View Full Version : Float Trip

08-06-2012, 05:29 PM
I took Jamie on her first float trip this past weekend (apparently my ex brought her on one around this time last year and said she did horrible... but I didn't believe him). She did GREAT! She did want to jump out a lot at first (you can not keep this girl out of the water!!!) and if we passed by people swimming/splashing in the river she would try to jump out as well. But other than that... she swam until she couldn't swim anymore... good thing I bought her a life jacket!






How many of you take your pup on float trips? I figured the life jacket was very necessary for her considering her history of not wanting to get out of the water (even when called), and I was concerned that the current at a few points would be too strong for her, especially if she was exhausted from swimming and running around so much... there were a few times she was trying her hardest to swim against the current but was just too tired to so we'd have to bring her back to shore and tie her to one of the rafts... and boy, she hated that.

08-06-2012, 06:17 PM
Looks like she had a great time, and lots of folks to greet!

08-06-2012, 07:35 PM
What fun! She looks so happy, lol. Great job, and glad you had the jacket for her, especially when you wrote she swims till she just can't any more.

My pups have never been to the water, I keep saying I want to take them to the beach (off season).

08-06-2012, 08:16 PM
That looks like a lot of fun. Look at how pretty she is in her pink vest! Love it.

08-06-2012, 08:48 PM
That looks like fun! :D
We took Zoee out on our boat several times (before we got Taggart). She loved it! We had a life jacket for her when she was small, but she quickly out grew it.
We just sold our boat. Poor Taggart will never get to experience the boat. :( Of course he's never experienced snow or camping either. Poor pup. LOL

08-06-2012, 09:30 PM
I'm not sure how she'd do on a boat... I can see it freaking her out a bit at first.

The measurements on this life jacket said she should be a medium... I couldn't even get the straps around her! Had to buy a large (rated for a 60-80# dog... she isn't even 40#!!!). But it worked fantastic. For anyone curious, it was the PetCo brand for about $40.

08-06-2012, 09:45 PM
Wow, looks like a really fun trip!! I LOVE the first pic, it's really cute. I love her life Jacket too ;) Cute. I am glad she was good. Sounds to me like she just doesn't like being with your Ex...;)

I wish I could take Mikey on one, but he'd probably freak out. He likes water a decent amount (aside from the pool, but at the park he can't get enough of swimming), but he would probably jump off the boat or something. Do you have to have special permission to include a dog on those raft trips? I am pretty sure at the local park you can't, unless it's your boat I guess.

08-06-2012, 09:52 PM
Do you have to have special permission to include a dog on those raft trips? I am pretty sure at the local park you can't, unless it's your boat I guess.
Well I'm not sure. I know my mom asked when she made reservations if we could bring her. She said all the lady mentioned was that her nails be cut short (which, they're cut every ~3 weeks and if they were any shorter she wouldn't have any!). Nobody asked to see her vaccine records when we boarded the bus, which kind of scared me considering a TON of people bring their dogs camping, and at one site nearby ours' they had a dog aggressive dog that they did not keep on a leash (they just shouted to us as we walked by "our dog doesn't like other dogs, be careful!!!!!" well HELLOOOOOO, my dog is on a leash, LEASH YOURS IF YOURS IS AGGRESSIVE... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: ), I'd hate to think of what could happen if someone got bit or someone's dog attacked another campers' dog... :(

08-06-2012, 10:52 PM
That looks like SO MUCH FUN!! :D I used to do the same thing back in the Faroe Islands each summer. My dogs never joined though (except from the sidelines) Taggart especially is just not a fan of water :rolleyes:
Her pink swim west is so cute :)

08-07-2012, 01:14 AM
That looks like a super fun trip for y'all and Jamie :D. She is super adorable in her pink lifejacket and it's so good to see pictures of her!

I could never, ever get Brennan to do anything like this. He is not a fan of water. I can get him to wade in a creek if I kind of push him in, but other than that, nope, not happening :rolleyes:

08-08-2012, 05:05 PM
My other Aussie, Charlie, was terrified of water for the longest time. If someone/something was even making splashing noises (using a hose, standing on the shore, a dog was running around in a lake/pool, etc) he would stress out and stand at the edge of the water/by the person and just bark bark bark bark and whine whine whine. I liked to think he was "worried" for the person but really I just think it stressed him out that much. Over the years, he slowly ventured into water, and when I took him to the dog park with a lake last year.......... he followed a friend's dog in and started swimming. I was AMAZED. Of course, this was my last "hurrah!" with him before I handed him off to live with my ex for good (joint custody of the dogs just wasn't working out and was too much stress on us and the pets). It was kind of like his "going away" present to me, like, "Look at me, mom! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine without you." I still miss him :(

08-08-2012, 06:35 PM
I have no hope of Taggart ever liking water. His aversion seems to be too ingrained. He'll even pull away from the doggy water fountains (same as fountains in malls and schools for people but at a lower level since they are intended for dogs) they have around in different places because the water is moving and that is just not acceptable :rolleyes:

I'm so sorry you had to give up Jamie but it does sound like the best solution to a very difficult situation. :love: