View Full Version : Fellow Kitties: HELP!

07-30-2012, 01:35 PM
Hi felow kitties, I need your help. Something is going on here. Soncat went away last week and I miss him sooo much. I'm staying in his room almost all the time now. Not only that, there are guys I don't know in and out all day long. Meowmie hasn't gone to work either! Well, there's a lot of noise when the men are here and I don't really like that because sometimes it's loud and I don't recognize the sounds. Once in awhile I'll come out and one of the men always talks to me and pets me. After they leave, I come out - my house doesn't look like it's supposed to! Everything is where it isn't supposed to be and I heard Meowmie tell her friend Val that she doesn't know where anything is. That's funny because at night she starts moving things from one place to another. When the men are gone, Meowmie gives me lots of lovies and tells me everything is going to be fine. All she says is that I'm going to like our place when the men are all finished. Then she gives me lots of lovies, smoochies, and attention. The men were here this morning and I hid in the bathroom behind the big white water fountain. Meowmie came in a lot to pet me and tell me she loves me a lot of times.

I'm so confused and scared right now. I don't understand any of what's going on! I do feel better with Meowmie here but she has to go back to work in another few days. She keeps telling me I don't have to be scared and she'll protect me, but I am.

Has anything like this ever happened at your house? What did you do about it? Were you scared too? I just don't know what to do.

Your friend,

07-30-2012, 02:43 PM
Hang in there, Groucho. There were men working in my kitchen too. They put in a sink and countertop and everything was a big mess. I hid in my closet hidey-spot while they were here. Then one day I heard water running in the kitchen, then the noise stopped and the men packed up their tools and left. It will be over soon. It is noisy and might smell unfamiliar for awhile. Please snuggle with your meowmie and have her give you tons of extra lovies and snuggles from my meowmie and me.


07-30-2012, 02:54 PM
Oh, poor Groucho! So many big changes going on in your household. We know that your Meowmie loves you dearly and is not going to leave you.. and that Soncat loves you dearly too and has you deep in his mind and his heart even if he's not right there with you now. And don't worry about the strange men, they will be gone before too much longer and you and Meowmie will make the new surroundings all homey again. And isn't that nice that one of the men likes you and talks to you and pets you!

We are all sending our love to you and lots of skritchies and lovies which we are sure your Meowmie will deliver to you.


07-30-2012, 03:23 PM
Oh sweet Groucho...don't worry. The changes that are going on will be good and your meowmie will be happy when they are done. I know we don't like change but sometimes it is for the best.

At this point I would work on getting all of the extra love and attention you can get from meowmie. :D
If the work men are nice and want to pet you, it should be okay. They must be kitty lovers like we are.

Hope things calm down soon and you can regain the trust in your environment. Love to you! :love:

07-30-2012, 04:31 PM
I've been there dear Groucho, it was so scary! Some men came once and took away the windows and then put other windows, the noise was terrible!!! I hid on my special closet.
Another time my mom and other people moved everything from one place to another, everything was a big mess and then put colors on the walls with a giant brush; that time I had to supervise the whole thing because, let's be honest, what can they do without my opinion?

Anyway, if your mom says everything will be fine, then it'll be fine, my guess is that she's building a better office or a bigger room for you...

If you get scared when the guys are working there, you can call or text me, ok?

--posted via CatBerry Mobile

Pinot's Mom
07-30-2012, 04:55 PM
Aww, Groucho, I'm so sorry your world is turned upside down! Workers do make so much noise, and I know you miss Soncat, but you have to be strong. Remember all this is happening to your Meowm too, and she needs your help. That's our job. So, you go take care of your Mom and things will work out. Call if you need me.

Love & purrs, Pinot

07-30-2012, 09:02 PM
I know just how it feels Groucho to have your place taken over by "other peoples" - not a lot of fun especially when you're not feeling so good and missing a very important purrson:( but there is a solution. Put on your very best cat persona and "ignore them". Find a really sweet spot to nap like in the middle of Soncat's tshirt in his room and when Momcat sits in her chair, make sure you climb into her lap and get lots of snuggles:love:. When you get really relaxed on Momcat's lap there is not way she will move unless absolutely necessary;) - works for me:D.

