View Full Version : Taggart's vet visit

08-24-2012, 03:57 PM
I took Tagg to the vet last night because since Tuesday he has been acting strange. He's licking his nose and paws a lot. He has a droopy tail and hangs his head. He was hesitant to eat and got drinks between bites which is not usual for him. He was laying curled up instead of sprawled out. His breath was more smelly than usual. Tuesday night he wouldn't even lift his head when I walked by or came in the room to check on him and his breathing was rapid. When he would walk around he would pant and it wasn't hot.
These symptoms have lessened since Tuesday but we still wanted to have him checked. Something is just off with him. Even his face looks strange/different to me.
I believe this has something to do with his teeth. He was eating a carrot last night and just went at it differently than usual. And when I mess with his mouth in the front he doesn't like it. This is the dog that I can pull his lips up over his head and he doesn't care. We also started him on Clavamox last night. So hopefully the anti-biotics will take care of whatever is bothering him.
Anway, the vet did a urinalysis and that came back fine. So they did a full blood panel test on him. The vet just called and said his pancrease levels are a bit high (she didn't give me numbers) and suggested to make sure I'm feeding him food with less than 9% fat content. I just checked the food we are feeding him (Blue Buffalo Lamb and Brown Rice) and it is 12% crude fat. So, does anyone have suggestions on a good food with a low fat content??

08-24-2012, 04:12 PM
I don't know of any OTC low fat dog food, but you could get a prescription type of low fat from your vet. You could also cook for him, and it's really not all that difficult and probably less expensive than a commercial food. Boiled chicken, boiled potatoes, a canned veggie like carrots or beets or green beans. This is what I do to supplement The Fuzzbuttz dog food, and of course they love it and it's good for them too.

Hope he feels better soon too!

08-24-2012, 05:15 PM
I don't know of any OTC low fat dog food, but you could get a prescription type of low fat from your vet. You could also cook for him, and it's really not all that difficult and probably less expensive than a commercial food. Boiled chicken, boiled potatoes, a canned veggie like carrots or beets or green beans. This is what I do to supplement The Fuzzbuttz dog food, and of course they love it and it's good for them too.

Hope he feels better soon too!

LOL, I don't even cook for myself!! Bruce is already complaining that the food we feed now is sooo expensive (even though I usually buy it). Rx food would be even worse. :(
I'm going to do research this weekend. But I was hoping someone would have some tips for me. Cooking the food is definitely a good tip, but not something I am capable of doing...........sigh. Hmmm, maybe I could talk Bruce into cooking for him. :D But honey, it will be cheaper.

08-24-2012, 05:16 PM
Here is a link which will help you find a food - each review includes the analysis.


08-24-2012, 05:33 PM
So simple - and you don't cook everyday! I boil a whole chicken and pick the meat off and just use some for each meal - he wouldn't get the whole chicken at once. LOL A whole chicken usually lasts these 2 for a week, so I keep half out and put the other half in the freezer so it doesn't have a chance to spoil. Throw some potatoes in a pot and boil them (and you don't even need to peel them), and refrigerate when done. Dice them up as needed and give him however much you figure he will eat with the chicken - and I usually cook enough for a week at a time with those too. And of course you know how to open a can of veggies - right??? :D Guaranteed to be cheaper than commercial dog food too. Oh, and if you do this, be sure to give a multi vitamin and mineral supplement. You can boil hamburg or other meats too. I buy my meats at Sam's, so it's very reasonable to cook for them when getting meats there.

