View Full Version : crates and cages

11-20-2002, 08:16 PM
this is the first i have ever heard of a dog crate (well, since this summer) and to me, they look like those travelling cages. i know are mentioned in many training sessions and i'm sure they are important. what's the difference between that and a cage? and which is better? i am confused on which to get for my dog..:D thanks :D

11-20-2002, 09:48 PM
You can use one of those traveling kennels if you want. I just think wire crates are better only because the dogs can see more and maybe not feel so enclosed. I have had dogs that do prefer the travelling ones though because they liked it darker in there.

This is what the wire ones look like:


11-20-2002, 09:59 PM
For me anyway, the words crate and cage can be used for the same thing. We tend to call ours "crate" because it seems better in our minds than "cage". :confused:

11-20-2002, 10:00 PM
I have both actually. Two of the durakennels, one for each dog. Which I use if I'm only taking one of the dogs somewhere or need to keep the two of the a part, and a wire kennel that I use to keep the two of them in, so they can stay together and Winter can torment Smudge :D

11-20-2002, 11:42 PM

They also have these, too!:) ;)

11-21-2002, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by *LabLoverKEB*

They also have these, too!:) ;)

This is the one I have. Actually I have 2 of them. I have one at my parents house and one here at my house. The one here stays in place all the time. The one in my parents house gets taken apart and goes with us when we need it.
I had a wire crate for Shaianne, my greyhound, but I was terrified she would break her leg b/c it was off the ground, no worries. By the time I got home she had gotten out and had free run of the house!! She even climbed over the chair I had blocking the doorway!!
I just kept the same crate for Keegan, obviously since Keegan is bigger, and the crate is an XL.
But when she was a baby I put her in a cat carrier. Then as she grew, my dad had put a piece of plywood in the crate to block it off, so she didn't think she had the Hotel Hilton! Then as she got too big I took out the plywood and she now obviously has the whole thing!
I am a firm believer in crating. Keegan is in the crate when I go to work and when I sleep.
When I think of getting another dog, I realize I TRULYdo not have the room for another crate. And that is one of the reasons I only have one dog!!

11-21-2002, 08:49 AM
I have one of the wire ones for Smokey. He loves it. (Most of the time)

11-21-2002, 11:05 AM
For the first time in my life, I got a wire crate when we adopted Shiloh. This was the first time I would have two dogs together and I wanted her to be safe when I wasn't home, until I knew for sure that Killi would accept her unconditionally. Great Pyr rescue required my parents to have one for their adopted Bandit, so I loaned her mine. Now I need one for my new foster, when I get him/her.

11-21-2002, 11:08 AM
Kia has a wire crate. It's her den and she is comfortable in it. When I get ready to leave, unless I pick up her leash, she will get into it 99.9% of the time without me asking.

11-21-2002, 12:30 PM
Susie loves her crate. We only close the door at night or when we have to be gone for a short time. (If we're gone very long, we put her outside in the backyard.) She will only go in there if we're in the bedroom... she follows us everywhere we go. But when we are in the bedroom or the master bathroom (which she's afraid of for some reason) then she is usually in her crate sleeping, playing with her toys, or just watching what we're doing. I think she feels safe there because she knows we won't accidently step on her and she always goes in right away when she senses that we're ready for bed. In the morning, we take her outside right away to go potty and when we come back in she races to her crate where she sleeps for another hour while we get dressed and ready for work. Wish I were so lucky!

11-21-2002, 01:34 PM
I use the crates for puppy training and then once they're
trained only for emergency purposes. For my terriers I have
the travel kind, which they seem to like because they're more den
like. For my Collie though, I got a wire crate. One because it's
so big, I wanted one that easily folded up to be put away.
And two because it seems more important to him to be able
to watch everything that's going on. As it is he's not too thrilled,
if I leave the room and he doesn't get to go. He has more
freedom now, that he's older and housebroken, and he just
about wears himself out trying to keep track of me, murph and
maddie, if we're not all three in the same room. Must be that
protective herding instinct kicking in, wanting to keep all of his
flock in one spot.


11-21-2002, 02:22 PM
thanks for all your help :)
so a "cage" would be alright for crate-training then? thanks :D
i would prefer to get it a cage bceause of all the reasons of not being in an enclosed space and to whats going on.