View Full Version : Toys From Childhood

08-22-2012, 06:04 PM
Do you remember your favorite toy when you were a kid? Did you have more than one?
Do you still have any of them?

08-22-2012, 06:33 PM
A little wind-up furry dog that hopped around. Unfortunately my cousin overwound it and it never hopped again, but I still kept it for years. I no longer have it, but I do have my old teddybear from when I was a baby, and also a handmade fabric Raggedy Anne doll that my mother's aunt made. She made many dolls, and was even named Aunt Doll. :)

I still have my figure skates from when I was somewhat older (around 12), and I can still wear them. Of course if I even tried to ice skate now, I'd probably kill myself, or at very least, break a few more bones that haven't already been broken. :eek:

08-22-2012, 06:48 PM
My beloved Raggedy Ann doll, made for me by my grandmother when I was 9 is now being enjoyed by Lady's human charges. But I do still have my very first teddy bear, made for me by my Aunt Dotty when I was born. He is soft, never had any hard parts to begin with, so was okay to be in the crib with me, and bed later. Sure, one ear is sideways now, and one leg a tad longer than the other because that's how I used to carry him around, and no one but me thinks he is beautiful, but Little Bear is to me. Funny story - he went college with me (of course) and my friend in the room next door Freshman year, Robin, also brought her rather bedraggled bear. So sophomore year, I got to the dorms before she did on move-in day. After I had my stuff all unpacked, I drew a note and stuck in on her door that was just a quick drawing of Little Bear and my room number. Her mother saw it, and was horrified, as she wondered how someone who couldn't draw got into Mass Art! She didn't believe Robin when she said, "No, Mom, that's what he really looks like!" Mrs. L was in disbelief, until they knocked on my door, and I produced Little Bear for inspection.

08-22-2012, 07:37 PM
At night I slept with several stuffed animals; one had to travel with me on overnight trips, a small gray elephant with red corduroy ears. I still have it, though last year WILLY pulled the eyes off. I have them and hope to figure out how to restore them.

My favorite toy to play with was colorforms!

08-22-2012, 08:46 PM
Tinker Toys. Haven't seen them in ages.

08-22-2012, 09:06 PM
Tinker Toys. Haven't seen them in ages.

They are still available at Toys R Us!

08-23-2012, 05:01 PM
I don't have anything from childhood but memories.:) One of my favorite things was my roller skates. On rainy days I liked to play
Jacks with my next door neighbor girl on the front porch.

08-24-2012, 12:36 PM
Believe it or not: there is a little Steiff kitty which came with the name Tabby and tabby she is and she sits close to my bed. All my real life kitties started to think she is the same as they are and had to go real close and sniff her before they knew.
Tabby is now over 50 years old and her fur is not as shiny and long as it used to be- but this is the same for me ;) I was never allowed to have a kitten when I was a kid - but there was Tabby ;)

08-24-2012, 01:14 PM
My barbies and my little ponies. They are still at my dads house. My neices play with them when they visit. He's coming down here next weekend and bringing some for Hannah. Care bears... i still have my entire care bear collection. Mr Moose. He was a Gund. Our librarian at school had one and he was a big puppet and I just fell in love with him. I know he cost my parents quite a bit of money but I got him for Christmas when I was 8 years old and I still have him and now he's Hannahs.

I have A LOT of my old toys from when I was a kid. I'm very sentimental lol so I keep a lot of "stuff" that hold special memories.

One of my favorites though that I wish I still had was my Teddy Ruxpin. He came with books and tapes and you put the tape in and he would read the book while you followed along. He broke and I was heartbroken like my best friend died. My mom sent him to be fixed and when he came back the repairman put a bandaid on his forehead lol.

08-24-2012, 01:27 PM
Believe it or not: there is a little Steiff kitty which came with the name Tabby and tabby she is and she sits close to my bed. All my real life kitties started to think she is the same as they are and had to go real close and sniff her before they knew.
Tabby is now over 50 years old and her fur is not as shiny and long as it used to be- but this is the same for me ;) I was never allowed to have a kitten when I was a kid - but there was Tabby ;)

I was also having a lot of Steiff animals and I loved playing with them (much more than with dolls, btw), of course there was also a kitty among them, a grey one with white paws... But my favourite was an elepfant that I had named Sokrates. :) A couple of years ago, I sold all my Steiff animals; Sokrates was the only one I kept. :)