View Full Version : Where is Everyone?

09-02-2012, 05:32 PM
Is there any reason why any people viewing dog general right now,can't comment on Heidi's pictures.It is the first thread there,i posted pictures at 10 to 2 and is now 20 after 6 and no one has gone near it.i made a point to finally introducing myself to people here,that hasn't helped,only 139 people have looked at it since I started this thread 9 days ago.I used to get 90 to 100 views a day with Fritz's pictures and the first two of Heidi's averaged 69 a day.The thread before this only averaged 27 views a day for 132 days.I know there are a lot of people who enjoyed commenting and viewing Fritz's pictures and Heidi's to start but that has seemed to dwindle recently.I went on a thread for missing PTER'S ,I asked about Dorothy39 she liked Fritz and loved the captions I gave his pictures,she hasn't been on since March of 2008 and I thought I would ask,I figured someone would know,no one answered me.I just felt I had to say something about this,I am not trying to make anyone mad at me but I felt it was time to say something.

09-02-2012, 05:56 PM
Barry, PT isn't as busy as it used to be.:( I honestly don't look at Heidi's threads because you keep adding to them. I do like or reply to her on FB.;) Perhaps you could make a new thread, say based on what's going on in the pics each time, maybe you'd get more replies.:) As for no one answering your question, sometimes I feel invisible myself! No one responds to me.:p

09-02-2012, 06:19 PM
It has been a busy end of summer for many people, perhaps once the holiday weekend is over we will get back into the swing of things more. Lots of folks have been on vacation, etc., or busy getting kids ready or themselves ready for back to school!

09-02-2012, 09:18 PM
I am sure Karen is quite right, it is a very busy time of year and lotsa folks are travelin' right now. I saw all of Heidi's photos and she is a very cute wee doggy :D I enjoyed seeing her adorable pictures very much. Try not to be offended, she looks so healthy and happy so you should feel good cuz you take such excellent care of her, peace and love :D:D:D

09-02-2012, 11:40 PM
It is a holiday weekend. It seems to me not as many people visit on the weekends and post. Once the dead of winter sets in, more people will be visiting and posting.

09-03-2012, 07:45 AM
It is a holiday weekend. It seems to me not as many people visit on the weekends and post. Once the dead of winter sets in, more people will be visiting and posting.

That is true for me! I am on here 2 and 3 times per day in the winter months. In summer, I barely get on the computer once a day, and have so many things to do (email, 4 forums, Facebook) I try to keep it to an hour total.