View Full Version : New marketing ploy at Costco?

08-10-2012, 07:06 PM
I have always enjoyed shopping at Costco and while not a real member, I have had the pleasure of shopping with people who are.

The running joke about Costco is that you can go in hungry and have a well balanced, filling and nutritious meal while pushing your cart amongst the bargains to be found.

For the people who do not have a Costco nearby or have never been in one?

It's a giant store that sells in bulk and has people handing out free samples at every turn....nuts, juice, meat, breads and really anything you can snack on, you will be offered.


Today, Doris and I were walking around when we came across two girls at an electric piano display, one standing by while the other tested out her chops. She was playing random bits of tunes (rather smartly, I should say) and not paying attention to the shoppers that were walking past them.

I stopped and reached into my pocket, grabbed out a dollar bill and placed it on the top of the piano and said to them, "good job!". They both looked up, with a surprised and pleased smiles on their faces.

As we walked away we heard her begin to play again, a little bit louder than before....

I stopped, turned to them and said, "You better watch out, you may have to pay taxes on that!" We all laughed and I pushed the cart to the back of the store and more bargains.

We walked about a bit and walked towards the pair, who were still hanging out, the older gal still playing bits of music.

The shoppers near her were still walking by, not really paying attention to them, so I stopped and gave them a little ovation that made them turn and smile, again.

We walked towards the check out line and I wondered If that would be a good move to for Costco to get people to buy electric pianos, give kids a chance to profit and give them practice time while entertaining the shoppers.

After all, they are feeding the people as the shop, so why not entertain them?:);)

08-10-2012, 08:25 PM
Hee hee - the piano teachers in my family might approve! ;)

08-11-2012, 05:51 AM

What a hoot!!! They should've put a hat or a coffee can nearby!

I've never been to a Cosco. There's one in East Windsor that, after your post, I just might visit to see what all the hoopla is about. We do have BJ's and Sam's Club that's pretty good.

Glad you got your fill, Richard.:p

08-11-2012, 06:12 AM
Oh my!! The free hand-outs brings to mind a true story.

Our local Sam's Club does the same, and the credit manager of the company I worked for before retirement, took advantage of this. She was a lady somewhere in her 50's - married to a guy who made good money - no kids - nice comfortable home - a Mazda Miata - and every Sunday she and hubby went out to dinner. At Sam's!!! Yes - they would walk around the store for hours and feast on the freebies until they had their fill. How cheap - ummm, I mean thrifty - is that???? And she never tried to hide the fact that she practiced this routine every week. Geeze - I would be embarrassed to admit it - especially if I made the money that she did. Takes all kinds I suppose..............:rolleyes:

08-11-2012, 07:44 AM
Ellie, she was only getting her full value for her membership!

I've never been in any of them, don't believe in paying to spend my money, lol.

Richard, back in the late 1970's, I was ready to upgrade and buy an organ. Our local Mall (now gone) had TWO organ stores, Thomas and Wurlitzer. I tried out a few each visit, had it narrowed down to 2 -- of course, one in each store. :rolleyes: So I took my music in (up to then, I'd only been going by memory as I was checking sound) and spent an hour on one of them. Gathered quite a crowd! No tips, though. Towards the end, the manager of the OTHER store -- other end of the Mall -- came over and asked me to do the same at HIS store the following week - and he paid me! :D (I bought the Wurlitzer)

08-11-2012, 08:25 AM
I've never been in any of them, don't believe in paying to spend my money, lol.

The price of a year's membership can pay for itself in the savings in just one shopping trip! Seriously!!!! :)

08-11-2012, 09:42 AM
The price of a year's membership can pay for itself in the savings in just one shopping trip! Seriously!!!! :)

What she said!

Laura's Babies
08-11-2012, 05:50 PM
When I lived with my sister, I use to tell her "get dressed, I'm taking you to lunch today!" and off to Sama's club we would go!