View Full Version : Eve's morning walk

09-04-2012, 01:33 PM
We have been in Portland for the weekend and Eve just came home from kitty camp this morning:D ... so many stories to tell;). After breakfast and lots of cuddles, we went for our walk:). She is so curious to know that everything is as she left it:p. Some pics from this morning.






09-04-2012, 01:57 PM
The green of the leaves really bring out the color of her eyes in that third picture!

Edwina's Secretary
09-04-2012, 02:40 PM
Darlilng Eve,

My purrent also went away for the weekend. I trust you found everything in good order upon your return? How do you communicate your displeasure at thier absence? I usually do it in a manner than involves a good rug and ....

Welcome Home!

Edwina e/s

p.s. You are looking gorgeous!!!

09-04-2012, 03:05 PM
Darlilng Eve,

My purrent also went away for the weekend. I trust you found everything in good order upon your return? How do you communicate your displeasure at thier absence? I usually do it in a manner than involves a good rug and ....

Welcome Home!

Edwina e/s

p.s. You are looking gorgeous!!!

Dear Edwina,

It is so good to know someone understands my concerns:). Everything was just fine except for the scent of that pesky cat down the street who continues to torment me with his presence ... the nerve of him !!

I have been busy telling all my weekend stories - it is exhausting:eek: must be nap time:). Thank you for your note:love:.

Best, Eve

09-04-2012, 03:13 PM
Oh cool...you have a leash kitty too! Buddy loves his leash and walks.

Eve is really a pretty kitty. I bet she had a lot to tell you about her weekend. :)

Pinot's Mom
09-04-2012, 03:37 PM
Oh, cousin Eve, you look MAHvelous!! ;) I'm sorry you had such a traumatic time - I hope everything is back in place for you. I also understand what you mean - it's so important that things are as we wish them to be. Call me if you need me! :love:

Purrs, Pinot

09-04-2012, 03:53 PM
Oh cool...you have a leash kitty too! Buddy loves his leash and walks.

Eve is really a pretty kitty. I bet she had a lot to tell you about her weekend. :)

Eve has pretty much talked herself hoarse:p; standard procedure after she's been away for a few days and very clingy (even in her sleep - she wakes up crying if she can't see us):love:. She suffers separation anxiety:( and although her cat sitter loves her and cuddles her at kitty camp, it takes a couple of days with Mom and Dad for Eve's world to be right again:). She is such a sweetie - I wish she could understand we would never abandon her:love:.

09-04-2012, 03:59 PM
Oh, cousin Eve, you look MAHvelous!! ;) I'm sorry you had such a traumatic time - I hope everything is back in place for you. I also understand what you mean - it's so important that things are as we wish them to be. Call me if you need me! :love:

Purrs, Pinot

Thanks Cousin Pinot:love:

It's all good now - I'm home with Mom and Dad - lots of hugs and cuddles and walkies. Kitty camp is OK - cool horsies and lots of birds and deer and stuff to watch and the food lady plays with me and gives me hugs; just wish my mommy and daddy were there too.

Good to chat, hope all is great with you!

Purrs, Eve

Edwina's Secretary
09-04-2012, 06:52 PM

May I apologize for my secretary's terrible typing? Trust I have severely disciplined her. If this keeps up I may seek a replacement!



09-04-2012, 07:52 PM

may i apologize for my secretary's terrible typing? Trust i have severely disciplined her. If this keeps up i may seek a replacement!



:d !

09-04-2012, 11:54 PM
Oh, hello, sweet Eve! You are looking very beautiful, as always! My food lady said to tell you that your people will never abandon you. Sometimes they have to go away without us for a little while. When they return, we make sure to let them know we are NOT happy that they went away from us. I am always glad my food lady returns to me, but I would rather she know I'm displeased that she left in the first place ;) My food lady and I are so glad that all is right in your world again. Please have your people give you some extra petting, hugs, and lovies from us.

Cassie and your admiring fan Elyse

09-05-2012, 12:59 AM
I'm glad to hear that things are now back to normal. I'm sure that your purrents missed you as much as you missed them. Even though my meowmie never leaves us for very long when she goes to work, I always have lots to tell her when she gets home. She says I love her too much. By the way you look great in these pics.

