View Full Version : Adorable Molly!

09-08-2012, 07:33 AM
Good golly Miss Molly...WHAT an adorable wittle wee one you are; puppy preciousness overload!:D
What a way to start the day, opening up Dog of the Day and seeing your adorable self up on my screen!:) I can almost smell the puppy breath through my monitor, feel that soft, warm belly! How lucky your family is, having a bright and beautiful, exuberant and life loving furkid such as you in their lives, bringing so much joy and endless smiles and laughs to their days! And hopefully, after some time, even your big sister Sandi will come around, with you and she being the best of buds! You truly are a blessing, Molly, and so very worthy of your "top dog" status!:cool:
Enjoy a happy and fun filled day of celebration, sweet baby girl, and every minute of your wonderful life!
Love and cuddles and kisses to you, adorable Molly, and to dear Sandi as well! Long and happy life to you, sweetheart!:love::love::love:
P.S...You pics are heart melters!:D

09-08-2012, 07:40 AM
Look at that adorable puppy Molly! There is nothing that melts my heart more than a Beagle puppy! So dear to my heart. :love:

09-08-2012, 09:32 AM
OH MY GOODNESS!! WHAT A CUTIE! Molly, You are just adorable and I sure would like to hold you, you sweet little bundle of love. As soon as I saw your picture, I starting gushing LOL. No wonder your family is crazy about you. (To human: I totally understand that your older dog is not thrilled with the new puppy. My new Pom pup has been here 5 months and they still are not friends. Just hang in there.) Molly, You are so sweet; how could anybody (or dog) resist you?! I hope all of you have a long and happy life together. Congrats on being DOTD!

09-08-2012, 02:07 PM
Awww, Molly! What a darling, adorable puppy girl you are! SOOO cute! I bet it's a big adjustment for your big sister Sandi, too. I'm sure you will get to be buddies! Happy Dog of the Day to you, cutie Molly!

09-08-2012, 06:43 PM
What a sweet little puppy to behold! Molly is a beautiful pup of the day, what a joy! I'm sure she will only become cuter with time, have the very best day :D Peace and love :D:D:D:D

09-08-2012, 08:19 PM
What a little Sweetie ! .. yep a Sweetie with teeth !!

She is innocence wrapped in mischief !!

Beautiful Girl.... go easy on Miss Sandi !

09-08-2012, 10:07 PM
You're a cutie Molly!:love: Congrats on being DOTD!!!:D

09-09-2012, 12:27 AM
Oh, Molly, what a beauty!!! That and everything else nice there is to say about such a precious little girl. But before we get too carried away let's defer to the eleven-year-old Sheltie named Sandi for just a bit. Love and lots of it is the key to a successful joint venture for Sandi and Molly. If I may, I will relate my own experience in this realm. One year ago we came across a twelve week old male Pitt/Boxer mix that was abandoned on a rural road in our area and brought him home to our two girls: Annie, an eleven year old miniature greyhound and Sweet Pea a nine year old Lab mix. Annie has always been very outgoing and accepted the rambunctious puppy immediately. Sweet Pea, who had been our baby for nine years, would not acknowledge the puppy. She didn't offer to hurt him but she would totally avoid him and seemed to pretend that he did not exist. Due to the stress of this situation, Sweet Pea became physically ill and began to have trouble with her vision in one eye and we took her to the vet to be on the safe side. We were almost ready to find the puppy a new home in order to save Sweet Pea but we knew from previous experiences just how powerful love can be in some cases. So, we made a point of dispensing love in large doses everyday to assure Sweet Pea that she was as important and as loved as ever. We also let her know that we fully accepted the puppy. We would often cuddle with her and the puppy at the same time but always allowing her the option to withdraw if she so chose. After about two weeks of this intensive love fest, our sweet Sweet Pea approached the puppy and gave him her blessing. From that moment on the three canines have been true siblings that run, wrestle and have lots of fun everyday. By the way, that twelve week old puppy named Tyson is now at eighty (80) pounds and loves his sisters like a good brother should. I fully believe that with Love, all things are possible. Please allow Sandi the time and space she needs to come to terms with the idea of Molly as a little sister. They will both love you for it later and they will love and enjoy each other as a result of the right efforts now. Best of luck for a happy and joyous family. I hope your situation turns out as wonderfully as ours has. Love Is The Key That Unlocks Most Hearts.

Steve Arnold
09-09-2012, 09:41 PM
Molly, you are indeed a very beautiful puppy with adorable eyes and a spirit that jumps right out of the picture at us! I also brought a puppy into my home with a much older dog. The puppy has been with us two years now and still doesn't quite get it that his older companion doesn't want to play, but he adores him anyway. We still have to get in the older dog's face, give him morning kisses he doesn't really want, and in general be a nuisance. But over time, I think my older dog has come to love his little companion and maybe that's what's kept him going. So take it easy on your older friend, Molly, but never give up trying to forge that friendship. Somehow, I don't think you will.