:love::love: Eve

07-31-2012, 09:24 AM
Our Dad did that too Groucho, only on the outside and now we have the Ebony Beau Tubster Memorial Porch Enclsoue and the Moose the MagnfiCat enclosed porch!!!
We pay that you get something cool too.:love::love::love:

07-31-2012, 11:14 AM
Aw G-Man, I'm sorry you're confused. But I heard your Meowmie talking with mine the other night. It's gonna be awesome, dude. A real "Man Cave"!!! Lots of new hidey holes too!!! You'll understand once you see the finished product.

Don't worry, Soncat won't be gone too long. Meowmie is there for ya.

And don't forget, you can always pick up the catphone and give me a shout!!! *Psssst I may even have a party since my Meowmie is out on a pet sitting job and is gone at night. It's gonna be a jamming time!!!* Got a new stash of 'nip I want everyone to try, so PASS THE WORD!!!

Peace Out


Lady's Human
07-31-2012, 02:16 PM
Patch doesn't have this problem, as most of the work in the house is done by the big human.

The problem Patch has is trying to help. He just doesn't understand that claws aren't a good sub for sandpaper!

Queen of Poop
07-31-2012, 03:53 PM
Hey Groucho, Diego here, I hates all the strange noises too. I'd be more than willing to share my prozac with ya. It makes all the strange noises much more tolerable and keeps me from biting on my sister.

Groucho, Cali here, I recommend you soak up as much attention from all the humans as possible. All those extra hands around could mean alot more pets! And make sure to work your meowmie for extra treats, cause she's gonna be feeling guilty about your stresses with all the noise. I see it as a huge win for you dude, enjoy!


07-31-2012, 04:08 PM
Hi friends,
You guys are the very best! Thank you, all of you, for your support and suggestions. Yesterday when I was having some wonderful snuggle time with Meowmie, she said our place is very old and needs a lot of work so it can get fixed. When she talked to her boss on the phone, I heard her say our place is "total kaaos" whatever that means. She doesn't like this kaaos thing at all!

One of the nice men was just here and they were talking about doing more stuff. My first thought was ENOUGH ALREADY! Then they said something about the big cans in the kitchen. I heard him say they'll be back on Friday after Meowmie gets in from work to do something from the big cans in the bathroom and the back room. Then on Saturday they'll be back to do more stuff from the big cans in the kitchen, front room, and living room.

And thank you for all of the extra snuggles and lovies. Meowmie is so funny, after I get some from her, she gives me more telling me who sent them to me.

By the way, my cousin UtchieB is planning a party and asked me to spread the word. He said he has some great nip to share and his Meowmie is going to be away. A blow out party is just what the vet ordered right about now!

Your grateful friend,

08-08-2012, 08:25 AM
Hi again fellow kitties,
Well, things seem to be moving along at my house. The men came again on Saturday and finished up most of the work. They kept taking something from the big cans then spreading it on the walls with these things that rolled so now the walls are a different color. A lot still needs to to be done. She has been so busy that there's a standing order with Haggis In A Hurry. So start getting ready - Meowmie said I can have a party when this project is complete. Watch for the details in another few weeks,

Your friend,

08-08-2012, 01:36 PM
Alison and Ashes: Its going to be ok we have been through it to. Alison and Peaches just goes to her spot and sleep and I went to investigate.

Peaches: I am a scardy cat too. I have seen a house get flooded and lived in the streets for a while. Its all scarey but its less scarey when my mommie is with me. Getting cuddles is so good.

08-08-2012, 02:07 PM
Hey Fellow Felines!!