08-24-2012, 05:57 PM
Thank you Sandie! :)

And yes, that does sound like something I could handle doing Ellie. Let me check out the site and if there isn't anything better out there, then maybe I'll go this route. Of course I'd discuss with Bruce first too.
We eat chicken several times a week. I hope he wouldn't start thinking it was for him when he smells it. :D

08-24-2012, 06:11 PM
If you do decide to try the home cooked method - go in thirds - 1/3 each of chicken, potatoes, and canned veggie when you feed him. Happy cooking..............:D

08-24-2012, 06:59 PM
Have to agree with Pom-- I cook for my dog and she's the ony one still living from the entire litter. Aside from having a carnasial tooth pulled, slab fracture from chewing a bone I think, she is never sick. I cook a huge pot of yams, mash them, cook up a huge pot of brown rice and stir in the yams , then I divide it in half and put mackerel in one batch and hamburg or chicken in the other batch. I fill small containers and freeze them. I take one out as needed, one container lasts about a week. This way I can monitor her weight and the size of her meals. The best part is that I now have enough in the freezer to last till spring of 2013. I also keep some Taste of the Wild handy and feed her some with her raw meal in the pm. I feed 2x/ day. Easier on their stomach , no overload.
If you don't feel up to cooking the yams you can buy the cans. Or like Pom mentioned, any canned veggies.

08-25-2012, 06:27 PM
I can't really give you any food advice but I just wanted to say that I hope that Taggart start's feeling better soon. I don't cook for myself either.;)

08-26-2012, 11:43 AM
Thanks everyone. Still haven't researched food yet or talked to Bruce about cooking for him.

But he is feeling much better. He's eating fine and seems more active. However, this morning he threw up a couple teeny spots. Mostly carrot since he had a rather large carrot last night before bed. Even though he gets carrots everyday, he just hadn't been eating them too much since he was not feeling well.
I'm not concerned about him throwing up. It happens sometimes. He ate his breakfast without a problem, so all is well. :)

Maybe I'll go research food now! :)

08-27-2012, 11:02 AM
Blue Buffalo has a low fat food, in case you want to stick with a brand you already know :)

08-27-2012, 12:07 PM
Blue Buffalo has a low fat food, in case you want to stick with a brand you already know :)

Yes! I just came to this conclusion this morning that this is what I'm going to do. :) I just need to wait until I get paid again to go get it. Which is fine since we just bought a bag of food less than 2 weeks ago for him.

I'm just always so nervous to change foods.

08-27-2012, 03:30 PM
Yes! I just came to this conclusion this morning that this is what I'm going to do. :) I just need to wait until I get paid again to go get it. Which is fine since we just bought a bag of food less than 2 weeks ago for him.

I'm just always so nervous to change foods.

Darn - and here I was looking forward to hearing all about your cooking adventures..........:p:D They might have been some good material for Comedy Central!

08-27-2012, 04:24 PM
Darn - and here I was looking forward to hearing all about your cooking adventures..........:p:D They might have been some good material for Comedy Central!

Dang, you sure know me! :p Well, cooking isn't off the table just yet. I still haven't talked to Bruce about it. But I'm sure he'll be for the easy (dump the food in a bowl) route. Maybe I could do both?? Or would that be too much on his system?

08-27-2012, 04:52 PM
Dang, you sure know me! :p Well, cooking isn't off the table just yet. I still haven't talked to Bruce about it. But I'm sure he'll be for the easy (dump the food in a bowl) route. Maybe I could do both?? Or would that be too much on his system?

Actually both might even be better - just stay with the total volume of both combined that you give him now. Myndi is on the prescription K/D for her kidneys, and she isn't at all impressed with it and gets to where she won't eat it at all. So to keep her getting at least some, then I give part K/D and part my homemade recipe. So of course Sparky being the chicken lover that he is, I just do the same with his regular food, even tho he's not on any prescription food. Whatever works - I do! Did I mention that I'm their slave??? :rolleyes:

08-27-2012, 05:50 PM
Actually both might even be better - just stay with the total volume of both combined that you give him now. Myndi is on the prescription K/D for her kidneys, and she isn't at all impressed with it and gets to where she won't eat it at all. So to keep her getting at least some, then I give part K/D and part my homemade recipe. So of course Sparky being the chicken lover that he is, I just do the same with his regular food, even tho he's not on any prescription food. Whatever works - I do! Did I mention that I'm their slave??? :rolleyes:

That might be what I do. :)