View Full Version : Meet my new fella...

09-15-2012, 02:52 PM
I said “MY” new fella, because Sophie doesn’t want anything to do with this little guy… :rolleyes:

Poor thing started coming to our home some months ago, I thought he was giving Sophie a hard time and being bully with her and I used to make noises to scare him off, but then I realized it was HER who got extremely mad and dramatic every time he was around because he never did anything, so now I just keep the door closed and let the little guy hang around in the laundry area -especially on rainy evenings- and try to distract Sophie to keep her away from him.

I also leave food and water for him every night and before leaving for work every morning (I even bought him his own food)…. And I always find the plate empty! :D

I’ve never touched him, he's always scared and shy, but he doesn’t run away anymore when he sees me, maybe one of these days I’ll get to pet him :)

I don’t know where is he from, I think he’s homeless because he looks very skinny and weak, and so dirty :( and doesn’t look young to me, but he has a sweet look on his eyes :love:

Oh, his name? My boyfriend named him “Sancho”…. I don’t know why, but it just stuck :D so he’s our little Sancho now.

Maybe he doesn’t have a home, but he has now a little shelter here, with his very own food, clean water and a little cardboard bed on the washing machine to take naps and spend the night… and someone who gets worried whenever he doesn’t show (ME) :love:



Laura's Babies
09-15-2012, 04:04 PM
I love the name! Hi Sancho! You are now a PT kitty so we get to see great pictures and hear wonderful stories. WELCOME TO PT!!!

...and I know you are smart by the new forever home you selected!

09-15-2012, 04:12 PM
Oh Sancho you are so handsome. You need to let Astrid pick you up. She can have you vetted and maybe you can have a forever home on the inside! Stay close to Astrid!

Astrid, thank you for caring for Sancho. :love: I fed Callie outside for 2 months before deciding to bring her in. Hope he'll let you help him either be with you or with someone else, although he seems like he has already claimed your heart! :love:

09-15-2012, 04:16 PM
Hey Sancho welcome to PetTalk!! I hope you get less scared and let Astrid take care of you ... you know she wants to;) and ... you look like you need some loving:love:.

Eve is the same with other cats - screams like they are trying to kill her:rolleyes:. I hope Sophie gets more comfortable with Sancho - he might be a great brother for her:D.

09-15-2012, 05:14 PM
Awwwwwwww!!!!!! Oh Sancho, welcome HOME! Please stay... You are safe now and loved forever!


09-15-2012, 05:35 PM
Sancho is a great name and he's adorable.:) Hopefully he'll become more comfortable with you so he'll at least let you pet him. Thank you for taking care of him.:)

09-15-2012, 05:44 PM
Awww, Sancho does have a very sweet expression on his face.:love: I'm sure he must think he's in heaven to have
a nice, clean & dry place to sleep. (and food too) :)

09-15-2012, 06:30 PM
Good for you! I bet Sancho thinks he's won the lottery--shelter, food, water--a safe place to stay. Thanks for the pics.

09-15-2012, 07:54 PM
Hello Sancho!
Never mind about Sophie, she will get used to you with time. She just isn't used to sharing her mom, lol.

Astrid, go slowly with him. Don't try to pick him up until you have been able to pet him. You can sit on the floor and get him to come next to you and pet him, but don't pick him up the first few times. And when you DO pick him up the first time, pick him up, talk to him and place him right back down. Slow steps. It is VERY hard to do, especially for folks like me with no patience and meaning no harm to the kitty, I feel sure they must know this, lol. Does he insist on going back outdoors, or do you just put him out again?

09-15-2012, 08:02 PM
Hi, Sancho, sweet orange and white kitty! "Vive mejor" -- I hope your life will be much better now! Stay close to Sophie's house and her meowmie will help you :love:

Edited to say - I just noticed that in the picture of him in his box, his paws are folded under him -- Cassie does that when everything is okay with her. And in another picture he has his tail wrapped round him, which I think also means all's well in his world, right? Hi, Sancho! And hello, sweet Sophie kitty! *kisses*

09-15-2012, 10:49 PM
Does he insist on going back outdoors, or do you just put him out again?

He's always outdoors, the laundry area is open, it's in the back, next to the kitchen and it just has that white grill door.. he just has to jump a little wall from outside to get to my back yard and there he is on HIS new shelter..

I've never tried to pet him or touch him, because he's scared and I am the "mean witch" who used to scare him off some months ago, so whenever I see him I talk to him softly and tell him nice things to try to gain his confidence and I think it's working because he doesn't run away anymore when I go outside to give him food or water, he even falls into deep sleep when he's on the washing machine and he doesn't mind that I'm standing almost right next to him on the kitchen...

Also, being an outdoor kitty, he must have fleas or worms or something and I don't want to put my baby girl Sophie in danger, so I'll take it slowly with him :)

09-16-2012, 12:31 AM
Sancho (love the name!), please let the nice lady pet you and hold you. Nothing but good things will happen if you do.! She loves kitties very much. Just ask Sophie, when she isn't upset, that is.

09-16-2012, 04:36 PM
His sweet face looks so much like my RB Luke, it makes me tear up. I do hope he continues to warm up to you and learns how wonderful some pets and luvies would be. :love:

09-16-2012, 07:03 PM
Edited to say - I just noticed that in the picture of him in his box, his paws are folded under him -- Cassie does that when everything is okay with her. And in another picture he has his tail wrapped round him, which I think also means all's well in his world, right? Hi, Sancho! And hello, sweet Sophie kitty! *kisses*

Wow! I didn't realize that! you're right! That means he's feeling more confident! OMG!
You should see his face when I'm talking to him, he looks at me as if he's paying attention and understands that I'm not gonna hurt him :love:
All he needs is love.... and food! :)

09-18-2012, 09:31 AM
Hi Sanhco , you are quite the Creamsicle Cat , and we know that Sophie will be you amiga one day when she realizes that have a brother Cat will be a great advantage!!!
We have sent you a parcel, and we hope that You and Sophie will share the Cat Toys.
Welcome to Pet Talk Sancho!!!:love::love::love:

Pinot's Mom
09-18-2012, 11:38 AM
Aww, I do hope this sweetie gets to trust you so he can get cleaned up and to the vet. Thanks so much for caring for little Sancho! :love:

09-18-2012, 01:25 PM
What a sweetie he is. I too love the name Sancho. It does seem he is warming up to you, but you're wise not to lift him yet, or let him be close to Sophie.

You're safe now, Sancho and you'll have a wonderful future with your mom and step sister. :love:

Thanks for caring, Astrid! :love:

Queen of Poop
09-18-2012, 01:30 PM
Oh my goodness, he is adorable. I do hope he will soon learn to love being petted and cared for. Thank you for taking care of Sweet Sancho. :love::love::love:

09-18-2012, 07:11 PM
Uh oh ....Chels took one look at Sancho and I swear she practically swooned. Since then she has been bugging me like crazy to let her visit her bfff Sophie....:D

Edwina's Secretary
09-18-2012, 08:05 PM
When I was a teenager we had a dog named Sancho. Sancho Panza - from Man of La Mancha! He was part German Shepherd and yellow just like your Sancho!

Besos y abrazos Sancho! Buena suerte en su hogar....y con Sophie!

09-19-2012, 06:26 AM
What a beautiful boy Sancho is!!! I love orange and whites. Thank you for taking him in and making him part of your family.

09-21-2012, 02:44 PM
Hi Sancho! Welcome to Pet Talk! What a gorgeous kitty you are. You don't ever have to be afraid again. Soon you'll find out that PT kitties get only the very best of everything. We'll never know what experiences you've had but don't worry, Astrid will protect you now - you can trust her. And don't worry about Sophie, Groucho and a few of the other kitties plan to talk to her about how much fun a brother can be. Then once you're all settled in, you can go on Catmobile trips!

09-21-2012, 04:14 PM
Yes, this fine cat looks a tad rough around the edges, sounds to me like you are showing kindness and dignity. Bless your heart, I figure with all your patience and care this fella will do just fine. SO much better than on his wee own, that's for bloody sure :love::love::love:

09-22-2012, 08:32 PM
Hi Astrid,
How is Sancho doing? It's great to know he can count on food, fresh water and a place to come to be comfortable and warm. Groucho sends you lots of purrs, headbumpies and kitty kisses to thank you for helping his fellow kitty in need. Could I ask you to give Sophie lots of lovies from me? :love:

09-22-2012, 09:26 PM
Aww, I do hope this sweetie gets to trust you so he can get cleaned up and to the vet. Thanks so much for caring for little Sancho! :love:

Agree agree agree! :love:

09-23-2012, 12:30 PM
Hi Astrid,
How is Sancho doing? It's great to know he can count on food, fresh water and a place to come to be comfortable and warm. Groucho sends you lots of purrs, headbumpies and kitty kisses to thank you for helping his fellow kitty in need. Could I ask you to give Sophie lots of lovies from me? :love:

Hi! Lovies for Sophie delivered, thank you :)

I must report some progress with Sancho: he has a very sharp eating schedule and he asks for his food whenever he finds the plate empty! he has a cute little "meow! meow!" that sounds like a baby and knows that I'll put food for him :) and when I go out he doesn't run away anymore! He kept me company yesterday when I was doing the laundry, from a distance of course, but he stayed! Also, he's spending more time here, not only at night but during the day! When I came from work this week I found him three times taking a nap on his spot on the washing machine, and on Friday he came before it started to rain... he knows he has a safe place!

