View Full Version : Heidi around the house 1

09-17-2012, 01:55 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/girlrestin38.JPGHeidi resting after the walk this morning,this thread will be about Heidi's doings around the house.Heidi stayed down here when we went to church,had her bone snack after we got back,came down here with me and rested,had her supper around 2,had our an hour or so later,it was Roast Beef ,Turnip and Potatoes.The Eagles had a pre season game against Uxbridge last night,lost 4-2,regular season starts on Friday at 7 against the Port Perry Mojacks,to start defense of the league championship.Heidi missed me while I was there,she was back and forth to the gate looking to the bar room for me to come home,Mom told her I was gone,she was very happy to see me,jumping up at me and when I sat down on the couch,she gave me kisses.Today,I had three lawns to do including our own,I raked dead grass in three spots on our lawn and put fertilizer on it so it can start turning green again ,rain tomorrow morning should help with that.She was out on the patio after I done the grass,Mom gave Heidi her bone treat.Mom gone to do gift shop,Heidi having a snooze in the chair,had her supper,is snoring right now.Marlene went with Shannon today to Sick Kid's Hospital in Toronto for Samantha's annual MRI checkup on the shunt in her head,I am sure it went well.

09-18-2012, 02:23 PM
Hi, Heidi, cutie! I love how you wait for your people to return, and then greet them so happily, when they have to go somewhere :) And Barry, I hope Samantha's MRI will come back fine.

09-18-2012, 05:34 PM
I love this photo of Heidi, we can see her face and she didn't blink for the flash, ha haaa. They do that so many times, as you know. What a pretty girl.

09-18-2012, 07:30 PM

Heidi this morning resting by my chair and a little later down here under the chair,I was still in the chair when I took the first picture,held the camera a little in front of Heidi.We didn't have a walk today,it rained through the morning and into the afternoon,she had been up in my chair and got down,she looked at me and I told her it was raining and too wet so she layed down and had a rest.Heidi snoozed and rested down here,not much else to do,snore some as well ,had a chew on the red bone,had her snack at 11,was out a couple of times when it wasn't raining,will not go out and stay if it is raining.A couple of times during the day she wants up to be with Mom in her chair,she is sharing us.Heidi had her supper a little after 2,had ours about an hour or so later,we had Pea Meal Bacon and Fried Potatoes.Tonight ,had her two bones and water,asked for the second bone,was with en on the couch a bit,was wandering a lot before this she had a blitz after being outside and barking at something she heard.Right now,Heidi flopped on her side,just heard her snoring.

Scooter's Mom
09-18-2012, 08:53 PM
Heidi is so cute. :)

09-19-2012, 06:32 PM
Heidi just after I put her to bed last night.It gets near 10 and she is ready for her bed,when we get up ,she hears us and starts whining,she can't wait to get out of the cage to go and have breakfast,then she goes out and comes and she waits for me to finish breakfast and sit with me before the walk.I waited a bit before going to Marlene's to cut grass,she sat with me on the carpet then I brought her down here where she stayed while I was gone.Had her bone snack after I got back.All she does down here is snooze on the floor ,in the chair beside me or on the couch.She had chews on the red bone,had supper around 2,we corn for supper,she waits for me down here.She has to go up the odd time to spend time with Mom then it is back down here.Heidi has had 2 bones and water,we had some Pizza.Heidi needed out ,is out now,just heard her bark so will go and get her.

09-20-2012, 05:16 AM
Rainy days are the worst for dogs aren't they Heidi?

09-20-2012, 04:04 PM
Heidi last night after I put her to bed.She started bugging us to go to bed at quarter to ten,pawing at me ,sitting looking at me and standing in the middle of the rec room to ask to go,we finally decided to go up,I went and watched the rest of a Blue Jays/Yankees game,Mom went to bed.in the morning,was in a hurry to eat,went out,come back in and went to the living room and had a roll on the carpet then with me in the chair.After the walk,it was down here where she had a chew on her bone and snoozed and snore,had her snack around 11.I went an did Helen Depew's lawn a little bit after the walk,vacuumed the stairs when I got back,Mom had me hose the outdoor furniture and it is put away,cover put on the Air Conditioner and it is shut off for the year.Mom went out for Ice Cream with friends,Heidi rested down her under my chair then it was her supper,Mom and I had some Chili,she has made sandwiches for tomorrow,we are visiting Bev and Irene tomorrow,Heidi will stay here,Mom says she doesn't ride well and gets a little jumpy around people,will take my camera and show them pictures i took today and will tomorrow.

09-22-2012, 07:31 AM
Sweet dreams, Heidi cutie! You are such a good girl!

09-22-2012, 06:33 PM
Heidi snoozing beside me Thursday night.Heidi was down here on Friday morning after her walk,let her up a few minutes before we went to see The Aunties Bev and Irene.I brought her down here and they we were on our way.We got into Peterborough and they were doing road construction on the street we use to get to their place,we got so far and there was a cement barricade across the road,there no detour signs to tell us where to go.We got lost and we ended up stopping and phoning Irene,she told us to go the way we came which turned out to be wrong,we ended up in Lakefield,the next town over.We came back went the direction we should have gone and we got there okay,Bev was coming out in their car to look for us.they both are doing pretty well,Bev is using a walker,has a bad hip and is temporarily blind in one eye and they don't go out too far,maybe when Bev is is healthier.Bev's sister Stella had a fall and they had to do her shopping and running around for awhile.They have pictures in a frame of relatives and other things,one I noticed was Fritz when he a few months old and he was sitting on the end table by the phone,that got me thinking of him,next Saturday it is 2 years since he has been gone.We had Salmon,Tuna and Egg sandwiches and pickles that Mom brought and also had Tim Hortons doughnuts that they had got.Then it got to a time Irene felt Bev was getting tired and wanted us to go,so we went.Heidi was good here,Marlene had come to let her out,she had Heidi ion a leash and she did her thing,she got a bone treat I left out,had no accidents down here.after we got home,we later had french fries for supper,she had hers.i went to the Eagles home opener against Port Perry, it was good,they won 7-5 to start the year,they go to Port Perry tomorrow.I gave Heidi a snack beforeiI left,she was happy to see me after i got back,I had phoned Mom for a ride,she knew it was me,heard me speak and went towards Mom.This morning,she sat with me,it rained this morning so no walk until later today.We spent the day down here,she stayed quiet,had a snack,Mom had gone to A breakfast at a little church in Kendal,a few miles Northeast of here.We later went to the shopping center in Oshawa.Heidi had her supper at quarter to 2,we went to Dairy Queen later and Bacon Cheseburgers.Heidi had her snack tonight,been out twice and is now behind me.

09-24-2012, 07:22 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/girlrestin46.JPGHeidi cuddled beside me on Saturday night,in her cage for bed time and this morning at my foot having a snooze before we went on today's chilly walk.Heidi spent a few minutes up here before church on Sunday,had her snack when we got back,was asking for supper around 2,we had ribs for supper.She had her evening snack,spent time cuddling with me last night then on the floor,was out a few times,was at Mom's feet as well.this morning was at my feet resting then in the chair then it was the walk,she was down here all morning,had 5 lawns to do including ours ,was sitting on the couch waiting for me,this was near 1:30,had her supper near 2,had snacks tonight,she stays down here when we eat,tonight had 2 snacks,Mom had something so Heidi needed another bone,has just been out,now wandering near me,soon going to the couch.

