View Full Version : Introduction

09-08-2012, 04:26 PM
Hello everyone. I am DeAnne, I've been a member here a long time ago but so long ago I don't even remember my user name, email, or any of that. So I decided to sign up again. I remember you guys being such a great group of people. I am from Oklahoma, married and have a 2 year old daughter who loves cats and animals as much as me. We have 4 cats. Star, she's the oldest at 8years old. She and I have been through a lot together. She's a chunky monkey, and currently on a diet of special kitty food. She is a ragdoll siamese mix. The other three are sibling sisters, they are 5 months old. As you can imagine, kittens, it's constant play time here. April, she is the most timid, she's silvery with black swirls. She doesn't like anyone but me for some reason. She's usually at my feet tripping me of course, purring and meowing. She loves to play though. Fat Girl, I know not a really cute name but my nieces named her. She was the roly poly chunky runt of the litter. She was shortest and fattest so Fat Girl just stuck. She is tortie colored, kind of unique colorings. On her face she has a stripe, its like one half is tortie, and the other half is orange. She's a purring princess. You can just talk to her and she purrs. My daughter's favorite for sure. I have to watch her, she's bad about getting a hold of the crayons. My daughter is too. Ha ha. 2 year olds are so much fun. Then Princess, which we were only babysitting but turns out my husband (not really a cat person) got attached to her. Go figure. I am now one cat away from being a cat hoarder... so I am being told. Ha ha. I don't mind. We recently moved to this town, well in February. My sister found out she had leukemia, and we came down to take care of her kids while she has treatment. Little did we know that her being sick changed our whole lives. I went from being severely depressed (couldn't have my cat at the apartments I lived at) being away from family and friends to, all of sudden being surrounded by people all the time, and amongst all these changes in our lives, my husband and I found out we are expecting a baby. After more than a year of trying, the second we gave up is the second we conceived. We are having a boy, and he is due Dec 2. I think he will end up being a Thanksgiving Baby though. I have gestational diabetes which is really hard to control. I am not used to having to eat all the time and eat healthy at that. Its like a punishment to be pregnant and craving stuff, but be able to have it. I feel for people who do have it full time. Anyway I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and your furchildren.

09-08-2012, 04:27 PM
Oh, I completely forgot, my sister no longer has leukemia, she is cancer free!!!

09-08-2012, 04:37 PM




09-09-2012, 12:26 PM
What a fine Young Lady , and Four Great Cats.
Welcome back to Pet Talk from all My Found Cat Hotel Friends , My Porch Cats and All of Our Awesome Angels.
We are glad to hear from you again:cool::cool::cool:

09-09-2012, 02:25 PM
Welcome back! You're right, there are some great people on this site! I love the pics of all your "kids".:)

09-09-2012, 05:36 PM
Hi and welcome back! I'm owned by my 11 year old Groucho, a black and white kitty boy with a Groucho Marx moustache. He lets us live in the house. By the way, Groucho is the kitty lawyer here on Pet Talk. Loved seeing the pictures! That's wonderful news about your sister! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts and getting to know you. Could I ask you to give your kitties some lovies welcoming them as PT kitties?

09-09-2012, 08:23 PM
Thank you all for the welcome back.

05-20-2013, 08:16 PM
Hope you and your family are okay tonight!