View Full Version : Summer...from a Puggle's POV

08-01-2012, 10:16 PM
Hiya folks! I've been having quite the busy summer according to mom! We've been going hiking a whole lot and I really like that part of my summer. Mom said I am one of the most well-behaved dogs out on the trail. We always get all kinds of compliments.
This was the other day at a picnic, I was begging. ;) There was a bunch of little kids from somethin' called a 'camp', and they all loved me.
This was on a different hike, it was really hot but it was OK cause I got water!
Mom is a big country music fan, so she made me pose with a 'Red Solo Cup' - I don't get it either :rolleyes:
Mom made me go in the pool!! But only on this boogie board. She still can't figure out why I am not a fan of the pool but I usually like swimming at the park!
This is me ignoring her.
She scared me 'cause I thought she was gonna leave me in alone. She's mean...

But anyway, I've been having a good summer so far. Mom says she hopes everyone around here can say the same!

Okay, so bare with me for a minute as I type out a few corny sentences about Michael. Lately I've been realizing how lucky I am to own such a gem of a dog. It's almost like good things happen when you least expect it. I didn't expect to get Mikey when I did, and I don't know what I did to deserve him but I got him. I can say this truthfully from the bottom of my heart, I finally know what owning a heart dog feels like. Who would have thought a dopey Puggle who needed a new home would turn out to be one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me? Life always seems to hold surprises, doesn't it?

Blah, I know that was corny but it just had to be said!:D

08-02-2012, 05:54 AM
Mikey, as always, when you take over the keyboard I know it will be a fun thread! You are very photogenic, and show all your many sides (physically and personality wise, he hee). I'm glad you are enjoying many hikes. Mikey, one of the most well behaved dogs? Oh puppy dog, there was a time . . . lol, you and your humom did a great job, plenty of practice, and you got there! Proud of both of you!

Seeing you in the pool was fun. Great poses, and you KNOW you would not be left there.

Alyssa, it is not corny, we here on PT know exactly what you are talking about. ;)

I don't understand the significance of the red solo cup, but the face in that photo is hilarious!

08-02-2012, 06:41 AM
Mikey - you sound like you are having a very fun filled summer. You still have a month to go, so I'm sure your mom is planning lots more adventures for you. I hope that red solo cup is empty, and not filled with the "usual" drink. Water only for you, kiddo. :p

08-02-2012, 08:13 AM
Oh you aren't corny at all! We all here know about loving dogs and how easy it is to fall in love with them.

Great pics! He is just so adorable.

Heck, I fell in love with him just from hearing stories and seeing pics. :)

08-02-2012, 11:01 AM
Hello, Mikey, sweety! Happy summer to you and your mom! (((HUGS)))

08-02-2012, 12:33 PM
Thanks guys!

I know, hard to believe he is so behave LOL. Believe me he still does things (like running away a few weeks ago and stealing my sunglasses) that I want to kill him for but I can't believe how much he has improved out in public! The dog barking has ceased and he is just wonderful, calm, no pulling. Honestly, we get a lot of compliments about how sweet he is and how good he's being. My mom asked when I was gonna start his "off leash" training, like that'll ever happen! But he continues to amaze me with his training!

I know you all 'get it' but it doesnt make it any less corny! I am just real proud to own such a great dog. He really was a diamond in the rough. I have never known a dog to be so sweet in my life.

08-02-2012, 05:11 PM
Hi Mikey, You are a cute dog and it looks as if you always have a smile on your face. I enjoyed reading about your summer; glad you and your human are having a great time.

08-02-2012, 06:23 PM
Count me in as a Mikey fan!! :D Even though I've only seen photos of him, his personality seems to be so strong it jumps right out of the screen :love: That last photo in particular made me laugh - the look of disbelief on his face is just hilarious, lol! Sorry for laughing Mikey! I know that's very mean of me! *shame*

08-05-2012, 11:44 PM
Thank you, guys!

He does have the best facial expressions, doesn't he? :D

08-06-2012, 06:24 PM
Yay Mikey picture! :D He's such an awesome dog, Alyssa!

08-07-2012, 01:01 AM
Mikey, hi! You are so darn cute. I love when mommy lets you take hold of the computer and share pictures of yourself with us! You have such a wonderful personality and mom has every right to be proud of you! He's changed so much since he's been with you Alyssa!