09-25-2012, 06:23 PM
It's an awful lot of work to be so adorable but Heidi, you do it very well! :D

09-27-2012, 03:11 PM
Heidi when she went to bed Monday night and having a sunny snooze down here Wednesday morning.Tuesday night,Heidi had a blitz around here,had her 2 snacks and water,would not settle down,kept wandering around and looking up at me,wouldn't sit still long,last night was better,she seemed more content,Mom thought it was me eating Popcorn,really not sure.During the day,she will go up and be with Mom 2 or 3 times,she is sharing her time with us.This morning before the walk,she had me play fetch with the red bone,not long after went on the walk.After that,has been down her with me,being lazy,had her snack at 11,supper around 2,is now outside,sometimes she does this just to cool off .Wednesday,she for me just like Fritz did,one of the rare times she does it,just missed getting a shot of it.

09-27-2012, 10:49 PM

This is so very cute! Heidi, pictures of you sure do give me a smile :D

09-28-2012, 11:51 AM
Heidi wandering around out in the sunshine around 11 Thursday morning.She had been laying down in the gazebo enjoying the sunshine,I went and got the camera,just about to take a picture and she heard a noise and got up to bark at it,just after I took the picture.After coming in,she had her bone treat,was down here,was up to see Mom a few times,had supper around 2,had a snack around 6,had another one when Mom was having something so she looks at me to get it for her.She dia bit of wandering around again,was out three times,was at my feet,beside me on the couch and on the far end,was mad at me for something,don't know what for,she may have wanted our food,was not getting it.This morning,was in a big hurry to eat,she waits for me to eat cereal and then up in the chair and looks out then it was the walk she had.She has been down her most of today after the walk,had a bone.Mom has gone out to lunch with some friends,Heidi is her behind me snoring away.

10-02-2012, 11:41 AM
Heidi having a relaxing snooze beside me Friday night.We were later with the walk yesterday,Heidi had peed on Mom's blanket on her chair in the living room.Before this I had 3 lawns to do,Heidi was down here snoozing in the sun in front of the old stereo.After I was done grass,she was here with me downstairs,then up for supper after 2,I had 1 more lawn to do later,she had 2 snacks last night and water,stayed under my chair,Mom had a church unit meeting,before bed went to the couch and she was up there with me then down with Mom.Sat with me after breakfast,saw my Uncle putting things in the recycling boxes and her tail went,went to Mom and was with her and at my feet before the walk,I had Marlene's lawn to do,she was down here,had her snack after I got back,now on her side snoozing,Mom doing Meals on Wheels then going to lunch this afternoon with Doreen and Marlene.

10-02-2012, 08:57 PM
What a life you have Heidi!:D

10-05-2012, 09:19 AM
Heidi out enjoying the fresh air on Wednesday morning,is doing that as we speak and Wednesday evening on Mom's knee,last night had 3 bones and a drink,was out twice,cuddled up to me on the couch, on the floor at my feet and then at Mom's feet just before going to bed.Too wet for a walk ,her snack is not for another hour,Mom has to serve lunch after a funeral today.Shannon found a place in town and will be moving there on October 15th,it is on Freeland Avenue just up the street form her Mom and Dad's and basically around the corner from the school Brandyn and Samantha are going to,the are already registered to go there,Shannon has their things packed already,Marlene and Larry going to the cottage to close things up,boat will be taken away to be stored for the winter,Monday ,we are going to their place for Thanksgiving dinner,earlier that day I go to a hockey game ,Eagles playing the Bruins at 1:30.

10-07-2012, 06:14 PM
Heidi on her back Friday afternoon after her big walk,Saturday morning under Mom's chair and last night at Mom's feet just as we were getting up to go to bed.Last night,had 3 bones and a drink,after coming in,she had a blitz around the rec room to get rid of some energy,walk wasn't as long as Friday's.After this,was at my feet beside me or with Mom,I went to the computer again and she followed me,she ended up with Mom just before bed.After the walk this morning,was down here with me then up with us before church,brought her back down.Heidi had her snack after we got back.I cleaned the lawn of neighbor's leaves,she had her supper then we had ours, Pork Chops today,tomorrow Thanksgiving dinner at Marlene's.She has had two snacks tonight,had a play with the red bone,wandering around my chair now,looking for crumbs.

10-13-2012, 07:57 AM
Heidi snoozing beside Sunday night and in her bed later on and last night looking pretty after being at the groomers Thursday,got a Orange Halloween scarf with black paw prints on it,the groomer found a couple of fleas on her and she had an infection in her right ear so got Witch Hazel for that and Premise Spray to spray in the house where she has been.She stayed in the house yesterday and was down here snoozing or chewing on her red bone.Her her two snacks of bones at 11 and then around 6 in the evening then another evening snack,was out and came in and had a blitz down here and she snoozed under my chair,she is snoozing right now behind me.Mom going to the Apple Fest uptown this morning,it is a cold one her this morning,there was a frost warning her,was 27F when I got up around 7,tomorrow rain and windy all the way up to 66F.I got a new printer,the last one one wasted paper too much paper,this one took two days due to having problems getting rid of the software from the previous printer,this one is a HP Offficejet 6700 Premium,the last one was a HP Photosmart-All-In-One D110 series.

10-18-2012, 06:47 PM
Heidi after going to bed Tuesday night,earlier in the afternoon,head resting on the arm of the chair and in the afternoon sitting on the patio,she does this a few times during the day will bark and have to bring her in,at night does the same thing barks,I get her in and she comes down the stairs growling and has a blitz around the rec room.After every meal,she wants upstairs and checks out the chairs Mom and I sat in and will look for crumbs,there aren't any.Tonight,she has had her snacks,went out and barked,brought her in,has chewed on the red bone,is quiet right now,Mom gone out to a dinner for the hospital volunteers,it is their 100th Anniversary.

10-20-2012, 11:10 AM
Heidi just gone to bed on Thursday night.Friday morning, she was in the chair looking out,was too wet for a walk so we came down her and after Mom came back from getting her hair done,we went to the shopping center and Heidi stayed down here..When we came back,I gave Heidi her treats,found that she pooped down here,hadn't been on the walk as of that time,we had French Fries for lunch.cleaned the windows from the outside a WIndex spray attached to the hose ,it didn't work well,Mom will soap and water on it some time.Last night,Heidi had her treats and water,chewed on the bone,goes out then she barks and have to get her in,cuddled beside me on the couch to watch the ball game..this morning,was in the chair upstairs again,too wet for a walk,is down in a chair here sleeping,Mom had gone to a breakfast at a little church Northeast of here in Kendal,Ontario.

10-20-2012, 03:19 PM
Oh, no, Heidi! I am so sorry the groomer found fleas on you! It sounds like they were caught very early, though. And you got the yucky weather we have had over the past couple of days which led to your walk having to be cancelled :-( You enjoy your walks so much but it was maybe too wet to go. That's how it was here, wet and sloppy. We have a nice day today, sunny and mid 50's F- so I hope you have a nice day too. :love:

10-23-2012, 03:57 PM
Heidi having a relaxing snooze down here Saturday afternoon,doing that right now,after having a blitz down here after being out,was carrying the ball in the picture and dropped it and cuddling with Mom just before going to bed,she had been under my chair before this.this morning sat with me in the chair and looked out after having a roll on the carpet,no walk today,has rained all day,had her snacks at 11,supper around 2,was resting when I asked her and she got up right away,Mom was at the church helping serve refreshments after a funeral for an old friend of hers,the friend was 85.

