View Full Version : Clean out forever, or store in basment?

08-05-2012, 09:04 AM
I've lost 70 pounds now. I cleared away all my "fat clothes" months ago now. I read freecycle every day and someone is going back to work after 5 years off raising her child. She's asking for the wardrobe I have packed in boxes in the basement.

I gave away all my plus sized clothing 4 years ago (when I lost a significant amount of weight) and I was kicking myself as I bought the plus sizes again.... because I gave the clothes to someone in need and *I* was in need while regaining the weight. I have absolutely NO intention of gaining the weight back (back I never intended to gain it in the first place!) I am completely torn. Give away the plus sized clothes and have them gone. No falling back on them. Or keep them as a reminder of how far I've come. Give them away now while they are still current style. Or hang onto them for years until they are a laugh riot of how out of fashion they are (my kids might tell me they were never in fashion :D) Or keep them because you NEVER know what life will bring you. I could get sick, or hurt, and regain the weight. I have a huge basment and storing the clothes is not big deal.

I eat completely different now than I ever have in my life. I never ate this well, this balanced, etc. I don't ever think I could ever go back to eating the carbs and stuff that I ate before -- I have not had a french fry since February, nor have I had a soft pretzel in months! My old diet considered those two items as two main groups from the 4 foodgroups.

Oh? the weight loss 4 years ago, I honestly have no idea how I lost weight then, because I ate fries, sandwiches, plates of pasta, etc. that I don't eat now. Now I eat only whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, and non-gooped-up meats. (in other words: no sauces, cheese, dressings, etc)

08-05-2012, 09:32 AM
Give them away now.

I stopped working 12 years back when Dad moved in with me. I STILL have one and half closets FULL of my former work wardrobe. It is all out of style and I haven't been that size for a few years, now. WHAT am I hanging on to it for? But the longer I have it, the less I want to part with it. :rolleyes: Weird. SO I vote to get rid of the clothes now while they are in style.

08-05-2012, 09:33 AM
I'd give the majority of it away, keeping a couple of outfits JUST IN CASE.

I'm proud of you, Kim! It takes a lot to relearn good eating habits. When I lost 45 lbs on Jenny Craig, within a year, it was back on because it was all pre-packaged foods. Weight Watchers is the best diet around, in my book. You never go hungry on it. I love veggies, which is one thing WW encourages.

You did good, kid!!! How about some pictures???

08-05-2012, 11:16 AM
I have lost weight in the past, and regained again. It is a terrible cycle. :( But even knowing that, I would give them away. You will be helping someone in need (it is hard to have money for new, decent work clothes.) Even I don't buy new clothes. Relying mainly on thrift stores and super sales. You won't ever use these clothes again. Just do it, you never miss them.

(and you can always keep a few if you wished)

Congrats BTW, when do I get to see the new you?

08-05-2012, 11:42 AM
Get rid of those clothes - give to someone who needs them and know that you NEVER will again. :D

I worked in an office, so had to dress appropriately. When I had to retire in 2006, I got rid of 99% of the clothes and high-heeled shoes, since I would never need them again. It wasn't a weight issue as my weight never fluctuates more than 5lbs either way, but my retired and relaxed life no longer called for suits and dresses and high heels. I was more than happy to give them to someone who would get use out of them - while they were still in style too. And the few items I kept - I've worn one of the dresses once, and a suit once - the dress slacks??? - never!

Pinot's Mom
08-05-2012, 12:01 PM
First - good job!

Second - jettison the clothes.

08-05-2012, 12:32 PM
I've been in your shoes, more than once.;) This time, the weight stays off. The only FAT clothes I tend to hang onto are a few more expensive or favorites items, and then, only one size up. Congrats on the weight loss!:)

08-05-2012, 12:39 PM
Give them away, you'll see, after that you'll feel there's no going back to your old self. :)
Not too long after I lost my 88 pounds, I sold most of my fat clothes on ebay (those that were still good, the rest went to the trash), and I was surprised how many bids they got. Looked like many people were in need for them. :)

08-05-2012, 06:15 PM
I had the same thing happen after losing 70 lbs the first time and 40 the second. I had to buy a whole bunch of clothes sizes back again that I gave away. However I was lucky in that I didn't gain all the way back up to my max sizes. My rule is keep 3 sizes bigger than your current size, never throw out your skinny clothes...EVER, and when you've kept the weight off for more than 4 years you can safely get rid of the highest size you kept, box up the remainder and keep until you've kept the weight off for 10 years, then donate freely up to 1 size larger than you currently are (always keep one size larger just for bloating, holiday indulgence, being laid up for awhile etc)

My hubby & mother always gripe at me about how many pairs of jeans and shorts I own. I currently wear a size 12-14 (somewhere in between actually) but I have sizes in my closet (boxed or otherwise) from size 8 to size 18 (which at one time I had sizes up to 24)

08-05-2012, 07:32 PM
I e-mailed the lady with the offer. I told her I need a couple days to go through things and keep a few key pieces. I have a skirt I bought just as I started to lose weight --- never wore it, but its become the standard by which I qualify my progress. How does the new skirt's waist band mesure up to that one? I laos have a couple favorite tops that alwasy made me feel confident. I'll keep whatever can fit into one Rubbermaid box (its currently in 4 standard storage boxes and overflowing out of a BIG cardboard box)

The good thing is that most of the clothes were very inexpesive -- I get clearance clothes for next to nothing. Just last week I bought 4 pairs of nice wool flannel slacks for $2 each. So what they would make me roast in today's weather, its bound to get cold sometime.

08-05-2012, 09:56 PM
Wow, 70 pounds! Congratulations, catnapper!

08-05-2012, 10:45 PM
Wow, Congratulations! I'd definitely say get rid of 'em, so you accept the "new you" officially!

How is your husband doing?

smokey the elder
08-06-2012, 09:41 AM
Congratulations on your progress! I agree with the "keep a few pieces, ditch the rest". That will help burn your "fat" bridges, especially since you're doing the habit-change method of weight loss.

08-06-2012, 09:53 PM
There is no "just in case". Get rid of them. Don't give yourself ANY excuse to re-gain. If you clothes start feeling snug, time to get some excercise! You do NOT want to be fat AND unstylish! Celebrate the new you! Congrats!