View Full Version : Well, we got some of the white stuff!

11-22-2002, 08:46 AM
Yuck:p It snowed last night! I know, I know, alot of you like it, that's why I thought I'd show you a few pics I took:)
This one is when it first started snowing (around 4am)
And this one is only about 4 hours later! Guess we got a little snow, hu?:rolleyes:
This is really the first time we had any snow accumulation since we've had Roxey, I think her & Honey liked it! They just kept running around the pool:D

11-22-2002, 08:50 AM
And just in time, Angus got a new heated bed! Not exactly what I was wanting, but he seems to like it:)
We just laid it on top of his other bed since it's kinda small. He's been laying there all morning:D
And they got some good stuff too (we all went to Super Pets last night) Roxey thought the treats were only for her:rolleyes:
They all had a great time, and so did we!

11-22-2002, 08:58 AM
LOL! Great pics Anna! Guess you got all that snow they thought we were going to get.

We were forecasted to get 2 to 4 inches last night and we barely got a dusting of snow.

Love the pics of the girls running around the pool.


11-22-2002, 09:27 AM
Awesome pictures!

11-22-2002, 09:28 AM
Great pictures!! It doesn't snow that much here in GA but when it does, Drake loves it!!

11-22-2002, 09:51 AM
Anna - terrific pictures! My Bella just adores snow and it looks like your two are having a great time too! Isn't it funny that dogs can play and play in the snow and their teeth never chatter like us humans when we get chilled to the bone! :D Right now we are getting rain instead of the white stuff you got. Bella is having a hard time understanding why. :D

As usual Angus is just too cute in his new heated bed. He is just a big adorable lovable guy. I am so happy he is toasty warm.

11-22-2002, 11:59 AM
What great pictures!! We are getting some of that white stuff now well actually just snow flurries.

Dixieland Dancer
11-22-2002, 12:41 PM
Anna, great pictures as usual. However, I noticed a couple of things about this post.

1. What in the world were you doing up at 4 am?

2. Why are all the pictures of the dogs in the snow taken from the porch? I bet you didn't have your snow boots on did ya? LOL :)

I think I would like to be where Angus is... on the warm new bed! Lucky boy! ;)

11-22-2002, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer
Anna, great pictures as usual. However, I noticed a couple of things about this post.

1. What in the world were you doing up at 4 am?

2. Why are all the pictures of the dogs in the snow taken from the porch? I bet you didn't have your snow boots on did ya? LOL :)

I think I would like to be where Angus is... on the warm new bed! Lucky boy! ;) Candy, you make me laugh! I don't know for sure why I woke up at 4, but when I looked out I thought something was wrong with me eyes, I couldn't see outside...it was all white (duh:rolleyes: snow!)
Nope I didn't have my snow boots on, they are still in the garage with mud on them (I haven't cleaned them since we went to the Findley dog park!), and it was only 28 degrees with 28mph winds:eek:
I'd lay on the bed with Angus, but I'm not sure he's willing to share his new bed yet;)

Pam, we had rain all day yesterday, now...snow!
I don't quite get why we can't just be outside & stay as warm as they do if we have coats on;)

11-22-2002, 01:02 PM
I want snow! Lots of it! Well actually just enough to set the snow hook on my dogsled will do. I am so sick of running dogs on the ATV--it's noisy, scares my timid guys half to death and it's not nearly as much fun!! I live in the far north, there should be tons of snow by now, but there's about an inch!!! Pout, Pout, Pout!!

Great pics btw!:)

11-22-2002, 01:15 PM
Awww;) ;) Those are great pictures!!!The girls are obviously enjoying the snow :) while their "little" brother Angus is enjoying his new bed :D :D I really like the look on Angus face :) He looks so gentle .... Does he mind being hugged?


11-22-2002, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer
Anna, great pictures as usual. However, I noticed a couple of things about this post.

1. What in the world were you doing up at 4 am?

lol, i was going to ask the exact same question :eek: 4 am? are you crazy? ;)
happy your dogs are enjoying the snow. i wish i had a heated bed..;)

11-22-2002, 02:17 PM
I hate you people and you're white stuff :D I'm 21 and still haven't seen it, and you're showing pictures of your dogs playing in it. I need to go find some snow and have someone take pictures of me rolling around in it so I can post it.:D :D

11-22-2002, 03:53 PM
I saw it at 4am too! The girls must have known, cuase they wanted to go out...and since I have been home from work they haven't wanted to come in, even to eat!

Great pics! looks like the dogs are loving it!

Dakota's Mommy
11-22-2002, 03:59 PM
Oh, what cute pics! As much as I hated snow when I was there, now I kinda miss it! I wish I could see my girls in snow, but one day!

11-22-2002, 04:03 PM
LUCKY!!!! I WANT SNOW!!!!!:mad: :) Living on a small island in New York isn't gunna get me much snow. I want snow!!! I can't stand the heat! Other people think it is really cold already but I still use my air conditioner. I guess I was just made for the snow. :) Angus, you lucky dog! You all looked like you were having fun!;)

11-22-2002, 04:39 PM
Brrrrr...it looks so *cold*...but your babies are loving it! I don't blame you at all for staying on the porch keeping your tootsies dry & warm. :D Thanks for sharing pics. of your beautiful pups!

11-22-2002, 09:10 PM
There's nothing cuter than doggies playing in the fresh snow! Just look at all those cute pawprints on your porch.:)
We had snow earlier this week but now its raining and all gone but it may change back to snow overnight.

11-23-2002, 12:23 AM
Oh Anna those are great!!! I bet Roxey does love it!!! She probably thrives in this weather!!
I too when I got up I couldn't figger out what was going on either. So I went and got Keegan on the leash and opened up the door and I was like "whoa!!" as Keegan just stood there in awe!!!! She loved the snow last year and is loving it this year just as much!!! I kept taking her out to poo and she would forget what she went out for!!!
I think ours started around 2 am cause when I was going to bed around that time, it started snowing BIG HUGE flakes!!

And Angus looks adorable on his nice warm bed! I am glad you got him one and he likes it!

11-23-2002, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
I hate you people and you're white stuff :D

LOL Ditto!!
You guys who don't like it can send it down this way! ;)
The only "white stuff" we have is White Sands National Park and that's a good 3.5 - 4 hrs away! Ahhh... the joys of living in the southwest. :rolleyes:

(PS....It's Tshirt 'n shorts weather down here -- I think those of you who hate the snow, should migrate down here for a Pet Talk meeting! lol)

11-23-2002, 06:42 AM
Just love those pics Anna :) :) :) Thanks for sharing.

11-23-2002, 11:26 AM
Amy, how funny we both were up at 4am with the dogs:D I guess they just must have felt the "urge" to go out because something different was going on outside!

Staci, I bet Keegan does like it! Did she finally remember what she went out for;)

Tonya, T-shirt & shorts:eek: Give me a couple of days & I'll be right down, I think I'm living in the wrong part of the country!!

11-25-2002, 02:56 AM
Lucky!! Roxey looks like she's having a blast! lol! I'm still waiting to get a good snow here. We only had that little drift once, and haven't seen any since. Of course, the mountains are all white...but the valley is not! *pouts* Guess I'm gonna have to climb the mountains!!