10-26-2012, 09:02 AM
Heidi snoozing in the chair at quarter to 5 on Tuesday afternoon,having a blitz around the rec room after being outside Tuesday evening,does this once a night,looking at me on Wednesday night after a blitz and feeling the warmth of the fireplace Wednesday night,will stand with front paws on the cement hearth and then will get down and sit on the carpet and stretch her ,head feeling the warmth of the fireplace.In the evening has her snack and when we are having snacks,she wants more,we had Carrot Cake and I had Lays chips,this is her excuse to want more bones.She spends time with both of us,under my chair at the computer at Mom's feet and in the chair during the day.She went out four times last night,had 1 blitz,then has a rest and snores and snorts,plus plays with her red bone by chewing on it..She is having a rest right now under the chair,no snoring,sunny right now,but are going to be into a wet stretch starting tomorrow and into next Thursday,with the remnants of Hurricane Sandy coming here on a Tuesday with gusty winds and heavy rain.

10-26-2012, 10:32 AM
Awwww, Heidi! I see you checking out the fireplace again -- it must be fall! :love: happy Friday, sweety!

10-29-2012, 04:47 PM
Heidi snoozing at the end of the couch Saturday night in the first two pictures,Heidi sitting on the couch Sunday morning and flipped over about an hour later,she has got to like snoozing on the couch,she is on the top of the world according to Mom.Last night,she had her blitz around the coffee table,jumping the bed and brought the red bone for me to play with her,she come to me,wouldn't let me pick it up or get it out of her mouth.She had her snacks,she would have more when Mom and I did.this morning,had a roll on the carpet then up with me in the chair,had a look out,wanted to go out,told her it was wet and she laid down,she really listens to what we say to her.She has been up to see mom 2 or 3 times today,had bones around 20 after 10,supper around 2,has been out once tonight,now at Mom's feet,now walk today,wet and windy,maybe not another one until Saturday.

10-30-2012, 05:41 AM
Heidi, I think I see your paws pointing upward in this picture, sweet goofer girl! Maybe you were having a stretch :) I hope the wind and rain miss you completely so you don't have to skip your walks. I know how much you like to go for a walk.

10-30-2012, 09:43 AM
Heidi resting beside me on the couch last night.She sat with me in the chair this morning and looked outside,no walk again,rain and wind overnight and rain again today.We had a few small branches came out of the Maple Tree,the fence at Larry and Marlene's is leaning in on one spot and the lattice on top is hanging off.No one put recycling out last night,it would have blown away,all the leaves are gone off our lawn,my uncle has leaves all over his and he doesn't have a tree.Heidi pooped down here again this morning,she was out for a long time and didn't do it there,be glad when it will be dry enough to go on a walk,she is in the chair now snoozing,had been snoring,not right now.

11-01-2012, 09:02 AM
Heidi behind the couch around 10 to 4 Wednesday afternoon wanting to upstairs,she knows we have had something to eat and wants to go up and check for crumbs,other times she is wanting to see Mom and wants her to come downstairs,Heidi likes us both down here and she can be content then.She had a couple of snacks last night,went out a few times,once came back and her blitz around the coffee table,had a chew on the red bone,laid at Mom's feet and under my chair,was by Mom's chair when we went to bed last night.She was up with me this morning in the chair looking out and she saw a man walking by and her tail went,to wet for anything today,can't do leaves and can't take Heidi out,she pooped again down here this morning,if it is wet again tomorrow,may have to take her out until does what she has to.She was good last night when kids came,we had the doorbells off,didn't hear anything,she went out once during that time and heard something and barked,that was it,she is now in the chair having a rest,not much else to do,maybe getting some wet flurries tomorrow and next week.We had 10 kids,it was wet and cold,maybe some stayed in.

11-04-2012, 03:08 PM
Heidi giving me a kiss Friday morning the chair and then resting on my leg.Last night,she had her snacks,was out a few times,once she was barking,went and let her in,she came barreling down the stairs growling and then had a blitz around the rec room and then grabbed the red bone and wanted to play.After I played with her she snoozed at Mom's feet and with me before going to bed.this morning, greeted Mom after breakfast.had a roll on the carpet,chewed on the bone,was with me in the chair looking out,saw people and her tail went.After in the morning,was down here resting,had her up before church,she was hiding under the end table,wouldn't come out.,she finally did,I had forgot to take her harness off after the walk.She was waiting down here after we came back from church,had her bones,had supper at 20 after 1,time change didn't bother her,is listening to Mom,she is in the laundry room.

11-07-2012, 08:33 PM
Heidi snoozing in the sun in front of the fireplace Saturday.This morning had her sit in the chair looking outside.After the walk was down here while I was outside raking leaves from our front lawn,2 bags worth then did my Uncle's,an awful mess of leaves from our neighbors across the street then the Oak tree next to them,they don't have a tree,it took 2 hours to rake it all,too much for the lawn mower to do,he really appreciated it.While I was doing this,Heidi was in the chair looking out at me raking and her tail was going according to Mom.Mom gave her a snack at 11,she had another one from me at 20 after 1,had supper around 2.She was up with Mom a few times,checking out here we ate and before 6 was wanting her to come down.Heidi had a blitz down here tonight,had been out 3 times has had 3 more snacks of bones,now in the chair snoozing.I have had more problems with the lawn mower,height adjuster on the lawn mower broke on Saturday while doing Doreen Olinski's leaves and it sheared off a bolt where the height adjuster was bolted to.I had that fixed and is all ready to go,all this cost $25 and $15 to fix.

11-08-2012, 05:08 AM
Very nice laying by the fire Heidi. Good idea.;)

11-10-2012, 11:03 AM
Aww, Heidi! I like how you are in the sun puddle in front of the fireplace! What a cutie!

11-10-2012, 12:18 PM
Heidi snoozing on the couch last Saturday night then cuddling with Mom on the couch,snoozing on the couch Tuesday night,snoozing in the living after Wednesday morning's walk,looking out the window Thursday morning,Mom reading the Toronto Star,I was warming up after out walk then going to do Helen Depew's leaves,had trouble with the wheel again,where it was bolted to was loose,I got her leaves picked and as as far as I know,done this one for the year and last night Heidi having a nap,holding the red bone with her left paw,had a blitz before this and playing fetch with me,had her snacks,had more when we had cookies and I had Barbecue Chips,she figures we are eating so can she.No walk today,rained overnight and 43F,it is windy and feels colder than the temperature,tomorrow for our Remembrance Day,it will be sunny and 61F,with gust Southwest winds up to 30 m.p.h.Monday around the same .cooling off to 36F at night,winds gusting to 37 m.p.h.Mom at the church at their annual Bazaar,being sold is jewelry,other crafts and food including Chili which Mom will bring home some for supper tonight.

11-16-2012, 08:10 AM
Heidi sitting in front of Mom's chair late Saturday afternoon,later on snoozing in the chair and on the floor doing the same thing,is resting now in the chair after her walk today.Last night,had 3 snacks of bones,was out 3 times and on two of them came down sand had a blitz around the rec room and then wanted me to pay fetch with the red one,would tease me and not give me the bone,other times would drop it and I would throw and she would return it.on Wednesday night,had Brandyn and Samantha her after school,Shannon was getting her hair done and Marlene and Larry went out to dinner with friends,they behaved themselves,Samantha was playing games on my computer,Brandyn had his IPod,Heidi liked them,she was trying to kiss them,Brandyn sat on the little couch and Heidi right beside him.Later on,Samantha wanted to go home so Mom took them home and stayed there until Shannon came home.Tomorrow is our Santa Claus Parade,the 51st at 10:30.Brandyn and Samantha coming with their Mom,I think Larry and Marlene as well,Mom and I too,Sunny tomorrow high between 45F-48F.

11-23-2012, 11:10 AM

Hi, Heidi! Are you looking out the window before you go for a walk? Maybe you are checking to see if you need to wear your coat. The light blue blanket sets off your coat nicely! I'm glad you are keeping Mom company while she reads the newspaper.

We got a cold snap overnight. It was 60F in Chicago yesterday and today it's 35F. The wind direction changed, too. I hope the cold snap misses you!

11-23-2012, 11:28 AM
Heidi snoozing behind the couch last Thursday afternoon,peeking over the arm of the small couch Wednesday afternoon,in Mom's chair Thursday morning,snoozing in the sun in front of the TV yesterday and peeking from the small couch again yesterday.She snoozes just about anywhere,on the small couch,the chair beside,the big couch,under my chair and by mom's feet.She has her usual snacks around 11 or a little earlier,supper near 2,sometimes earlier and and in the evening,then wants more snacks when we eat,I was having corn chips last night,she wanted more of hers.This morning was on Mom's chair,Mom wanted her out,Heidi growled at her,wouldn't let Mom sit down ,I told her to get down and she did.She sat with me in the chair and looked out,then went for a walk.has had her snack early today,been down here snoozing,was just outside,now on the big couch.

11-29-2012, 09:58 AM
Heidi snoozing on the couch last Friday afternoon,sun shining on her on the little couch Saturday morning,in the chair Saturday night snoozing and yesterday head resting on the arm of the little couch.Heidi will have a rest anywhere,little couch,big couch,the chair,at Mom's feet at night,under my chair ,behind it and next to the chair.She stayed pretty quiet last night,Mom was at church to help serve at a dinner.She goes out a few times,after having snacks,will go out and bark and will try to bring in pieces of leaves then will have a run around down her,is growling now to go out,she just had 2 milkbones.

11-29-2012, 11:01 AM
This is perfect! Heidi, you got some exercise taking Barry for a walk, and now it's time to rest. I like the little spots of grey in your white coat!

11-29-2012, 04:00 PM
Thank you for sharing Heidi's life with us. She sure is a sweet little girl. :)

12-04-2012, 12:17 PM
Heidi looking out the front window Sunday morning.She didn't have a walk Sunday,it was raining cats and dogs,Mom told her that and she didn't bug me to go out for a walk.She sat in Mom's chair before Mom got there,Mom tried to move her,she tried nipping at Mom,wasn't happy with her,I got her her to move with no problem,She kept Mom company when I went to the game on Sunday night then she came to me when I got back.Last night,had snoozes all over the place,was out a few times,after the one time,had a blitz around,Mom's church unit had their Christmas dinner last night.Heidi is taking it easy now,had her bone before 11,it is looking like rain right now,was up to 50F,going down to 36F overnight.She was also bad Sunday,with no walk she decided to pop in the house,wasn't pleased with her.

12-04-2012, 12:54 PM
Awww, Heidi! It looks like you are watching the weather outside to see if you can take your walk with Barry :)

12-06-2012, 01:23 PM
Heidi peeking over the arm of the chair Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon fascinated by the fireplace coming on,stares at it and then tilts her head back feeling the warmth.Last night had her snacks,had 2,had water as well,be asked for a second dish of it,played with the red bone,have now taken that away,she had been chewing pieces of it.Snoozed under my chair ,in the chair next to me ,little couch and at Mom's feet.This morning after breakfast,played fetch with her with a rubber ball,had a walk,came down here,she snoozed,Mom and I went to Walmart,I gave her 2 milk bones,2 more after we were back,has had her supper and now in the chair resting.

12-14-2012, 06:23 PM
Hi, Heidi! I see you looking over the arm of the chair! :)

No posts for a couple of days; are you OK, Heidi and Barry?

12-18-2012, 03:26 PM
Heidi beside me on the couch Saturday December 8th,on the carpet in front of the couch December 9th,flipped over beside me on the couch December 10th and flipped over again on December 12th and 13th.This is about all she did when I was down here last week,she did have plays with her rubber ball,also cuddled up in the chair and at Mom's feet.In the morning,she sat with me in the chair and looked out at people going by,did today,a lady and her 2 girls going by with umbrellas up,she barked and her tail was going as well.it was too wet for a walk,she was bad down her,peed and pooped and got a time out in her bed for half an hour.

12-19-2012, 09:40 PM
Heidi right after we picked her up from the groomers today,wearing a scarf that said Ho,Ho,Ho on it and she got two treats one shaped like a Christmas Tree and one like a star and in the van waiting for Mom to come of a store where she was buying Mango Chutney to make Crab Cakes.She was pretty good on the ride over,she was in a hurry to get down there and she me the cat.When we came back to get her,there was another Shih Tzu there,an older one was deaf and was barking loudly for Michelle to come back and finish grooming.Michelle showed us some pictures of a litter of puppies she had,they are 7 week old Bichon/Poodle mix,they look morel like Bichons,have Apricot coloring in their ears,their Dad is a Poodle,he was in the picture,he was great looking as well,Mom thought they were cute,so did I don't know if they are spoken for yet.

12-20-2012, 04:02 PM
Heidi snoozing in the chair December 10th and 11th,resting at Mom's feet December 11th,peeking over my leg December 14th and resting on my foot December 15th,I had to move my foot,it was going to sleep.Last night,Heidi had her snacks and water,had a play with a rubber ball,snoozed and she really lets out a snore,it gets loud,Mom was out playing cards,Heidi played a bit then and was happy to see mom home.In the morning after her breakfast,she jumped on Mom's bed ot wake her up,she sits with me in the chair,Mom opens the drapes up and Heidi's tail goes,happy she will be able to see things go by and wag her tail.after the walk came down here,,I had to call her she couldn't find me.Later on,we went to Wal Mart,Heidi had an early treat around 10 and after we got back,Had supper around 1:30,Mom has gone to babysit Brandyn and Samantha,Marlene and Larry going to a funeral,Shannon is late delivering parcels for Canada Post.Heidi now having a snooze behind,snoring as usual.

12-21-2012, 09:22 AM
Heidi looking out the front room window this morning,too wet for anything else,rain all night,last night would not go outside,it was raining and windy out,she look and then come back in,have a run around her and had a play with me with her rubber ball,other than that,she snoozed and snored up a storm.She has been down here with me,she was bad this morning, pooped and peed,was in her cage for a timeout.

