View Full Version : Not my idea of fun!

08-16-2012, 09:34 PM
My boss has a gift for us as an office for next week. He wants to close the store and take us all out together. Food will be provided. Best of all, we get credit for working while doing something fun. He has tickets to a local event. He was nearly bursting at the seams with excitement about this outing.

Ok, so I got all excited about this mysterious event. I finally pried it out of him...... a baseball game. What. The. Heck. You're kidding, right? It sounds like punishment Honestly, I can think of several things I'd rather be doing.... root canal, swim through a cess pool, stick needles in my eye! Anything but sit 2-3 hours through a baseball game!

So.... while everyone goes to a game at 6:00, I get to work from 9-6...... and then stay to keep the office open til 9. Yes, the 12 hour day sounds like more fun than going to a baseball game. You could not pay me enough money to entice me to a game. I told my boss how miserable I'd be. The noise, the crowd, the heat, the food (hot dogs are evil burp machines while funnel cakes are gifts from God, and not allowed on my "diet", which makes them an unfair tease). I told him I'd be absolutely miserable and would have no problem sharing my misery. So he said to stay at work. I said "okie dokie -- DEAL!" :rolleyes: He looked at me as if I'd lost my mind. Who would choose to stay at work insted of having fun at a ball game? Me! that's who! :p

SURELY I can't be the only weirdo to think America's favorite pastime is a big-ole bore.

08-16-2012, 09:41 PM
I'd take the game, any day, but Paul would agree with you! And no, I wouldn't eat the hot dogs or the funnel cake, but would enjoy the camaraderie and the baseball game itself.

Edwina's Secretary
08-16-2012, 10:07 PM
As a part of my job responsibilities I sometimes have to come up with an outing for a work group. You have no idea how difficult it is to find something everyone will enjoy. You can never win. As often as not it is an event I would just as soon forgo but I do it because it is what most of the group wants to do and provides a good time for them.

I feel for you boss...who thought he was doing something special...who was "nearly bursting at the seams with excitement." I have been there and know the killjoy when someone says they would rather have a root canal.

I hope he can at least expense the tickets so he isn't out personally. I suspect he will think a long time before he does something like this again.

08-16-2012, 10:17 PM
Uhmmm... could you go, and leave half-way through the game, or is transportation being provided? Can you have someone call you on your cell phone a couple of hours after the game starts-- so you have an excuse to leave? You have to be somewhere very early the next day? If you do end up working I hope the office will be very quiet while everyone is gone.

08-16-2012, 10:50 PM
I am SO glad I am not the only one who feels this way! My siblings and parents LOVE baseballs games - especially YANKEE games. I HATE going to Yankee Stadium, it's not worth the money and it is NEVER fun for me. Not to mention, Yankee Stadium is the biggest over-rated rip off ever. I just don't like sitting and watching games, I just find them so boring. The food is the best part in my book :p I agree, I'd choose work probably.

08-16-2012, 11:18 PM
Well "affordable" tickets are in nosebleed territory. Went with ex-boyfriend to a college basketball game. needed my telephoto lens to see any action. That was just a social outing. Not a game.

I like a real game where I can see the game unaided. Or on TV.

I'd choose to work too. :D

08-17-2012, 12:58 AM
I know that I would be bored to death too. I can't stand watching sports in person or on tv. In high school when my friends and I would go to some of the football games, we hardly watched them. We were too busy talking or walking around with each other so we'd miss most of the game. Too bad you don't have the option to just stay home that day.

08-17-2012, 03:57 AM
Out of curiosity, catnapper, what would be your idea of a fun office trip for everyone? And how about others?

08-17-2012, 07:00 AM
Would have went to the game I dont watch baseball on tv but its alot of fun being there Im going to one this sat the Bowlinggreen Hotrods never been to one of there games yet but the city just built a new field and its really nice plus the tickets were free. Now if it was a soccer game I would have chose to stay at work soccer has to be the most boreing sport ever to watch

08-17-2012, 07:06 AM
I have never been to a baseball game. I have never watched one on TV. But a 12 hour work day? Um, I'd have taken the 3 hour "gift!"

Lady's Human
08-17-2012, 07:21 AM
I absolutely despise mandatory fun days.

The military is big on them. What, living in each others' hip pockets, training, and hanging out together on our own isn't "team building" enough?

Want to do me a favor? Give me a couple hours off. The last thing I want to do is spend more time with people I already spend 8+ hours of my day with.

08-17-2012, 07:27 AM
I'm not a big baseball fan and have never been to a game, but will occasionally watch a World Series game if the local team makes it. If it was an office outing I might consider going if it was in cooler weather, but definitely not in the heat of summer.