BUT I still can't touch him :( I tried to pet him but he closed his eyes and started to meow scared :( poor baby!
Well, step by step. He knows he has a shelter and a human willing to obey :D so it's just a matter of time I guess.

09-23-2012, 04:10 PM
I'm so glad to hear that some progress is being made and that he now knows that he has a place to sleep and eat.:)

11-09-2012, 12:50 AM
Astrid, how is Sancho doing? Is he still visiting you? Is he getting more comfortable with you, I hope so! :)

11-11-2012, 08:34 AM
Astrid, how is Sancho doing? Is he still visiting you? Is he getting more comfortable with you, I hope so! :)

Thank you for asking :)

Things were going well, Sancho came every day and I could pet him occasionally, I was very excited! but one morning when I was putting some food on his plate he attacked me, he gave me an ugly scratch on my foot :( I don't know why because I did nothing wrong, in fact I used to put food like that every time as he waited sitted on the washing machine. Two days after that he did it again, and this time he gave a scratch on my hand and from that day on he meows and looks at me in a threatening way, not in the sweet or begging way he had some days before that, so I'm worried to open the door when he's there.
Now I only leave the food on the plate so that he finds it whenever he comes.

Also, he doesn't stay as often as he used to.

The day of the earthquake he was here, I was so worried about him and Sophie but when I came home I found them both in deep sleep, as if nothing had happened, thank God.

11-11-2012, 09:49 AM
Oh no. :( Maybe he is hurt? Can you borrow a live trap and get him to the vet that way, or ask the vet about a tranquilizer to put in his food?

I hope he can somehow get to a vet soon. Also, if those scratches start swelling get yourself to a doctor. Are you up-to-date on a tetanus shot?

Hugs and prayers for you and Sancho both.:love:

11-11-2012, 12:35 PM
We knew that Astrid , being a very knd hearted young Lady would find a way to give you a FurrEber Home Sancho!!!
We Found Hotel Cats are so very happy and we pray that you and Sophie will find a compromise and be friends!!!
http://i800.photobucket.com/albums/yy286/pouncer2scrappy/th_Picture003-12.jpg (http://s800.photobucket.com/albums/yy286/pouncer2scrappy/?action=view&current=Picture003-12.mp4)
Just as Our Found Cat Hotel Angels did years ago.
God Bless You Astrid for caring:love::love::love:

11-11-2012, 03:58 PM
Hi Astrid,
I'm so sorry to hear that Sancho seems to be having some problems. Such a sweet little guy, could something have happened that frightened him or injured him somehow? It seemed like he was really starting to trust you. It might help if you could talk to your vet, his change in his behavior seems pretty sudden. Please let us know how things work out with him?

11-11-2012, 05:42 PM
Gary, Sancho has become suddenly very grouchy and has scratched Astrid twice! We are hoping she can get a live trap or somehow get Sancho to a vet without her getting hurt.

11-12-2012, 06:51 AM
Oh, that doesn't sound good. I wonder what has happened. Hoping this can be sorted out. Sending big hugs and lovies for Sophie :love:

11-12-2012, 09:00 AM
Prayers and loving good wishes for Sancho and Astrid both. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

11-14-2012, 10:15 AM
Thank you for your messages and prayers :)

It's been almost a week since Sancho last visited, I was worried BUT I've seen him twice walking on the neighbourhood, he looks fine, I called him and tried to approach him but he ran away. We'll see what happens..

I still leave food and water and find the plate empty, but last night I found out that there was this cute black kitty enjoying it so I don't know to whom I work for! :D

11-17-2012, 09:25 AM
I have the feeling Astrid that Mi Angelese Gatos Negro has left a little Negro Gattita for you.
Maybe Sophie would take to a Baby Cat better than Sancho who sadly has the mental scars of being a stray.
We are crossing our paws for you all and with the grace of Our All Loving Lord God above all will be well.:love::love::love: