View Full Version : September begins

09-02-2012, 07:40 PM
And it seems a bit odd to me that even after all these years, it still feels like "back to school" time! Part of my brain says "maybe fall is beginning," but the rest of my brain firmly states that real fall temperatures are quite a ways off ... remembering years of September 20th dates that were at least 90 degrees will do that for ya!

What does the beginning of September mean to you?

09-02-2012, 08:36 PM
......it means Autumn coming... the 22nd was my Beloved Mum's birthday. She died when I was 14.

I love September.. and Autumn and Winter. It isnt a sad time.. its the Earth getting ready to keep its own safe till Spring.

Now I live here in America... in OK... and today the temp was 105F.... and everythign is dying of drought...its so hard.

I am so dreadfully homesick as it is.... this isnt MY September.... its a different planet.

The graphics I make are always better inspired by the September to March times.

I long for the smell of rain in coloured Autumn leaves .... heavy dews... mist in the morning

That is my September...

09-02-2012, 10:35 PM
September reminds me of October so I love it. I love the autumn leaves, the fall. Also reminds me of Hallows eve when I was a child, they were excellent memories. And the rain, I love the rain and the pumpkins and squash, gourds and the thoughts of Thanksgiving and Christmas. My husband has the greenest thumb :D :D

09-03-2012, 07:19 AM
Fall is my favorite time of year. Cool, not humid and lots to do, i.e., country fairs.

I got up this morning and it was only 64 degrees out!!! It's as if someone flipped a switch and summer is gone!!! Time to take the AC out of my window.

09-03-2012, 07:21 AM
School is back in session
Cooler temps are on the way - thank goodness
Comfort food, baking, and crock pot cooking
Time to check the cool/cold weather clothes
And the dreaded - think about holiday shopping

I was in Sam's on Friday (it was still August), and they have all of their Christmas items out already! Decorations, specialty gifts, wrapping paper, etc. Ridiculous!!!!

And crock pot cooking??? - I'm doing that today since the grill is out of gas and the weather is crappy and rainy and humid too. I tossed the country style spare ribs in, poured a concoction of brown sugar, molasses, onion, garlic, and a splash of lemon juice over them, and it will simmer all day. When it's done, toss a salad, and open a can of Bush's baked beans sweet mesquite flavor, and my "cooking" is done. How lazy - I mean, easy - is that??? :D

09-03-2012, 07:35 AM
I have already had my September 'back to school' nightmare -- I arrive at college, no class list, no idea what room I need to be in at what time, have to stand in line and wait and wait -- 2 hours later I get to the front, they close for 15 minutes for coffee; when they reopen they hand me my class list -- no room assignments so I have to go find another line to get THAT List -- end up missing the first week of class (hey, it's a nightmare, all this takes days to complete, he hee). I have been out of school over 34 YEARS and I still have some sort of back to school nightmare. :rolleyes:

I am always 'surprised' September is here; how could summer be over already? I have a thousand more summer time fun things to do! Summer is my all time fave season. Yes it is nice sleeping with the windows open and snuggling under a cover again.

09-03-2012, 07:35 AM
Time to take the AC out of my window.

Don't rush it!!! I'm certain you'll still need it for a while yet. A few years ago we were still running the a.c. till almost the end of October, and it had been a very hot summer like we had this year. Hopefully it won't have to be running much longer tho, as it's usually the end of Sept when we can finally turn it off.

09-03-2012, 08:11 AM
And it seems a bit odd to me that even after all these years, it still feels like "back to school" time!

Karen, I read somewhere that a lot of people see September as a new start, much like Jan. 1st. Maybe that's because 'going back to school' is still in our minds.
September makes me very happy, summer will soon be gone! It's gonna be 85* today so it's not over yet! I love fall and the upcoming holidays.:)

09-03-2012, 09:33 AM
Going back to class, I'm not dreading it as much as I thought I would. I am just not a fan of the stress it bring me after having ZERO stress over the summer. I am only taking 14 credits. It also means applying for at least 3 internships for the summer. One that I really want is taking bird nesting surveys on the beaches of NJ and other research, and I'd only be living about an hour from my family and friends :-) AND I could say that I worked for the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife.

I am excited for October, sort of. I'm turning 20 this year on the 23rd. And it's always the start of the holiday season. I love Christmas and Thanksgiving. I love the Thanksgiving Day Parade and going the see the RocketFeller Center tree in the city! I just love it all.:D Summer is my favorite season but I am a bit over it this year with the heat. I love the outdoor recreation that comes with Summer and I'll miss that but I will look forward to it either way.

09-03-2012, 11:52 AM
See, I do not think of fall as beginning until October, and of course I live to the North of many of you! I love autumn, but it sure is not here yet! I do love the great produce this time of year, though!

09-03-2012, 12:45 PM
September makes me think of colours, warm lights, comfort food and new beginnings:) ... here is a photo I took this past weekend when visiting friends in Oyster Bay ...


09-03-2012, 09:22 PM
I always think of fall and orange leaves whenever I think of September. It got up to 104 degrees today, and I couldn't help but think "No, it's September, it should be in the upper 70's or lower 80's" Even though I know that doesn't generally happen until October. Sigh.