When I was working, the company president had deep sea fishing trips for anyone who wanted to go. I love the ocean but never went, since I easily get seasick! :eek:

08-17-2012, 08:00 AM
I'm with you, Kim. I don't know why he would choose a game. Like you said, not everyone likes it. I think he could've given everyone a choice or taken a poll as to what interests them.

When I worked at Xerox, they used to plan fun events, which coincided with a "business meeting" (probably for tax purposes). One year they had a huge dinner meeting with a weekend of skiing at Mt. Snow. It was wonderful.

Too bad he wouldn't give you time off instead.

08-17-2012, 08:56 AM
I think the intention was to get everyone out, outside of work, and hope for some camaraderie. From some of the things you have shared about your workplace, it sounds like it is needed!

I worked with a girl, nothing was ever good enough. We would have 'catered' lunch- she hated it. We would have 'jeans day'- jeans are too uncomfortable. We would have drinks after work- she doesn't drink. The list went on and on and on. Ten years later? She is still miserable, at her third job. Too bad, cause ten years is a really long time to be miserable.

I don't like baseball, or any spectator sports, really. But, I would have gone, with a smile on my face, and a few topics of non work convo in my head to keep things interesting.

smokey the elder
08-17-2012, 09:30 AM
Companies I've worked with had "company-wide" events rarely; the best one was a picnic at the Milwaukee County Zoo at my first job. Company picnics with assorted activities are often wins; people can hang out and eat, or take part in numerous activities, or not as they preferred.

They also offered on a pay per use basis: bus trips to NYC or Boston, to a ball game, play, etc; the Bronx Zoo, Foxwoods, etc, that again people could partake or not.

Best work outing story I've heard: one job had a bus trip to NYC to see the Lion King...on Sept. 15, 2001, with a dinner at a churrascaria (sp? Brazilian grill.) They decided to carry on with the trip, and both the theater and the restaurant were very grateful that the trip went forward.

08-17-2012, 09:59 AM
Going to a baseball game is rarely about watching the game lol.

I'm not a big baseball fan myself but we go to the local minor league team games here from time to time. The Barnstormers. they aren't very good but it's always a lot of fun. They have seating at the very back of the outfield for really cheap, bring your lawn chairs and they have a big play area for the kids and games and such, music between plays. We rarely watch any of the game. Instead it's just nice to be outdoors, with friends, have a beer or something, popcorn, walk around. just hang out. I think if you let yourself get past the sport watching aspect you could really have a good time

08-17-2012, 10:04 AM
Well he got the tickets free for the local AAA team. The cost of tickets if he had paid would have been $5. We all agree the game is a terrible idea. We would all rather a nice restaurant. Another office gets to go to a local amusement park! We are deriously jealous of that'll ..... that boss got those tickets free too.

I won free tickets to a ball game this tuesday.... box seats including catered food and a parking pasd. My husband is taking Cam and 2 others.

Edwina's Secretary
08-17-2012, 10:49 AM
No good deed goes unpunished. Moosmom - the reason to combine it with a business meeting is so that the employees don't have to pay taxes on it. Anyway...reminds me of this....

Employee Christmas Party MEMO

Christmas Party

December 1...To All Employees

I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will be held
on December 23rd at Luigi's Open Pit Barbecue. There will be lots of
spiked eggnog and a small band will play traditional carols...feel free
to sing-along. And don't be surprised if our CEO shows up dressed as
Santa Claus to light the Christmas tree.

Exchanging gifts among employees can be done at this time. Please
remember to keep gifts to the agreed $10 limit.

Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director


December 2...To All Employees

In no way was yesterday's memo intended to exclude our Jewish
employees. We recognize that Hanukkah is an important holiday and
often coincides with Christmas (although not this year). However, from
now on we're calling this party our Holiday Party. The same policy also
applies to employees who are celebrating Kwanzaa at this time. There
will be no tree or Christmas carols sung.

Happy holidays to you and yours.

Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director


December 3...To All Employees

Regarding the anonymous note I received from a member of Alcoholics
Anonymous requesting a non-drinking table, I'm happy to accommodate
your request but please remember that if I put a sign on the table that
reads "AA Only" you won't be anonymous any more.

In addition, we'll no longer be having a gift exchange because union
members feel that $10 is too much money.

Patti Lewis, Human Resources Director


December 7...To All Employees

I have arranged for members of Overeaters Anonymous to sit farthest
away from the dessert table and for pregnant members to sit closest to
the restrooms. Gays are allowed to sit with each other. Lesbians do not
have to sit with gays; each group will have its own table. And, yes,
there will be a flower arrangement for the gay men's table.

Happy now?

Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director


December 9...To All Employees

People! People! Nothing sinister was intended by wanting our CEO to
play Santa Claus. Even if the anagram for "Santa" does happen to be
"Satan." There is no evil connation to our own little "man in a red

Patti Lewis, Human Resources Director


December 10...To All Employees

Vegetarians! I've had it with you people. We're holding this party at
Luigi's Open Pit Barbecue whether you like it or not. You can just sit
at the table farthest from the "Grill of Death" as you call it, and
you'll get salad bar only including hydroponics tomatoes. Tomatoes have
feelings too, you know. They scream when you slice them. I can hear
them now. I hope you have a rotten holiday. Drive drunk and die, you
hear me?

The Bitch from Hell


December 14...To All Employees

I'm sure I speak for all of us in wishing Patty Lewis a speedy recovery
from her stress-related illness. I'll continue to forward your cards to
her at the sanitarium. In the meantime management has decided to cancel
the Holiday Party and give everyone the afternoon of the 23rd off with
full pay.

Terri Bishop, Acting Human Resources Director

08-17-2012, 11:26 AM
I am right along with you! I'm not really a sports person; I don't really go to games and/or watch them on t.v. Ironically enough, baseball is the only sport I completely understand, but is the one I find the most boring. :rolleyes:

Lady's Human
08-17-2012, 12:25 PM
Somehow I knew ES would post that! :p

Edwina's Secretary
08-17-2012, 12:46 PM
Somehow I knew ES would post that! :p

I keep it very close at hand...

08-17-2012, 01:49 PM
The best outings our company has ever provided for us were:

an afternoon of go cart racing
an afternoon of playing "Survivor" in a local park
an afternoon of Playland with rides and a BBQ
an afternoon at Hastings Park (horse racing)

The first two were team events and actually were a lot of fun! Playland was great because you had choices: if you weren't into rides you could play miniature golf and just simply relax with your colleagues - no pressure. Also, families were invited to the Playland event - it was so appreciated by the parents in our company. The horse racing event was such a different venue, again without pressure, just social.

Other events that WERE NOT too successful:

18 holes of golf at a local course - very expensive but wasted on people who do not enjoy golf (and there were many:rolleyes:)
a baseball game - most people left early:p

I agree with Sara - this is a difficult choice to make because everyone is different. We have also foregone semi-formal Christmas parties (with spouses) in our company and instead, get the staff together at a local pub for an afternoon with lunch, billiards and darts for those who are interested, and a cab ride home, if necessary. We have prize pools and stupid games for anyone who wants to play - somehow it works:D.

08-17-2012, 02:59 PM
The company I worked for had a LOT of events thruout the year, in addition to the deep sea fishing trip. When I started working there, there were around 300 employees, and when the economy was better, reached around 500, before the layoffs caused by the crappy economy. So any events cost a bundle - yes - tax free probably, knowing how the owner was.
Semi formal Christmas party at the Sheraton Ballroom for employee and guest. Fantastic sit down dinner, drinks, a band, and door prizes that would knock your socks off - like t.v.'s, computers, jewelry, etc - and about 20 different ones - not just a couple. An employees only catered Christmas luncheon on the last day of work before the days off for the holiday. Other catered luncheons thruout the year as appreciation days - when the company went over their sales quota for a particular month. A catered BBQ lunch in the parking lot during the summer - just for the heck of it, and a family company picnic in the early Fall.
Then there were the National Sales meetings, where sales reps from all over the country came in once a year for meetings, etc. Those of us in the sales/customer service department got to partake of the fun part without being involved in the boring meetings. For a whole week, every night after work, it was party, party, party with the reps - anywhere from the casual seafood hangout, to the Sheraton or the country club, and all paid for by the company. The partying usually ended around 1 a.m. - but then we had to face the work day the following morning. Thank goodness these "meetings" only lasted for ONE week!
I guess it wasn't such a bad place to work afterall............:D

08-17-2012, 03:01 PM
While I don't really enjoy baseball games much I would never have hurt a person's feelings like that, there must have been a more diplomatic way of not going.

08-17-2012, 04:04 PM
You all are misunderstanding me... my manager and I are best friends. He calls me his work wife and he is my work hudband. We are always honest eith each other and often blunt. But we never take offense to anythi g. A week ago he was going to give the tickets to one emplyee after this weekend as a prize for top sales. Now he realizes 4 out of 5 of is never wanted anything to do with rhe tickets he tried to make us all go.... just to see our reaction.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edit Saturday morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ok, editing this so it makes more sense -- I'm in desperate need of a nail trim and just can't bring myself to clip the nails that have never looked better :rolleyes: In the meantime, my typing ability stinks and typos are high. It doesn't help that I was heading out the door when I repsonded the first time and in a rush to dash off a quick mini explanation. I was very upset at how badly everyone misunderstood what was intended as a cute post.

