View Full Version : News On Fister

Edwina's Secretary
11-22-2002, 10:40 AM
...is in Cat General by Sirocco....and it is good. Hurrah!!!!

11-22-2002, 11:22 AM
I'll post news about Fister tomorrow after we've got him home! I think we can get him between 10-12.

Thanks Sara for your help! :) :D

11-22-2002, 12:11 PM
Fister will be home soon. Good News indeed!!!:D

11-22-2002, 06:38 PM
i cant wait to hear the "home report"!!!!

11-22-2002, 07:21 PM
Itīs good to know that Fister will be at home very soon now - heīs been very missed by his humans, and I bet heīll be really glad to meet them again!!! :)

Waiting for the update... ;)


11-23-2002, 06:20 AM
Oh Fister boy , I am so much looking forward to good news about you ...! tell your mommy to post some as soon as possible hey ! Kissies from all of us here !!

11-23-2002, 07:12 AM
Thanks everyone for your concern! :)

We've been to fetch Fister from the pension! :D The vetenary nurse who is running the pension told us that he came over there on sunday and everything went well. He did look rather depressed when we came to get him, though. He was complaining and trying to tear the box apart on the way home in the car, but as soon as we were in the flat, he had to go around and check everything out and open all the cupboard doors! :eek: He seems to have got used to the cone he's wearing and can jump up and down from the window sills. He's favourite place the first hour was in the kitchen window, where he can look down in "his" yard and see birds and occasionally other cats.

He's having problems washing himself, but is trying his best and he can nearly reach his behind where the stitches are - so he LOVES to be brushed and scratched everywhere! - and of course we do! ;)

We were thinking of blocking the space under the bedroom cupboard, as he had problems getting under, but he managed to get in a while later. :rolleyes:

We've been taking some pics, but need to get them on the computer - so we'll post some later today!

11-23-2002, 12:19 PM
Fister so glad you are home all safe and sound young man!!! We were all concerned about you. Hopefully your cone will come off soon and you can get back to being your sweet self. Psst... if a unexpected box should show up; be very afraid. Bootz is still trying to unload his now over-ripe clam juice.:D

11-23-2002, 01:16 PM
Here are the first pictures of Fisters homecoming:

The first thing he had to do was to see
what was going on in his backyard.

Then he went to sit on his chair,
not looking at all happy with that cone on!

He was definately tired (like us) and glad to
have a nap as soon as he realized that he
was back in safety.

But he was soon dying for a cuddle session
- and got it!

He's now in the bed and is giving us headbumpies and laying on Johns stomach again - even though it's rather difficult with the cone on!

After a short trip under the wardrobe, he found he couldn't get out and miawed for assistance. We've blocked it off for now, don't want to have to rescue him in the middle of the night.

11-23-2002, 01:25 PM
Welcome home, sweetie! Dare I say it, you look so adorable in, and tolerant of, your headpiece!!:) I understand your Mommy and Daddy are tending to your every need! It's HARD getting to those itchy spots when you're wearing a lampshade!! Love and hugs to you dear Fister! It's SO good to know you're home, safe and sound!! Love, Sandra, Mr. B and Oliver!:)

Edwina's Secretary
11-23-2002, 01:27 PM
Welcome home conehead man!

Back to all the familiar smells and sights. Good isn't it?

Enjoy your cuddles Mr. Fister! You earned them......

11-23-2002, 01:31 PM
Welcome home, Fister! Hope you don't have to endure your royal collar for long ...

11-23-2002, 02:25 PM
Randi and John,

Miley got rid of one of her collars this summer and I have still yet to find it. It must have come off in the back/bottom of a closet and I will need to empty the entire closet to find it. She must have wedged her furry head between something and then backed out of it. Ouch. So I had to buy her a new one! Keep checking to make sure it is on securely.

How are Fister's litter box experiences? Is everything normal? Does it "look funny"? Maybe we should change his name to Fisterette?

He looks just fine and happy to spite the collar. I suspect that since you elected to have the surgery when he was healthy, it made it easier on him. Nothing any worse than curing two things at once. Good decision!

I trust you will recover from your vacation and will be planning the next one soon! That's a good habit to have!

Welcome home!;)

11-23-2002, 03:05 PM
Fister Fister Fister - boy is everyone around here happy to hear that you are home, recovering and happy (well, as happy as you can be with a lampshade on your head).

I am really happy that the news is so good and that you can once again get all of the undivided attention you deserve.

Welcome Home, sweet Fister!

11-23-2002, 03:18 PM
Oh, Fister...it was probably harder on all of us then it was on you! Or, at least I hope that is the case. We missed you dearly, along with Randi and John, and hope for a speedy recovery. My girlfriend's cat, Watson, had the Sir Jury, too, and he is a happy healthy boy again!!!

May you all three settle in to the familiar routine that says home to you, post lots of pictures, and get tons and tons of love!


11-23-2002, 05:00 PM
Welcome back home Fister Man - love the new design in furkid hats! You look gorgeous!! Don't you be worrying that beautiful little head of yours - the lampshade will soon be off and you'll
be back to normal!


11-23-2002, 06:27 PM
is in the air, now that fister is home.....great to see the pictures of "how he is doing"......keep up w/updates.....we care!!!

11-24-2002, 05:29 AM
Fister, it's all fine now. You are back home, your people are there too and your cone will soon be gone. Everyone will give you a good time now. Enjoy!

11-24-2002, 08:59 AM

You make my day , sweetie !! Seeing with that cone on , it is unusual for you , but to tell the truth : IT DOESN'T LOOK BAD AT ALL !!!! is the plumbing working okay now , Randi (Fister's of course ...) ? The poor guy must be so happy now that he realises he is back in safety !!!
Take care my favorite PT-cat !!!:D