View Full Version : Update On My Kittens & Cats

07-29-2012, 02:33 AM
Hi everyone. I thought I'd give you an update on all of my furkids. Most of you know that Radar was very sick. He's finally finished his medicine but towards the end of it, he began having liquid diarrhea.:( I stopped giving him canned food and as of today I think he's finally getting back to normal in that area. When I cleaned out the litter boxes tonight, there weren't any poo pancakes at all. He's not out of the woods just yet though because he now has another eye infection.:(

Rory's & Reece's eyes are also still bad.:( They were both seen by my vet last Sunday with mild eye infections and slight sneezing. Their temps were normal and they were still eating, drinking, & playing. Since two different eye drops only seemed to make Rory's eyes more irritated, my vet said to just use some refresh lubricating eye drops and to let this run it's course. Now both of Rory's eyes are much worse and Reece's eyes haven't improved at all. Both of them are sneezing more often and Reece's nose is also runny.:( I e-mailed my vet on Fri. morning to let her know what's going on and she said that since they're both acting normal to just wait it out.

Today I took two pictures of Rory to show my vet just how bad his eyes look. They look even worse in person.:( Also one of Sky's eyes has been runny and just this morning I noticed that Colby's eyes are also runny.:( My vet finally told me to give all of my cats 250mg of Lysine 2 times a day for 14 days and to start giving all of the cats with eye problems more eye drops. She thinks that they have the feline herpes virus. I think that most of this could've been prevented if Rory & Reece had been given something when I took them to the vet last Sunday. I only have one refill left for the eye drops so I told the pharmacy to get a hold of my vet so that she can give me more refills. I also e-mailed her again but I haven't heard anything yet. She does work tomorrow so I hope to be able to go and pick up several bottles of eye drops. Please send some prayers and positive thoughts to all of my cats so that they can get through this and get healthy again. I also hope that everyone will cooperate with me and take their eye drops & Lysine too. Thanks in advance.

Here's two pictures of Rory with his bad eyes.



07-29-2012, 05:37 AM
Oh Rory, poor baby! We are sending along our prayers and loving wishes and healing energies, that you and your sibbies will get through all these eye troubles and all be well soon. Take your medicine, and get lots of rest!


07-29-2012, 06:26 AM
Goodness - that certainly does look unpleasant. Hoping that all of your furkids soon get back to good health soon. Hang in there kitties - and you too Tracey. {{{HUGS}}} all around for all.

07-29-2012, 06:29 AM
Oh no those eyes look SO sore! And giving meds to ALL your clowder? GAH! Sending you hugs and stamina to get through THAT Task!

07-29-2012, 07:34 AM
Awww, Rory, your eyes look so sore :( I hope the lysine is very helpful, and that everyone will be healthy and happy soon :love:! Big prayers from here too!

07-29-2012, 09:10 AM
Sorry your babies are sick. Hope they are feeling better soon.

07-29-2012, 10:05 AM
Poor Rory! I hope the lysine helps everybody! Get well soon, kitties!:love::love::love:

07-29-2012, 10:05 AM
Oh dear look at those poor little baby eyes:(. Tracy I hope everything starts turning around for these little ones soon; It must be very demanding on you (and them) day after day. Healing thoughts and good wishes to you and your Krew:love:.

Laura's Babies
07-29-2012, 10:29 AM
Poor baby! He looks miserable.. Made my eyes water just to look at those pictures.. Hope they all get better fast. That looks awful!

07-29-2012, 11:19 AM
Thanks everyone. I sure hope that the eye drops and lysine will do the trick. I still haven't heard back from my vet yet. I was able to treat the kittens again this morning with the eye drops. Radar's eyes look pretty good because his just started flaring up yesterday. Unfortunately Radar still has liquid diarrhea. His bottom had some on it and he left many poo pancakes for me this morning.:( I heard from the kittens foster mom that they're also still having many kittens with the same eye problems. It seems like there's always something going around each year. Years ago when I adopted Starr it was a bad strain of coccidia and also ringworm. Some of my cats will eat the pill like a treat. Pearl, Blaze, Radar, and Rory all ate theirs like a treat. Alani, Storm,Reece, and Sky were very easy to pill and just gulped it down. Colby, Finnegan, & Ziggy were the most difficult. I may just crush up the pill and put it in Colby & Finnegan's canned food. Ziggy won't finish all of her canned food some times so this isn't an option for her. I hope that the next few weeks will go by quickly & smoothly and that this will all be a thing of the past soon.