Utchie here. It's all set. Partaaaaaay at my house this weekend!! I got some awesome "nip" and Meowmie just went out and bought a whole LOT of kittie treats too. I've made rangements to use the gazebo in the park behind our house so the bagpipers could play. Party will go on from Friday to Sunday. There'll be decorations galore (no fireworks tho, as I know a lot of you get scared).

So guys, PLAN ON IT!! I hear the catmobile will be picking everyone up and delivering them to our front door at 7 p.m. Lots of eats and goats milk to sip. It's gonna be a blast!!!

One hitch tho. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Meowmie wants me to watch the two youngsters to make sure they don't over indulge. I got a room to work, I aint got no time to look after those two juvies. Maybe we can lock 'em in a closet or sumthin.

Hope to see you all Friday night!!!

Peace out


08-08-2012, 03:23 PM
Ooooooh, we're ready to go, bagpipes tuned and dancing shoes polished! Party! Party!

We'll miss our brother Nelson and his Sean Nos singing and square-dance calling.. He says he'll be joining in at the Bridge, though!

08-08-2012, 09:50 PM
Hey Fellow Felines!!

Utchie here. It's all set. Partaaaaaay at my house this weekend!! I got some awesome "nip" and Meowmie just went out and bought a whole LOT of kittie treats too. I've made rangements to use the gazebo in the park behind our house so the bagpipers could play. Party will go on from Friday to Sunday. There'll be decorations galore (no fireworks tho, as I know a lot of you get scared).

So guys, PLAN ON IT!! I hear the catmobile will be picking everyone up and delivering them to our front door at 7 p.m. Lots of eats and goats milk to sip. It's gonna be a blast!!!

One hitch tho. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Meowmie wants me to watch the two youngsters to make sure they don't over indulge. I got a room to work, I aint got no time to look after those two juvies. Maybe we can lock 'em in a closet or sumthin.

Hope to see you all Friday night!!!

Peace out


Dear UtchieB, Cassie said she will hang with the young'uns to make sure they are introduced around, and that they don't go over the limit. You go on ahead and do your thing. She's sure Michael Angel will be there to give them a tap on the noggin if they over indulge, too. She is not happy with me now that I have to be at work at 8 AM. I told her it is because I have the opposable thumbs and we both need to have food in the house... but she's not buyin it so far. We :love: you and we are so glad Spike is back where he needs ta be!

Pinot's Mom
08-09-2012, 05:22 PM
Hey Utchie! We're set with the Catmobile - pick ups begin EARLY tomorrow morning, so let me know if any kitties forgot to call me...see you soon...

Purrs, Pinot

08-09-2012, 05:31 PM
Angel Rose's 3rd birthday is Monday the 13th, so after Utchie's party you can all swing by here to party with us if you want. I know we'd all love to see you all. Maybe have another BBQ. The horses from the Fort will all be here too. Everyone welcome!!! :love:

08-09-2012, 07:43 PM
Hey Utchie! We're set with the Catmobile - pick ups begin EARLY tomorrow morning, so let me know if any kitties forgot to call me...see you soon...

Purrs, Pinot

Hi Pinot!
With all the craziness going on in my house I didn't get a chance to call you. Do you think the Catmobile could swing by Trenton for me? Everything is still where it's not supposed to be and Meowmie is desperately trying to find things. Along with that, the 2 nice men will be back on Saturday to do something else about a new carpet. I don't know what that means but I do know I don't want to be here. Meowmie said she'll order us fried chicken, shrimp, and ribs. But my Soncat is far away so he won't be able to get cheezburgers for us, I hope my fellow kitties will understand. If you'll stop to pick me up, I'll definitely be ready to run as soon as you pull up. I really appreciate your help!

Your friend,

Pinot's Mom
08-09-2012, 08:58 PM
Groucho, of course, you were already first on the pick up list. Go to sleep - we'll see you REALLY early!!

Love ya!

Purrs, Pinot

08-10-2012, 12:26 AM
My boys are packed and ready to go! All I've heard today is "Party at UtchieB's! Awesome!" I guess the word is getting out about the quality of the nip at your place, Donna. I hope the damage to your domocile is minimal.:D

08-11-2012, 07:45 PM
Okay, I just called the house and I hear wild Lady Gaga music in the background and keep getting disconnected. Since they don't want old boring Meowmie around to cramp their style, I've been forced to bunk with my friend for the weekend. Everyone arrived safely. I texted Utchie to see what's going on. He assured me everything is fine and they are all having a ball. He did say that a man in a blue suit with a gun knocked on the door. It seems the bagpipe music was way too loud and the dancing was causing the ceiling in the apartment below to fall. Neighbors were complaining about seeing dozens of cats hanging out my new windows!! Then there's the issue of the "nip" odor permiating throughout my entire apartment. I'm tempted to take a ride by to see for myself, but they won't buzz me in (I left my house keys with Utchie in case they had to run out to the store for more goats milk). *sigh* :rolleyes:

Oh great, now I'll have to answer to the neighbors when I get home.

08-11-2012, 09:25 PM
But you know what's going to happen when we question them, Donna - all we'll get is the standard "What happens in the Catmobile Stays in the Catmobile".

Wow!!! That sounds like one wild party!!! I only hope that man in the blue suit with the gun didn't take any partiers with him. As for your new windows, just tell your neighbors all the cats are experienced cleaning windows and that's all they were doing.

Groucho - Remember something; you're not licensed to practice law in Connecticut!

08-12-2012, 06:21 AM
Well, I came home early this morning to a mess!!!!! Not to mention this note on my door from my neighbor downstairs. I think I'm gonna need a lawyer.

The Catmobile left very early this morning. They made a point to hightail it outta here before I got home. Not only is there a mess to clean up, but there is gonna be hell to pay.

Poor old Bartie, the "supervisor" laying there like he got NO sleep last night. I'm sure he didn't.

Spikerdude looking VERY hung over.

Cans and dishes EVERYWHERE!!!!


08-12-2012, 08:25 AM

08-12-2012, 02:56 PM
The Catmobile just pulled into my yard! They are here for Angel's birthday party. I'll try and keep a close eye on them. They are all so tired, I think it will just be a pizza party tonight with a BBQ tomorrow afternoon. Thankfully our extreme heat wave has broken but it will be warm and purrfect for a party.

They are all busy chatting and catching up right now. I'll ask them to all call/text home. :love:

09-15-2012, 11:13 PM
Dear Groucho -- how are things at your house? When is Soncat going to be home again; do you know yet?

Thinking of you,

09-16-2012, 07:00 AM
Dear Groucho,

How did it all end? Is all that noise over and done with?

My Mom said we are getting all new windows in a few weeks and to "get ready" for lots of porch time. She has a problem because we all don't get along and can't stay in the same room. My Mom is thinking that one kitty may have to hang out in the garage, in a cage during the day time!

Do you have any good suggestion on keeping busy during these tense times?

Thanks Groucho,

Juni-get-down, Chloe and Lucy

09-17-2012, 08:20 AM
Hi Auntie Elyse,
Meowmie says my Soncat will be home late Thursday night. His plane is due in at Newark Airport around 9:30 so she and a very nice man from church will go to get him. Our place looks so different and I'm getting used to it now. There's still a few things to do in Soncat's room and Meowmie said she needs my expert supervision to get it done. I hope he'll be happy when he sees all the changes.

Hi Juni-get-down, Chloe, and Lucy,
Wow, new windows! That will be quite a project. When the men were working in my place, I went to my hidey spot that nobody knows about - not even Meowmie. Then sometimes I'd come out to check things out, our supervision and approval are a must during these times of upheaval. Tell you what, right now we're in the Catmobile on our way to the Great Haggis Feast. There's still plenty of room, call Pinot or Cassie and they'll arrange for you to be picked up by the Catmobile. That way you can party with us while your windows get changed. I hear there will also be a shopping excursion for the ladies. What do you say? We always have loads of fun.

Your friend,