View Full Version : This was a last resort...

09-06-2012, 10:54 AM
I blew the whistle on a woman who befriended me at a cat show two years ago. She and I each, adopted a sphynx from a breeder who was closing her cattery, with the understanding that we'd get them spayed. I kept my end of the bargain. However, Carol did not. I've complained here before about her not caring for her cats properly, i.e., full litterboxes (constantly), no food, no water, dirty nails, ears, etc. Anyway, I texted the breeder to tell her that the cat Carol adopted is now pregnant and she went ballistic!!! I told Sherrie the horror stories. The cat is a Herpes carrier and that's why Sherrie insisted she be spayed. NO MORE BABIES!! I did this in the best interest of Nyla, the cat. Sherrie wants the cat returned. I got a text from Carol asking me why I betrayed our friendship and why I didn't talk to her first. I TRIED talking to her for MONTHS, to no avail. I just wish I had taken pictures of everything. I'm done talking to her. My loyalty is not to this douchebag, but to save Nyla's life.

Sherrie said Carol cried on the phone about how much she loves Nyla. I don't doubt that at all. But, Sherrie can't take Nyla back. She told Carol that once the babies are born and weaned, she has until December to get her fixed and send her proof, or she's taking her to small claims court. Sherrie also expects the pick of the litter.

I felt bad at first, but then realized I did the right thing. I haven't heard from Carol and don't expect to. I just pray that those babies are going to be okay. If she had only gotten both Sinatra and Nyla fixed, it never would've come to this. She's just damn lucky I didn't call the ACO.

09-06-2012, 10:57 AM
How sad. Hopefully the babies will be okay, and won't be damaged by the Herpes. Bless you for caring!

09-06-2012, 11:25 AM
As I have grown older, 39 is the pits ;), I have made the decision that I am not going to anytime wondering about NOT doing the right thing.

My mom had a saying that put things into perspective for me - altho it refers to children, It can apply to out pets, too.

Los Ninos no tiene la culpa.

The children are not to blame.

We need to step up and defend the 'little ones' because they cannot defend themselves.

It's hard enough to navigate life without having to carry another person's load on our backs..

09-06-2012, 11:41 AM
I have not seen very successful enforcement of those contracts, Donna. Where the breeder (how I hate to say that word) went wrong (and she did) was by not having the defective cats (cause, really, to the breeder, that IS what those cats were...not show quality, or she would have kept them herself) altered before they left her ownership.

While I think the intentional breeding of most all dogs and cats completely wrong, and irresponsible (save me (not you, Donna, as I haven't ever heard you talk about your "responsible breeding") all those reasons why YOU (the general you) should breed YOUR animal), I equally place the blame on the breeder and the current owner.

Thousands of animals a day are killed here in the US. Every single person that breeds a dog or cat is contributing to the killing going on in our shelters. Too many pets. Not enough homes.

Donna- sometimes you misunderstand things- this is NOT directed AT you, in any fashion. I promise.

09-06-2012, 03:58 PM

I know it's not directed at me. I totally get what you're saying. And you're right, the breeder should've had her spayed BEFORE she left for her new home. But this lady who adopted her promised to get her spayed. I offered her one of my free spay/neuter certificates and she tried to tell the breeder that it fell through. It didn't. The breeder is having a contract drawn up by her lawyer that says if she doesn't spay Nyla once her milk as dried up, she will take Nyla back. Carol will have to send proof of the spay, i.e., copy of certificate and pictures of her incision.

I loathe backyard breeders. I do not like breeders either. I have a lot of friends who are reputable, responsible Sphynx breeders.

Thousands of animals a day are killed here in the US. Every single person that breeds a dog or cat is contributing to the killing going on in our shelters. Too many pets. Not enough homes.


09-06-2012, 04:01 PM
Richard, your Mom's saying could easily be referencing The Innocents of the World - the innocent ones: children, animals, the environment.

Donna, I think what you did was grand. :love: