - thus my need to know more about them before bringing them home.

I've been on petfinder.com and there are a few ladies I'm interested in, but we're not quite ready to adopt yet since we're not "home" yet and a few other various reasons. So my question is, is it ok to send inquiries about the girls I'm interested in or should I wait so I don't get anybody's hopes up unnecessarily?

Robin kind of just "fell into our lap" after Peanut died, so Terry kind of wants to see if that will happen again, but I guess I'm a little more impatient.......it's so quiet around here......

Anyway, let me know what you all think - do I inquire or do I wait? It should only be a week or two more before we're ready for a new personality. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-09-2012, 11:38 AM
Two of the sweeties that caught my attention.



10-09-2012, 11:56 AM
Awww, maybe you should enquire, and after all, adopting from a no-kill shelter opens up a spot for another kitty to be saved from a kill shelter! I would correspond with the people, and ask if the cat gets along with others, and explain Jackie's blindness, and they may be able to help you find a right kitty for your situation if the one you are looking at wouldn't be a good match. And of course, seeing if the two cats could :meet' at all might be good.

10-09-2012, 01:41 PM
Karen makes good points. Why not start the conversation and explain about Jackie's needs and personality? Their foster families could be on the lookout for the right fit and then you could have a visit so they can meet to see how it goes.

Awww, maybe you should enquire, and after all, adopting from a no-kill shelter opens up a spot for another kitty to be saved from a kill shelter! I would correspond with the people, and ask if the cat gets along with others, and explain Jackie's blindness, and they may be able to help you find a right kitty for your situation if the one you are looking at wouldn't be a good match. And of course, seeing if the two cats could :meet' at all might be good.

10-09-2012, 02:34 PM
Go ahead and ask. It is normal to receive inquiries and in this case, totally understandable!

Reading those 2, April Rose sounds a good match.

10-09-2012, 03:02 PM
I was so sorry to hear about Robin. :love:

Only advise I can give is for sure see if the cats could meet before adoption. An older grown up cat might be less apt to want to play and jump out and startle Jackie. My cat Grandma has gone blind and she gets upset even by my voice so I keep her in my bedroom so she can have peace and quiet. Of course she is a real oldster now at 17 or 18. She does not seem to miss being with other cats. :love:

10-09-2012, 04:05 PM
I think it is standard for no-kill shelters to have as part of their adoption agreements that, in case the adoption does not work out, the adoptee is to be returned to the shelter. And they work hard with the potential adopters to determine the cat(s) that would be good matches for the adopter and his or her present cat(s).

10-09-2012, 06:56 PM
I think ANY cat needing a home would make sense. I know that some shelters do kill unwanted cats and they will continue whether you adopt one or not. I think your having such unusual living circumstances with a blind cat your first concern should be compatibility. Apricot Rose sounds really sweet...hint, hint. I would put a bid in. She is so pretty, a good age, and if they are being honest, a perfect cat friend for your cat that is blind.

You have had your share of cats passing on and I hope it slows down a bit. I went through that one year and it nearly broke my heart.

Let us know what you decide. I love little Ms. Rose.:):):D:D

10-09-2012, 08:02 PM
You will still be saving a cat from a shelter to give it a better life with you, that is the important thing.
I agree with Sas, I think that Ms Rose would be a good match, she is an orange female which isn't that common and she is a pretty & fluffy lady like your Robin and Peanut were. It sounds like she is a total lovebug too which I think you and Terry and Jack would all enjoy having her around.
Not too sure about the name Apricot, I do like the Rose part or you could call her Rosie.
I do think you should ask about her and see if the shelter thinks your home would be the right one for her.
(I think she looks like a great match but you all need to meet her first and see how she gets along with Jack.)

Edwina's Secretary
10-09-2012, 11:09 PM
I like Miss Apricot and I like her name! It is purrfect for a pretty orange girl!

10-10-2012, 07:54 AM
I have 6 blind/limited vision cats, so I have had some of the same questions you have. Over the years I have found that it is easier to adopt a cat with similar abilities, i.e. I adopted 3 blind cats that were all around the same age. My logic at the time was because they were all relatively young then, no one cat would have "superior" abilities. So they all grew up together and do just fine.

10-11-2012, 02:04 AM
I'm glad to hear that you're aleady wanting to adopt another kitty.:) I don't think that it's too soon to inquire about one or two. Out of the two the you posted about, I also think that Apricot Rose would be the best match. You usually can't go wrong with adopting an orangie.;) I hope that whoever you decide to adopt will get along great with Cracker Jack. Good luck.:)

10-13-2012, 04:22 PM
I know how you feel. After Tigris passed we wanted to leave Filou alone as he was seriously ill and we did not want to put him under more stress. But after Filou passed we only waited for a week... It was just too sad in the house. So I would recommed another boy kitty. I feel the ladies are the bossier ones and a young boy might be a better fit for CJ... However I wish you good luck and it is totally right to ask all theae questions. You may want to fond as much as you can about those babies.

10-13-2012, 05:28 PM
I like Apricot Rose, too. I think a visit to the shelter might be in order. See the cats in their home base. Also do make inquiries; I think they want their potential adopters to ask questions.

Female cats are bossy, but check her out with other cats first.

Good Luck with your decision.

10-13-2012, 05:32 PM
I also agree that male cats seem to do better in multiple cat homes. Both of my females are very bossy and territorial and they only accept Sky now. They won't accept any of their younger brothers.:( I would recommend another orange male because they tend to be very laid back and easy going. Good luck.:)

10-13-2012, 05:47 PM
I really think you should go meet Apricot Rose.
They posted some new photos of her on the link you posted at the beginning of this thread and she is so cute snuggled up on a bed with a bunch of stuffed animals!:D
It also says she really loves people and really wants to live with another cat, I think she would be a very loving cat to add to your family.:love:

10-14-2012, 09:23 AM
I tend to agree about female cats being bossy, at best. BUT, my Lucy is about as laid back as any one cat can be. She isn't bothered by anything or anyone. There are exceptions to the rule, of course. I hope Apricot Rose might be that exception. I just fell in love with her immediately. Of course, your heart will guide you through this event. Good luck. ;)

10-14-2012, 10:28 AM
I also agree that male cats seem to do better in multiple cat homes. Both of my females are very bossy and territorial and they only accept Sky now. They won't accept any of their younger brothers.:( I would recommend another orange male because they tend to be very laid back and easy going. Good luck.:)

Unless your name is Sam, then you are a bossy, only cat, orange cat that likes humans only. Bob is a laid back orange cat. Jane likes and plays with my males. She's bossy only with the other females. Interesting.

So keep our observations in mind, but visit Apricot Rose and observe how she interacts with the shelter cats. That should tell you the most.

Good luck :D