View Full Version : KAK, how are the kittens?

08-08-2012, 10:20 PM
Tracey, you have just been through heartbreak h*** with poor Storm (and poor you).

I was wondering if the orange babies have regained their health. I hope all is great with them and that their antics give you a few giggles!:love::love:

08-09-2012, 01:41 AM
Thanks for asking. Radar looks great and as of last Thurs. evening he has no more diarrhea due to the strong antibiotics that he was on.:) Rory's eyes look so much better and he seems to be feeling much better now too. His left eye is still sometimes a bit red and squinty but not too bad. He also sneezes some times. Reece's right eye is looking great but now his left eye is runny and his poor nose is also still runny.:( He also sneezes some times. They're still on the Tobramycin eye drops until Sat. evening. I e-mailed my vet to give her an update on Tues. and I asked her if I should continue the eye drops on Reece if his left eye was still looking bad. She said that being on the eye drops for 14 days should be long enough. I did get a refill last night. I hope that they'll fully recover soon. All of my cats are also on 250mg of Lysine 2 times a day. I read that I should give it to them for at least 1 month so this is the new plan. Now most of my cats will eat the pills like a treat when I wrap them in some pill pockets. Ziggy and Finnegan are the only two cats that won't. I want to make sure that everyone's eyes look good before I stop the Lysine. My vet also told me that giving Lysine long term hasn't been proven to help with the feline herpes virus so it's only recommended for short term use I guess.

08-09-2012, 09:27 AM
That is so great that you Little Owesome Orange Cats of the Future ae doing so well after a rough start in life , and that in a Few Yeras you will have so many Great Big Fluffy Owesome Orange Cats to enjoy your life with!!
We envy you all that Orangitude , and wish we could visit!!!:love::love::love:

08-09-2012, 11:25 AM
Continuing good wishes and prayers from us that all will be well before long. And big {{{HUGS}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ for you, KAK.


08-16-2012, 10:30 PM
I hope Pearl, Ziggy Stardust and all their big and little brother-kitties are doing terrifically! :love: x10!

08-17-2012, 01:21 AM
I hope Pearl, Ziggy Stardust and all their big and little brother-kitties are doing terrifically! :love: x10!

Thanks.:) Most everyone is doing well. Both Pearl & Ziggy still don't like their younger brothers. Pearl now refuses to leave my bedroom even to eat.:( I think that she may be going through some sort of depression or grieving process because of Storm's passing. I know that deep down inside, she really loved him as much as I did. The last two nights Ziggy has been staying out with all of her younger brothers but early in the morning she meows at my door to be let back in. She's been out with her younger brothers since I've been home tonight even though she'll hiss and growl at them if they get too close. I hope that she'll at least learn to tolerate them.

Reece's eyes are almost all better but he still gets boogies up his nose. Reece and Rory will also still sneeze some times. Rory's and Radar's eyes look pretty good now. I'm hoping to be able to take some new pictures of them and some of my other cats this weekend. Sky fits in very well with all of his younger brothers. He's so good with them. All of the other cats are doing well. I can't believe that Finnegan will be turning 1 on Aug. 20th. Radar is now almost as big as Finnegan. I predict that he's going to be a very large cat.:)