07-29-2012, 11:52 AM
Oh, no, poor little babies! Breaks my heart to see little Rory's eyes all red, swollen and tearing, hearing of all of the kids' multiple ailments.:( I do hope that tomorrow your vet can help straighten this all out, get them all a course of treatment, on the road to recovery. You must be overwhelmed!:( My Tigg was dx with feline herpes shortly after we rescued him, though his eyes never looked quite that bad. He's on lysine (Vetri Lysine Chews) 1 twice daily, for life, and it's well under control. Unfortunately he was also recently diagnosed with severe asthma, and treating him with steroids is problematic as it further depresses the immune system. Hard being a mom...

Lots of love and cuddles to all of those sweet babies, and a big hug to mom! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!

07-29-2012, 12:07 PM
Would Radar eat some plain unsweetened yogurt? I am wondering if the antibiotics killed the 'good' germs in his digestive tract as they often do with humans?

I hope everyone gets better soon!

Scooter's Mom
07-29-2012, 12:28 PM
Awww, his eyes make my own itch. Poor little guy. I hope they all start feeling better soon.

07-29-2012, 02:24 PM
Owie!!! Poor babies and poor you!!! Prayers on the way for you all!!!
One thing about having more than one cat: they are like kids at school: one gets something then shares it with the others. :love:

07-29-2012, 02:52 PM
Would Radar eat some plain unsweetened yogurt? I am wondering if the antibiotics killed the 'good' germs in his digestive tract as they often do with humans?

I hope everyone gets better soon!

That's what I've been wondering too. I even asked my vet about this in a previous e-mail and she never answered my question. She's just so popular and overbooked these days. I've also tried Fortiflora but when I gave it to Alani & Blaze as kittens it just made them worse. I have plenty of canned pumpkin at home too but I know that this wouldn't help replenish his good bacteria. When I go pick up the eye meds, I'm going to ask the people at the pharmacy what they feel would be best for a kitten with liquid diarrhea.

I had a good cry earlier today because my Storm was cuddling with me in bed and I then realized that he's now become a bag of bones.:( He sleeps most of the time now and his appetite isn't the best either even though he's still on pred. Some times his back legs give out on him or he just wobbles along now.:( He also has a hard time getting into & out of the litter boxes and he's been leaving some poop either in front of or close to the litter boxes. He can't clean his bottom as well as he used to either and he doesn't groom himself like he should.:( I'm having to come to terms that his time is limited with me. Just now he fell off of the bed.:( I do have carpeted pet stairs for him to use. It's just so hard to watch him wither away in front of my eyes.:( He has hyperthyroidism and also small intestinal disease. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers too. I still have an appt. with my vet for next Sunday at 2pm so I may decide to bring him in then for my vet to check him out and so we can discuss his health.

Thanks again everyone.

07-29-2012, 03:01 PM
Poor Storm! I didn't realize he was so ill. :( Prayers that you and your vet can find some small thing to perk him up for a bit. Glad he is still cuddling, though. Love is a good sign.:love:

For Radar - my Oscar LOVES plain yogurt, even no-fat. The other two could care less. When you can, why not pick up a small container and see if he licks it off your finger?

If not, it's good on a baked potato...

HUGS and every good thought and PT prayer for your babies. :love:

07-30-2012, 12:11 PM
Tracey, you sure do have your hands full. You can count on my prayers and positive thoughts that you will be able to get all of this under control and all your babies will be healthy once again. I feel for you!!

07-30-2012, 12:24 PM
When it rains it pours, doesn't it? I am so sorry about all you and your kitties are going through right now. I know how you feel about Storm, my Mac is getting up in years and is getting skinny as well. He can still jump and play when he wants to and his appetite is fine, but I know that he won't be getting any younger or more spry. It's tough when a good cat that you've had for many years, starts to show their age. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your crew, I hope they all start feeling better soon.:love:

07-30-2012, 02:46 PM
We are saying our prayers and sending our love and warm energies to Storm, too. We are glad that you and he still love to cuddle together in bed. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

07-30-2012, 08:54 PM
Tracy I am so sorry to hear about Storm and also did not realize he was having such issues:(. You have all my best thoughts for things to improve and get somewhat normal again. A houseful of kittens is challenging and your situation at the moment has to be difficult. Lots of hugs to you and all your furry babies:love:.

Don Juan's mom
07-30-2012, 10:39 PM
My "Brady Bunch" will put in a good word with Goddess Bastet.