12-24-2012, 10:56 AM
Heidi making herself at home on the couch late Saturday morning.Last night,kept Mom company at her feet while I was at the hockey game,was happy to see me when I got home,jumping up and being excited.After having snacks last night,she finally got in the chair and snoozed and when it was time for bed carried her to her cage.She goes right to her dish in the morning,no time for anything else then goes out and comes in and had a roll on the carpet and then sits with me in the chair and looks outside.After her walk ,has to go out one more tnme before coming down here,has been snoozing the chair,has had her bone snack and snoozing presently.mom has gift shop until 3 ,we are going the church for a Christmas play at 7 then to Larry and Marlene's afterwards,there is Communion tonight at 10 not sure if we are going.We are going to Larry and Marlene's tomorrow for dinner and gift opening,may be going there for brunch as well.Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy new year from us.

12-24-2012, 03:00 PM
#49 - Heidi, you look like you are watching for Santa Claus! I am sending you a big hug ((HUG))) and Merry Christmas to Heidi, Barry and Mom!

12-24-2012, 05:15 PM
Heidi is already for Christmas she looks so pretty all trimmed up & has her classy new scarf to wear. Merry Christmas to you Heidi, Barry, & Barry's mom. A Healthy Happy New Year ( not far around the corner) to all of you too. :)

12-30-2012, 08:33 PM
Heidi on her back in the chair Wednesday and last night right at home on the small couch,messed up the blanket so she would be comfy.Heidi hasn't had any walks the last two days,today,it was all slushy on the roads and yesterday was too slippery,maybe tomorrow,she had her look out the window this morning,tail goes when Mom opens the drapes and any time she sees someone walk by.She likes going out on the patio,sniffing around and gets snow on her whiskers.She has her nightly snacks,has a play with the rubber ball,goes out a few times ,like tonight and then starts barking then have to get her to come in.I id snow again yesterday,2 inches,did ours twice,my Uncles and the neighbor's across the street and my sister's.I got another printer yesterday,an Epson Workforce 2540,the other one will not work on Windows 8,only 7,had to take it back to get the USB cable put,was in a hard place,also got new speakers,was easier to set up,I tried them out last night,had them turned right up and I scared Heidi right out of the chair and over to Mom,she came back and I petted to make her feel better,told I wasn't trying to scare her,now snoozing in the chair.

12-31-2012, 12:03 AM
Hi, Heidi! I bet you were a great helper to Barry as he got the new printer and speakers installed! Be safe and warm, cutie girl!

12-31-2012, 11:40 AM
Heidi I bet your getting cabin fever, pretty soon it should clear up outside & you can get back out there for your walkies. :)

01-02-2013, 03:17 PM
Heidi hanging in to see the New Year in on Monday night and on New Years feeling the warmth of the fireplace.Heidi hung in to midnight to see 2013 in,gave her a smooch then Mom.No walk today.Mom felt it would too cold on her paws,she had her look outside,has been down here all day,had her snacks and supper,is now wandering over to Mom and is now at her feet.

01-04-2013, 08:51 AM
Heidi peeking over the arm of the little couch around 9 last,was curled up snoozing before I took this and then she moved to the other chair was flipped over there.No walk again yesterday,was a little cool and roads were greasy ,didn't want her feet dirty,today there is a gusty west wind blowing the snow around so not good conditions for a walk,maybe tomorrow.Thursday morning had her look out the window,then down here and snoozes most of the time,had Milkbones around 11,supper at 2 then snacks later,had a play with the rubber ball,after coming in each time she goes on a tear down here,this morning has snoozed in the chair,has been out barking and now behind me on the carpet.Brandyn and Samantha came back from Mexico today,plane lands in Toronto around 7:45 tonight,leaves Cancun at 4:15,they were staying at the Viva Wyndham Maya in Playa Del Carmen,from all reports had a good time down there,weather was good,in the 80's most days,humidity in the high 90's.Marlene and Larry are going to see the Temptations revue at Casino Rama near Orillia,Ontario tomorrow night at 9,Shannon got them tickets for a Christmas present.Tomorrow we are going to East Side Mario's for supper as far as I know.

01-07-2013, 08:49 PM
Aww, peekin' Heidi! How cute you are!

01-09-2013, 09:05 AM
Heidi on Saturday flipped over resting the chair and behind me on the carpet and on Monday fascinated by the fire,Mom looking at her and smiling,she gets down after that and stretches her head back,seeming to say that fire feels good.After yesterday's walk,was down her most of the day resting,had her snacks of bones and supper,had a run down her after one of her times out,before going to bed was beside me on the couch.This morning sat wit me on the couch,had her lok outside,then her walk and now down here resting behind me.

01-11-2013, 03:57 AM
Heidi, this picture makes me smile every time I look at it! Barry will have to move his foot very carefully if he needs to change his position while you are resting in that spot :)


01-12-2013, 07:40 AM
Heidi having a snooze in the chair Wednesday evening and strolling around the patio Thursday morning.Too wet to do anything outside yesterday so was inside all day,was bad down here,she pooped in front of the fireplace,she snoozed ,had her snacks,had supper played with her ball,had a snack Friday night,was out a couple of times,snoozed in the chair and behind then I moved to the couch and she got beside me there,right now is getting a time out for pooping in the house after telling her to go out which she did.

01-15-2013, 08:15 PM
Heidi snoozing beside me on the couch late Friday night and Saturday afternoon flipped over napping on the carpet.After her walk today,she has been down here today just taking it easy,Mom and I went to the bank and she waited for me to come back.Later on after Mom came back from Meals On Wheels we went to Walmart,she waits just inside the gate for me to come back,Before Mom came back,she heard something and went out to check it out.I saw her standing by the gate and her tail was going,thought maybe Mom came back,that wasn't,went out again came in again then Mom cam,e back,Had her bone snack a little after 10,had her supper around 2,we had ours,which was Spaghetti.She waits down here for us.Later I had a bath,she waits for me to come back she gets water and some snacks,had 3 snacks of bones tonight,snoozed under my chair,been out twice to sit out on the patio,now in the chair beside me.

01-17-2013, 06:56 AM
Heidi looks very comfortable & happy:)

01-18-2013, 09:57 AM
Heidi cozying up to Mom on Tuesday night and enjoying the sunshine late Wednesday morning.Heidi was just taking it easy yesterday,it was too cold for her walk,she had her look outside form my chair,then downstairs,had some snacks a little after 10,had her supper around 2,an hour later we had ours,the last of the Spaghetti.She had plays with the rubber ball,sometimes,she won't give it to me,runs away from me,I do manage to get it when she drops it.She snoozed by my chair,was out 2 or 3 times,was in the chair before going to bed.She had a look out the window today,cold again,11F,colder with the wind,she is having a snoozed right now,had her snack already.Thursday morning,had a timeout in her bed,she pooped down here twice,no accidents today.

01-18-2013, 11:35 PM
Aww, Heidi! You are soaking up the sun :D

01-24-2013, 08:59 AM
Heidi snoozing beside me last Thursday night,sitting in the sun late Friday morning,waiting to go on her walk Saturday morning,flipped over in the chair late Sunday evening after coming back from hockey,snoozing in the living room Thursday morning,looking outside Wednesday morning and after picking her up from the groomers Wednesday afternoon wearing a Mauve scarf.Heidi has been an inside dog this week,way too cold for walks,Tuesday night at bed time it was 1 above F and Wednesday morning-4 F,"warmed up" to 14F later in the day.Heidi rode on my lap in the van,couldn't wait to get in there,I carried her her in,was happy to see us when we came and to get her,tail going and pawing at the cage to get out then she wanted out to pee and then took her to the van to warm up.Michelle the groomer said Heidi licked her about 50 times,she likes licking,she is trying to be friendly.Heidi only goes out when she has to after eating and drinking,all she does in here is eat,play with her rubber ball and snore up a storm which she is doing in the chair right now,this morning it was 3 F,going up to around12F,tomorrow a little snow and 21F,by next Tuesday rain possible and 43F

01-24-2013, 10:36 PM
Hi, Heidi, pretty girl! I see you are enjoying the sunshine again :) You look very nice after your visit to the groomer!

