View Full Version : New mouse!

11-19-2002, 08:54 PM
Whoo hooo! I just got a new mouse tonight...I finally got frustrated with my old one. I was cleaning it on the average of once a week, and it just kept not responding. So we went looking tonight and I got one of those wireless optical ones. No more wheels & balls to collect dog & cat hair. It's really slick and I almost think I'm in love. :D :cool: :D

11-19-2002, 08:55 PM
LOLOLOL.. I thought you meant pet, and you were tired of cleaning your pet!!! LOL!!!!

I have an optical mouse too and I love it!! :D

11-19-2002, 08:58 PM
isn't cleaning the balls ones like TOTALLY gross? :D

Aspen and Misty
11-19-2002, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Lalania
isn't cleaning the balls ones like TOTALLY gross? :D

O I know all that stuff and everything. Eww. I make my mom clean it :D .

I too thought you were talking about a pet mouse. I was like, if its not responding, sorry to tell ya, but its probly dead. When you said we got a wireless one I was like wait what??? I then relized what ya really were talkin about.

I'm a little slow ;)


All Creatures Great And Small
11-20-2002, 12:24 AM
and since I'm a cat owner, I saw the title of the thread and thought OK, it's either a new fuzzy mouse toy for a kitty, or someone went out and got a new pet mouse! Too funny - I should have known if it was on General that it wouldn't be pet-specific:p

And cleaning out the keyboard is even more disgusting than cleaning mouse balls (huh huh - hey Beavis - I just said mouse balls - huh huh)! Everybody's snacks from the last few months all crumbled up between the keys - YUUUUCCCCKKK!!

I bet mouse balls would be hard to clean - they're so tiny..........:D

11-20-2002, 12:43 AM
LOL I also thought you were talking about a pet mouse too....but I was thinking "I didn't know she had a pet mouse!" haha. Of course I was thinking of mice today, as I had to help "save" a bunch of baby mice. They had to wash them because they had mites, and they were freezing cold. So I got to warm them up with the dryer. They were so cute!! I loved letting them crawl up my arm. I kept thinking how much my family would be freaking out if they were witnessing this too, LOL. I'll have to get a pet mouse some day.......but there's no way that would happen living at home.

11-20-2002, 06:06 AM
I also thought it was a pet mouse (probably because I have mice)

But here is how stupid I am....I didn't know you had to clean a mouse....HOW!??!?!!??

11-20-2002, 06:20 AM
whoops! hehe!! No, it's a mouse for my computer! :D Why are they called mice anyway?? Why not rat or hamster?? Can you imagine? :D

11-20-2002, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
But here is how stupid I am....I didn't know you had to clean a mouse....HOW!??!?!!??

At least on ours, you can twist a panel off the bottom of the mouse, and the ball will come out. Then inside the actual mouse, there are rollers that often get gunked up with cat or dog hair, fuzzyies and general non-yummy things. I used a q-tip (not wet or anything) and it often would increase mouse performance by 85%, but it would only last a few days. Maybe I just needed to get a new mousepad that was clean, but it was just easier to get this mouse that doesn't get gunk inside of it. Oh, and you aren't stupid at all...I didn't know until a few months ago that you could clean a mouse out either.

11-20-2002, 07:29 AM
I have an optical but not wireless. Do they (wireless) require a certain system? How does it work for you? I may get one for my office. We use Windows NT.


11-20-2002, 11:04 AM
When I saw this thred, I was already to chime in, "can the herd come over and 'play' with your new mouse?" He he he...then, I, too, saw it was a fake mouse!!! I have a laptop, no mouse to clean, no mouse to replace, I am mouse freeeeeee!!!

All Creatures Great And Small
11-20-2002, 01:16 PM
I think my right hand is permanently curved into the shape of the mouse - sad, isn't it? I have an optical mouse too, but it's wired. I should probably get a wireless keyboard at the very least, so that I can type properly when the kitty is on my lap - I end up having to type one-handed, because I turn to the left and put my feet up so the kitty can lay on my lap, and then both hands can't reach the keyboard!:p Maybe I'll just design a keyboard with a beanbag on the back, like a lap desk, so I can rest it on the kitty-lump that's always on my lap:D

11-20-2002, 02:20 PM
LOLOLOL.. I thought you meant pet, and you were tired of cleaning your pet!!! LOL!!!!

Haha, me too! I was like..what??

11-20-2002, 03:18 PM
I thought it was a real mouse too!! All the stuff on my computer have wires, I'm pretty sure. I really pay attention to the screen and as long as I have a computer in front of my face I'm fine;)