View Full Version : Shower Gifts :)

09-05-2012, 02:30 PM
I originally wanted to make a toy box for hte bay's room but couldn't find an affordable one to save my life. I even scoured craiglsist for a couple weeks. I finally found these neat little faux leather storage boxes that turned out better than the toy box idea. They were a whole $9 each. Add $20 for the paint and I did pretty good :)


This is the bedding she chose:

and the wall hanging I borrowed the design from to make the storage box tops

The wall hanging s sell for $40 for the 3 pieces. Part of me is considering also painting three little canvases like that too.

I have a ton of clothes to put inside -- I added up the original prices on the tags as $175. I paid $29. :) :) :)

and I have the elephant blankie I made that matches the stroller PERFECTLY.

I feel like I am being cheap.... but I know its all in my own mind. I know money is tight for a lot of people right now. I looked into the registries and nobody's bought anything yet. I spoke to a couple other people to see what they're planning on getting her (out of pure nosiness ;)) and they said they haven't bought anything yet because everything she chose is out of their budget. I feel bad and I'm not going to tell her that she's killing people's budgets! :p

09-05-2012, 03:25 PM
You're not being cheap, you're being practical. LOOOOOVE the gifts!!

09-05-2012, 03:41 PM
Yay! Turtles! :) Good job, Grammie Kim!

09-05-2012, 03:42 PM
You are quite talented! And those boxes will be handy I think, even as Logan grows. Little boys always have stuff they have to keep - frogs and bugs and oh wait! I mean, stones and marbles and rocks and twigs and such. :D

Did she already buy the bedding, or is that just what she has picked and it is on her wish list? Nice job!

09-05-2012, 04:23 PM
Wow! Very pretty! Great job! BTW I rarely if ever get what's on "the list or registry" because of cost. I usually get something not on "the list" and spend less money and dont feel bad about it at all. Good for you; looks great.

09-06-2012, 01:11 AM
They look great. I know she'll love your gifts.:)