01-27-2013, 03:34 PM
Heidi flipped over down here late Friday night,had her play with the rubber ball,had some snacks and was outside so was tired out finally and getting warmed up Saturday.No walks this weekend,roads were mucky with slush and it had been salted so didn't want her walking out there,snow tomorrow so will see what happens then.Today had her look outside,Mom opens the drapes and Heidi's tail goes,happy she can see outside.She stayed while we were at church no accidents today,she did once yesterday,we went to Swiss Chalet for Chicken dinner.She is snoozing behind me right now,going to hockey at 6,Eagles are playing Little Britain.

01-29-2013, 04:30 PM
Awww, Heidi! I can just picture your tail waving as you are looking out the window! It's pouring rain here today, but I hope you won't get this crazy weather pattern we've had (cold and snow to ice to rain, but tomorrow it's supposed to get cold again). Have fun playing with your toys, cute girl!

P.S., did you see the picture of Lilith Cherry's new foster dog? He's a Shih Tzu mix :)

01-30-2013, 08:47 AM
Heidi snoozing later on Tuesday afternoon,waiting for mom to come down after supper,when she sees Mom her tail goes and greets her,sitting with Mom about 90 minute later.Weather was no good yesterday,was slippery with freezing rain then rain,there has been fog this morning and is wet,rain again today,high around 55 and getting windy later going down to 30,high tomorrow 27 and Friday 21.Heidi has spent her time down here snoozing,having snacks,going out,and sits out there on the patio and gets wet,have to wipe her off.Has more snacks later,had a play with the rubber ball,sits with Mom,I went to the couch later last night and she got up beside.She sat with me upstairs this morning,is down here right now snoring,was bad yesterday pooped down here so got a time out in her bed.

01-31-2013, 11:31 AM
Heidi you look really neat with your new hair trim. This cold weather will go away someday soon so you can get back outdoors for your walkies. :)

02-01-2013, 11:44 AM
Heidi sitting on the couch last night,had snacks,had a play with her rubber ball she brings,sometimes holds it in her mouth and moves away from me so I can't get it,I do end up getting it and throwing it,she will jump the bed the odd time when she comes back with it,She sat with me on the couch while watching hockey last night.She sat in the chair with me this morning to look out,no walk again,too cold 9F,see what tomorrow brings.She had her snacks this morning,has been out a few times,is resting behind me right now.

02-02-2013, 01:00 PM
Heidi right after I put her to bed around 10:30 last night,had her snacks and last night,wanted more snacks when I had chips and then we had cheese ad crackers,then played with the rubber ball,ended up snoozing under my chair,was out a few times.This morning sat in the chair with me and looked out,too cold again for a walk 14F with a breeze making it cooler,was bad again this morning,she pooped in front of the fireplace and got a time out for it.I am having Fish and Chips tonight,Mom going to a Taste of Italy dinner at the church put on by the Hospital volunteers.Heidi will have her supper soon,had a dusting of snow today and same overnight

02-04-2013, 08:25 PM
Heidi flipped over having a rest this afternoon,still too cold for a walk,was around 12F this morning.Heidi had a look out of my chair and tail went when she saw kids go by,earlier after coming in,went to Mom's room and jumped on her bed to get Mom up.After breakfast came down here,snoozed in the chair,took her to the patio and she did her thing outside not in the house,praised her and gave her two bones as a treat,had some as a snack around 11,had her supper around 2.She had bones and water tonight,had a play with the ball,has been out,having a snooze in the chair right now,Mom gone to a church meeting.Heidi was up with us when we had supper which was Vegetarian Lasagna,Mom brought some home from the Tate of Italy dinner at church Saturday night.Heidi sat in the chair while I had salad and she saw kids and was barking and wagging her tail at the same time.

02-04-2013, 10:35 PM
Awww, Heidi! You were so happy to see the kids! I can just picture you waving your tail and looking out of the window :)

02-08-2013, 12:10 PM
Heidi staring at me Tuesday afternoon,think she was wanting supper,after I put her to bed Tuesday night,she gets a belly rub before I take her to bed ,snoozing in the sunshine on Wednesday,flipped over on her back Thursday and out in the snow last night,hadn't snowed a great deal by that point,it has now,maybe over 6 inches by now,there is a big drift on the front step to the front door.Last night,Heidi had two or three snacks of bones,she sees us eating and think she has to eat too.She was out a few times,she had plays with the rubber ball,I throw she brings it back,she moves away form me and keeps the ball.She always comes in on the run form being outside,she is full of fresh air,When not eating,was snoozing behind my chair and when I moved to the couch she got right beside me,came back to the computer and was snoozing behind me again.This morning shat with me upstairs,has been out,not to far,had her snack,is under the chair right now,head stuck through form the front of the chair in front of the computer.

02-13-2013, 02:43 PM
Heidi just after going to bed Saturday night.Earlier that day,the family Shannon,Brandyn and Samantha and Jamie plus Mom and I and Marlene and Larry went to East Side Mario's for supper,it was Marlene's 61st birthday,for our part of the dinner we had Pizza which we finished the over the next two nights.some servers sang Happy Birthday to her and she got a piece of birthday cake for dessert.After dinner Shannon and Jamie went to The General Motors Center to see The Tragically Hip play,they played half of their new album then older material which Shannon likes,the kids stayed with Larry and Marlene.Last night,Heidi had her treats,got more when I had some Chips and when we had Peanut butter Cookies,she was out several times,had a couple of plays with the rubber ball and finally settled down and snored.After a bit,i went to the couch and she got beside me and slept.When I had my bath earlier,She was at Mom's feet snoring away.This morning after breakfast,she sat in the chair and looked out then went for the walk was very happy to do that.Heidi has been down here most of the day except for having supper and checking for crumbs in the living room,she is snoozing behind me now,going to hockey later game 2 of the playoffs.

02-16-2013, 08:09 AM
Heidi out on the snowy patio Thursday afternoon,apologize for the quality of this picture,I took it through the screen in the back door and Heidi sitting in mom's chair this morning.Last night,had her snacks and water,was out a few times,Mom was at church playing Euchre,Heidi heard something 3 different times,each time was a false alarm ,Mom wasn't home yet.She was happy to see Mom when she did get home,Mom won 2 door prizes,one was a jar that digitally counts the change as it goes in,not sure what the other prize was.Heidi had her look out the, window and saw Hershey the Chocolate Lab out out on her fro/nt lawn.Too cold for a walk today,14 F,Heidi having a timeout,she pooped down her again after being outside.Mom going going out to lunch this morning,same place where the breakfast is every month.

02-16-2013, 10:47 AM
Heidi, you are adorable!!!

02-20-2013, 08:53 AM
Heidi snoozing in the sun Monday morning,at Mom's feet that night just before bed time,she was "asking me" something,thought maybe she wanted to go to bed,I put her out wasn't that and it wasn't bed.That same night I spelled out treat and that is what she wanted,she can understand words when they are spelled out.Heidi at my feet Tuesday morning and an hour and a half later flipped over down here.No walk on Monday morning too cold 0 F,got a timeout in bed,pooped down here.She has her usual snacks,has more when we do,plays ball with me,will tease and run from me with the ball in her mouth,she ends up dropping it,goes out a few times and then snoozes.No walk on Tuesday,rain,was 32F,later wind got up and the temperature dropped to 23F and got a dusting of snow.this morning has looked out the window,saw kids walk by and her tail goes,now down snoozing behind,hasn't been bad as of this minute.

02-21-2013, 11:41 PM
I spelled out treat and that is what she wanted, she can understand words when they are spelled out.

Wow, Heidi! What a smart girl -- I'm impressed! Maybe Barry will have to figure out a code word for "treat"!

02-22-2013, 06:48 AM
Heidi you look snug as a bug on the rug.

Spring is just around the corner but we are wondering which corner?

We have icy patches to deal with on our walks so have to be careful where we step. Now lots of snow here today to cover the icy patches in the woods.

02-24-2013, 03:00 PM

Heidi snoozing down here Wednesday night,with Mom Thursday morning and later on down here snoozing in the sunshine.too slushy yesterday for a walk and today a little dusting of snow,tomorrow will be 39 F so will take her on a jaunt.She was quiet last night after having snacks and water,was out a few times,had a play with the rubber ball,wasn't enthused about going to bed.this morning,looked out the window,before that greeted me as I was making my bed,stayed down here while went to church,no boo boos,had bones after we got back,had er supper,has been snoozing under the chair,now behind small couch,may need out.Major storm coming in later Tuesday into Wednesday,strong winds and could be 6-10 inches of snow,tapering to flurries by Thursday morning.

02-26-2013, 08:12 PM
Heidi down here on Friday waking up from a snooze behind my chair.This morning,sat in my chair and looked out,tail went when she saw someone go by,was really excited to go on a walk.We came down her after.Mom and I went out ,Mom got some Chicken Pies for supper,also some Cherry Turnovers for snacks tonight and Donuts for lunch.Heidi had her morning snack,had supper around 2:30,had more snacks after,has asked for drinks of water,had a play with the ball,been out and now snoozing behind the chair.Larry's sister Lorraine is in hospital,heart stopped twice,is off of life support,family all there at the hospital,just a matter of time.Marlene and Larry are to go to St.Lucia Sunday,not sure now what they will do.

02-26-2013, 08:46 PM
Hello, Heidi cutie! I was just thinking of you and Barry :) I was at my parents' house to shovel snow, and their neighbor from a couple of blocks down walked by with his little terrier dog. So I stopped for a moment to talk with him and pet his cute dog. So I thought of you, ready to walk even if snow has fallen!

I hope this snowstorm we're getting tonight doesn't find its way to you, because it's kind of wet and sloppy. I'll say a prayer for Larry's sister and her family.

03-07-2013, 07:50 AM
Heidi snoozing in the sun down here last Friday,sitting looking out the window on Sunday,a big fur ball she still was that day,Thursday had a rain and snow and the groomer couldn't get out to work,street wasn't plowed so Heidi didn't get groomed,she is going for 10 this morning and I get mine done today as well.Heidi down here snoozing on Tuesday,when not walking,she has her looks outside after breakfast,down here to snooze,has her snacks,wants more when we do,goes out several times,sometimes just to sit,other times she barks at something she hears,maybe another dog barking,has her plays with the rubber ball then settles down and snores,is resting right now waiting to go to the groomer.

03-09-2013, 07:13 PM
First two are Heidi in the van after her grooming visit,we were stopped at Marlene's to pick up mail,Heidi couldn't wait to get down there to the groomer and all the dogs,kissed one of Michelle's cats ,cat didn 't have a problem with Heidi doing that,was happy to see when we went and got her,she was tired the rest of the day,slept a lot that night and didn't play ball.Heidi in the early afternoon Friday head resting under my chair,she was snoring while doing this.Haven't had any walks the last two days,there are a lot of mucky spots and Mom just spent $52 on getting Heidi groomed so hope it will dry up soon,tomorrow afternoon and Monday rain so that's no good.Today had her look out the front window,saw a dog and tail went and she was barking.She had a timeout today,pooped down her,had snoozes and her snacks.Tonight had a snack again,had a play with the rubber ball,enjoys that,has just been out again,now under the chair cleaning her paws.

03-13-2013, 03:07 PM
Heidi having her bone snack Tuesday morning,we had company her yesterday,Brandyn and Samantha were here half the day,Marleen had swollen ankles form a combination of Diabetes medication and the warm and humid weather in St.Lucia.They played some ball with her,Samantha spent time on the computer and playing with dolls,Brandyn had his phone playing some games.We went to McDonald's for lunch.Mom,Brandyn and I each had a Big Mac and Fries ,Samantha had a Happy Meal.Brandyn wanted to go hoe and walk Buster,Mom stayed with them until Shannon came home.they were to stay with Marlene today,Shannon called this morning and said Marlene was sick during the night so they came her,played again with each other and Heidi,had Corn Pops for breakfast,had Alpha Gettis for lunch,around non Mom took them home,their Mom Shannon got home around 2.Heidi had two timeouts yesterday for peeing and pooping down here,was better today,did it outside.Samantha accidentally kicked my printer sand fell off the back of the table it sits on,nothing wrong with it,only problem was a a loose plug form the speaker.Today ,they were playing ,she was using a yardstick as a sword and broke it.Heidi has had her supper and is now snoozing down here.Still too mucky for a walk,had a flurry of snow overnight and today as well,just cloudy now and 32F.

03-15-2013, 07:04 AM
Heidi looks so sweet with her new trim. :cool:

03-15-2013, 09:25 AM
Heidi this morning having a rest behind the chair.We just had Samantha here yesterday,Brandyn had a sleepover at a friend's house.Heidi pretty well behaved herself,greeted Samantha,but had a timeout for peeing in the rec room.We went out to Orono to the bake shop,got doughnuts and buns after lunch went to WalMart for a few things.Marlene went to the hospital on Wednesday,her sugar count was below 10.was low as 4,think she got a IV to help hydrate her,sent her home,she took some Gravol and that settled her stomach down,she wanted to have the kids today so they are with her.Heidi had her look out the window,saw Hershey on her front lawn and growled,neighbor Diane Ogden walked by,no reaction from Heidi.Heidi was bad today,pooped down here after I had just put her out, had a time out in her cage,now behind me,she can her Mom on the phone upstairs.Cold here the last two mornings was 14F first thing Thursday and 23 F today,yesterday went up to 32F in the afternoon,felt colder with the gusty wind,got a few flurries this morning,maybe snow Monday night into Tuesday.

03-15-2013, 09:58 AM
Hi, Heidi! I bet you had fun with your guests Samantha and Brandyn! Soon it will be spring, and you won't have to skip your walks on account of bad weather :)

03-18-2013, 08:21 PM
Heidi in the chair just before going to bed Friday night,this is where she goes before we go to bed,is currently there right now after being under my chair most of the night,has had a few bones,every time we have a snack,she needs one.in the morning has her look outside then her walk,then was with Mom after the walk then sat at the top of the stairs and had to carry her down.She had her snack around 11,supper after 2,has had plays with the rubber ball,taking it easy in the chair right now.Heidi was limping a little last night,probably the way she was laying down,was soon back to normal.