First off, my manager and I are awesome together. Customers often ask us if we are indeed husband and wife. My husband laughs when I tell him. :) We have long daily conversations about our home life and just about everything that runs through our minds. We have had long conversations about the kids. We're both step parents. I have 3 kids who I "inherited" as teenagers, he has one step son he "inherited" as a toddler. He knows what makes me feel guilty and what I get mad about. He knows all about them in highscool and how I went to their games and never got noticed I was there. They ignored me and never thanked me for being there but they hung all over other parents. I only got noticed when I started reading books to ignore the other parents' grumbling and trash talking about the kids! Then they noticed me and complained I embrassed them by not watching. I said I was there to support them and when they were on the feild or in the pool I was watching, I read otherwise. I didn't want to embarass them so I started taking pictures of the game to keep me from hearing the other parents gripes (I REALLY wanted to give them a few choice words) and I still got blasted from the kids for embarasssing them -- and they never liked any of the photos the photos because I never got "close enough" :rolleyes: I told them and my husband that forever more I would never step foot on another sport=field of any kind because I hated sports, and hated being outside, and I was hurt by trying to support them while being in a place I truly felt out of place. I only went to support them and it went unappreciated and it HURT. I meant it when I said I would never go to any sporting events --- ever. I never showed up to any of Cameron's soccer this past spring and explained to him that grandmom doesn't do sports and he can do lots of other things that I will see him do. He said, "ok grandmom, can we make something then?" and I got out the art supplies :love: My manager knows the whole back story and knows how I feel. When he offered the tickets as prize for this weekend's sale, I told him I would simply give the ticket to my husband or one of the kids. I actually won a 4-pack of tickets from work that had people fighting over them... as in NOBODY wanted them. We evern called 2 other stores to see if any employees wanted them. Nope. So my husband, Cameron, and two others are going.

We also have looooong conversations about food. And at the end we both admit we could NEVER really be married to each other based on food alone. He has food issues --- he can not eat anything with seeds for health reasons (diverticulitis) and I have food issues -- nothing aged or fermented because they give me migrained (yes folks, no alcohol for me!) We both have emotional eating issues that stem from our physical ones. He will never eat pie. No appple pie -- insanity!!!! :p He knows how I feel about ball park food. Even before I had my weight loss, I thought it was awful. After? I would be drooling over funnel cake all night and eventually give in. I DO make my husband bring me home cotton candy after each game (I stayed home while he's gone to on average of 2 games a month this summer)

Looong back story short, my manager KNOWS how I feel about sports. When he told me it was group outing, I was shocked. Becuase 1) he knows mosy of us in our store have no interest. 2) The owner NEVER closes the store. Well, this outing is not actually happening. He lied and told us about the outing to see our reactions (mostly mine.) He was sure someone would bust him immmediately, especially after throwing out the big-lie of another store getting tickets to Hershey Park. We just all got jealous we had to go to a ball game while the others got ot go to a amusement park. He couldn't take it anymore and told us yesterday it was all a joke. And hte free tickets were still available to anyone who wanted them. They're still sitting on the counter because nobody wants them.

I myself was really hurt at the mean things people said about me! I just happen to have a strong relationship with my manager (I AM his assistant manager after all) and we have a relationship where we say anything with complete honesty... it never occured to me to speicify my relationship with him. ESPECIALLY since this was intended to be cutesy thread. I thought it would be fun and people would laugh and post about how they don't like sports too. It fell flat. My bad. I won't attempt cute for al ong time.

08-17-2012, 05:21 PM
I used to work for a guy that was soooo sports minded that he couldn't understand how anyone wasn't. His idea of office team building outings were to go to sports events - baseball games, arena football games, miniature golf, etc. you get the idea. I am not a sports fan - it is torture for me. I also don't enjoy the outdoors, if there is a bug within a mile it will bite me and I don't get mosquito bites, I get mosqito lumps. He finally got the idea when I got sick after one of the outings and excused me from them. I tried to go along but it was such a relief.

08-18-2012, 12:52 PM
Catnapper - maybe I missed something, but I really didn't see anything mean that was said about you. Maybe I have a different interpretation of "mean" than you do tho.........

Miss Z
08-18-2012, 12:58 PM
I think the nearest thing we have to competitive baseball over here is cricket - now that IS a boring sport! :p

But, my father and brother are mad on it; my brother actually plays at county level and my dad coaches youth teams. It is a huge part of their lives and they talk about it all the time. It drives my mother and I nuts. I can't usually stand more than 10 minutes of it!

That being said, I would endure the hours of being bored out my skull, if it meant something to the family, to the group, business team, whatever. Team building's what you make of it, I guess, and not going appears antisocial, no matter how well you and your boss get along I'm afraid. Though, I'm sure he knows there are no hard feelings.

Like others have suggested, I think a few hints at what you'd like to do are needed! Since you get along so well with your boss I'm sure he'll endeavour to find something you can all enjoy.:)