Your Feline Friend,
Pearly Girl

09-05-2012, 05:18 AM
You're such a beautiful girl Eve!:love: I just can't get over those eyes! I'm glad you enjoyed your walk!:D

09-05-2012, 07:08 AM
Dearest Eve,
I am pleased to hear you are back at home and routine has been restored.

How was the area when you returned? I suspect a few leaves had chosen to relocate themselves; I don't know why HuMom says they are not alive, I KNOW they move! So nice to see you outdoors, my what big eyes you have! I don't get out as much as I used to (I am 16 years old now!). But when I do get out in the fenced back yard, I have to ensure that all the things are in their proper places. Strange smells can be so annoying!

Glad you are sharing all your camp stories.


09-05-2012, 07:51 AM
Hi Eve,
Welcome home from kitty camp! I do hope you found everything exactly as it should be. While Soncat is away, Meowmie let some men I don't know come in my house and change everything. While I was able to supervise, my house doesn't look or smell the same - not acceptable! It looks like you had a nice morning for your walk and there must have been so much for you to check out.

By the way, a Catmobile party is being planned for the Great Haggis Feast on September 17. You will be joining us? All of your fellow kitties can't wait to see you again. Be sure to let us know, there's an announcement about it in Cat General.

Your friend,

09-05-2012, 09:15 AM
Hi Eve, this is the Found Cats , you friends from Catada!!!
What is Kitty Kamp like, we have never heard of that, is it a lot of fun???
Do you play a lot of games and go roughing in the wilderness, and play in the wild??
Enquiring Cat would love to know!!!:love::love::love:

09-05-2012, 09:17 AM
Thanks everybuddy for all your good thoughts and hugs:love:. It was so good to sleep in the big bed last night with mommy and daddy - I had to get up several times and thank them:p:D with loud purrs and butt in the face maneuvers;). It's all good - they both gave me lots of lovins ... today? business as usual:).

Purrs, Eve

09-10-2012, 10:59 AM
Hi Evie,
here are your German kitty friends Kiri and Orion. We had problems to get to the computer as my mom has a brand new Mac Book pro and I think she gives it more cuddles right now than we get:rolleyes:
But we really thought we could rub nosies with you when we saw the pictures.
We would like to go to kitty camp with you. When our purrents go away we stay home whihc is nice because nobody tells us what to do with the sofa and what not but we would very much appreciate more birdwatching.
Greetings from the Austrian border ( we know your grandpurrents live over there;))
Kiri and Orion

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-10-2012, 06:00 PM
Eve, you are one gorgeous kitty and I can just tell you're thrilled to be home - back in familiar territory. Even though we travel often, I do recognize familiar spots and I can just tell we're headed to one soon since the cold is starting to set in here. Seems it's rather cool for a few days then it all of a sudden we move and it gets beastly hot! I don't understand it but meowmy calls it "home" when we get there.


09-10-2012, 06:35 PM
Eve, you are such a gorgeous girl, out for a stroll in your harness!

We're so glad things are back to normal in your household.


09-10-2012, 08:45 PM
Thank you everyone for your sweet replies. Eve is quite well adjusted after kitty camp:D.

Kitty camp, aka. Cats Pajamas is actually very cool:cool:. Eve's cat sitter owns a farm on Bowen Island about an hour's ferry ride from our home. Bowen Island is a beautiful place with lots of birds and other wildlife. Cats Pajamas is a cats only boarding facility and has been in operation for 20 years. Dawn, the owner loves cats and brings her Catmobile over from the island to pick up / drop off all her little furry boarders. The cattery is indoor/outdoor - each unit has its own enclosed outdoor kennel. Dawn has horses on the farm as well and we have discovered that Eve loves horses!! She is very excited to see them and as such Dawn always makes sure Eve's room has a good view of the horses:D. Dawn has an amazing client roster and we have to book in good time to get a reservation. She has amazing staff to help her with the kitties and an excellent veterinarian on hand to assist with kitties on medication or to assist in the event of illness while being boarded. It is really comforting to know that when we are away Eve is with a caring and responsible person and has lots to entertain her curiosity. The rates are extremely reasonable in my opinion and well worth it!!