03-22-2013, 10:42 AM
Heidi snoozing in the sun Thursday morning,she likes to find a sunny spot anywhere and snooze,has tried a couple of times in the toy bed,I tried getting a picture and she climbed out,tried again today,didn't stay.Last night had her snacks,had more when we had some doughnuts and then I had chips,had a run down here after being out and then a play with the rubber ball,snoozed under my chair andf finally in another chair where shew as before bed.She had her look outside this morning,after the walk has been down in the chair,has had some bones,now up with Mom in the living room.

03-26-2013, 03:47 PM
Heidi sitting in Mom's chair after breakfast Saturday and down here later in the morning snoozing in the sun,she finds sun shining in down in the rec room and snoozes,she also goes outside and sits there too,being doing that today a couple of times.Last night ,had her snacks,has more when we have some,was out at least twice,comes racing down the stairs and in the rec room and we have a play of ball,She finally lays down and snoozes.She went to mom and did that as well,I finally went to the couch and she got beside me on the couch,got down again and went to Mom,where she was when we wen to bed.Sat in the chair and looked to,after the walk, was down here and resting,has an early snack around 9:30,we went out shopping ,came back,she was waiting down here,no accidents,had two more bones,had her supper at 23,we had Toasted Tomato sandwiches.She had a snooze in the chair,now under my chair.

03-26-2013, 04:19 PM
Awww, Heidi! What cute photos of you enjoying a sunny place! I hope nicer weather comes soon so you can keep enjoying your walks :)

04-04-2013, 03:11 PM
Hi, Heidi! It's a sunny afternoon in Chicago and I bet you either went outside on the patio, or took a walk with Barry today :) Maybe both. I'm thinking of you and hope you are having a good day cutie.

04-05-2013, 08:14 AM
Heiid getting a ear rub form Mom last Wednesday,she gets these every so often,Heidi just loves it,she moans and groans,finds it relaxing,Heidi down here early Sunday afternoon snoozing in the chair and on Monday morning,on her back relaxing after being on a walk.Last night,didn't play with her ball,snoozed most of the time,had snacks of her bones when we had something,Thursday night,had a big run down here ,jumped the toy bed at least twice and around the coffee table and all over the rec room,that tired her out.Right now is snoozing in the chair after her morning walk,may take her out again,it 32F,high of 43 and sunny.Thursday morning when i got, up,it was 19F and by afternoon it was 45,Saturday night showers,same for Sunday,sounds like the same into Wednesday,mild,around 50-55 degrees.

04-08-2013, 10:23 AM
Hello, relaxed Heidi! You got some exercise and now it's time to take it easy :)

04-11-2013, 10:32 AM
Heidi having a snooze Wednesday afternoon,she had two walks so was tired out,had her supper around 2,had snacks and water at her usual times then more when we had snacks.She goes two or 3 times,just sits out on the patio and listens and looks around.After coming ,snoozes and she sat with me on the couch before going to bed.She had her walk this morning,has gone to the groomers so will look a little lighter.Some snow falling right now,hope it melts,wee will have to go and get Heidi sometime after noon hour and 1 p.m.Temperature this morning was 34F.

04-11-2013, 10:00 PM
Wow, Heidi! You and Barry took your walk even though it is a chilly morning! Then you came back inside to warm up and take a rest. :)

04-15-2013, 08:53 AM
Heidi curled up behind my chair Friday snoozing looking cute after her trip to the groomer Thursday,she had two timeouts on Friday,it rained so no walk.Heidi rode on my lap on the trip to the groomers,is just like Fritz,can't wait to get down to see all her friends,one of the groomer's White Poodles,a puppy came over and barked at Heidi,startled Heidi.While being groomer she kept licking Michelle,maybe thanking for making her look so cute.She got a blue bandanna,had snoozes the rest of yhe day is doing that right now in the chair.Heidi sat on a blanket on the back seat on the way back,did not say a word.

04-22-2013, 08:48 PM
Heidi standing at the gate in the rec room last Tuesday,we had a plumber here to fix a leak with the bathtub taps,been leaking for awhile and Heidi in the chair down here that afternoon snoozing,just had her dinner and was sleeping it off.Saturday night,the power went off here and Heidi didn't know what to make of it,she went next to Mom and layed down then wandered back to me,she then went out came back in,ended up with Mom again,cuddled up with here and was trembling,power came back after 25 minutes,she finally settled down and snoozed in the chair.After her walk this morning,was down here in the chair snoozing,had her bone snack,was snoozing when I asked if she wanted supper,I just have to spell treat and she knows what I mean,She has had 3 snacks tonight,we have one then she has to have one,had a play of ball,I tell her to drop it,she drops the ball and I throw and she brings it back.I got the lawn mower going,it doesn't need oil until the fall,just need to to get gas and and add 2 cycle oil to get the grass trimmer and blower going.Heidi has had snoozes tonight,had a late afternoon,was right behind me and now back in the chair.

04-22-2013, 10:57 PM
Hi, Heidi! What a cutie you are, supervising the plumber! :) You are super-smart, too!

05-14-2013, 06:26 PM
Heidi having a rest on the patio,enjoying the sunshine on April 17th.Last night,snoozed behind my chair most of the time,I moved to the couch,she didn't come with me,instead went to the chair,was mad and pouting,she was content where she was.I did come back to the computer then got behind me again.Right now,is under the chair at the computer resting,no snoring yet.

05-15-2013, 06:15 AM
Heidi really looks like she is enjoying the sunshine. There is nothing like the nice warm sun on a spring day. :)

05-21-2013, 10:48 PM
Hello, Heidi! You have the patio and the sunshine to yourself! I bet your fur was warm from the sun when you came back inside :) Did you get a new scarf at the groomer? Light blue is a good color on you!

05-22-2013, 06:31 AM
Heidi looks so cute with her new blue scarf standing up looking over the fence into the other room. When Heidi snores she must be really sound asleep & tuckered out. :) My Missy snores too. :D

06-02-2013, 03:30 PM
Heidi flipped over by the chair morning of April 22nd.So far,no walk today,has rained off and on,overcast right now and breezy.She has been in her bed for a timeout,she pooped down here,she has been out on the patio at least 3 times today and has not done anything.Currently is snoozing behind me down in the rec room.

06-11-2013, 03:05 PM
Heidi enjoying the sunshine in the gazebo April 26th before the top was put on and the patio furniture put in.Last had her snacks when I came down after getting washed,she had more when Mom and I had some snacks,even when we didn't.She finally got satisfied and snoozed behind my chair.Later in the evening,went over to the couch and she followed me and comes up and kisses me then lays down beside me.After breakfast this morning,she gets up beside me and lays down and then she looks out to see anything coming by and tail goes when it something comes by.The we came down here,was too wet to go on a walk,we finally went around quarter to 10,this morning was 66F with a mix of sun and cloud.Heidi had her supper,is back down here snoozing,will soon go on another walk.

07-01-2013, 07:42 PM
Hi, Heidi! Looks like you're showing us where you plan to spend part of your summer -- in the gazebo! It will be more shady when the roof goes on :)