07-30-2012, 10:50 PM
I'll go light a candle for Storm and all the kitties at Storm's house :love: x11!

07-30-2012, 10:54 PM
Prayers for Storm :love:

07-31-2012, 09:26 AM
We are praying hard for you Rory and we are all praying that you are well soon.
After all you are an Owesome Orangie!!!:love::love::love:

07-31-2012, 11:34 AM
Thanks everyone. The kittens seem to be doing much better already.:) As of last night Radar still had diarrhea. My vet told me to try a 1/4 tablet of Immodium A-D for only two days. I tried it yesterday morning and it seemed to make him worse so I decided not to give him any more of it. So far so good with him this morning. Every day is challenging when trying to give everyone their Lysine. This morning went much smoother than yesterday. I can't catch Colby to give him his eye drops so he won this battle. His eyes seem to have cleared up on their own though. Maybe it's due to the Lysine.

On a much sadder note. Storm's back legs are only getting worse.:( Last night while he was trying to pee in the litter box he almost fell over.:( If he even tries to run he immediately flops over and he looks like a fish out of water. I just can't sit back and watch and act like there's nothing wrong with him. I also can't wait until he can't even walk any more or even use the litter boxes any more. I've thought about this very long and hard and I've had to make the difficult decision to let him go. I've decided to let him go some time this Sunday. I e-mailed my vet about this and I don't need to make an appt. for this. She won't be able to do it though because she's become allergic to the medication that's used for euthanasia. I'm hoping to be able to take this Fri. and the following Mon. & Tues. off so that I can spend some extra time with him and so I can go through the greiving process before I have to go back to work. I can't type any more right now because I'm getting too upset.:(

07-31-2012, 12:36 PM
I am so very sorry.

Hugs to you and very gentle pets to Storm. God bless you both.


Scooter's Mom
07-31-2012, 03:40 PM
((Hugs)) to you and Storm. It's such a hard decision.

07-31-2012, 04:23 PM
Oh Tracy - I'm so sorry. I had no idea that Storm was so sick. What you're describing sounds like what I just went thru with Sherbie. I know you're heartbroken, just as I was, but you are doing the very kindest thing for him that you can. Give him a gentle little kiss from me please. :love:

Hoping that the rest of your crew is soon back to par.


07-31-2012, 06:13 PM
I am so vey sorry to hear the sad news about Storm.:( It's heartbreaking to see the stark decline of our dear dear friends.:(
(((Hugs))) to you. Prayers for the younger kitties and for Storm too.

07-31-2012, 06:20 PM
{ { { Hugs Tracey } } } So very sorry to hear about Storm.

07-31-2012, 08:06 PM
I'm so, so sorry about Storm :( my heart is broken and my eyes are teary just imagining how are you feeling :(
Hugs and prayers for you and all your babies, especially for Storm... love and kisses for him :(

Felicia's Mom
07-31-2012, 08:29 PM
Tracey, I am very sorry to hear about Storm. He has always been one of my favorite Pet Talk kitties. Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.:love:

07-31-2012, 09:29 PM
Continued big prayers for sweet blue boy Storm :love: and meowmie!

07-31-2012, 11:19 PM
{{{{hugs}}}} I pray for a miracle. If that is not possible, then a peaceful passing for Storm. :love::love::love:

smokey the elder
08-01-2012, 08:55 AM
I'm so sorry that Storm is feeling so bad, but glad that the kittens' eyes are improving.

08-01-2012, 11:27 AM
Thanks everyone. I know that the news about Storm was a shock for you and it was also a shock for me too. He was doing very well healthwise back in April and since then I had noticed that he was starting to slow down. He would eat a little and then he's want to be put back in my bedroom where he'd sleep all day. Some times when I'd get him up to eat I noticed that his back legs would be a little bit stiff but he could still get around. He was a little wobbly a few times but then this went away. It was just this past weekend that I noticed that his back legs were becoming much worse and he was also becoming much thinner.:( It's like he's aged 10 years within the last 4 months.:( I had to help him use the litter box this morning because he's still very unstable. He looks worn out and tired and has this vacant blank stare about him. He's become a shell of what he used to be.:( When I picked him up to take him out to the kitchen to eat and then again to put him back in my room, he cried out like he was in pain.:( I'm going to continue to monitor him but I may need to have him put to sleep sooner than I originally planned.:( I was able to take Fri. and next Mon. & Tues. off. I hate watching any animal suffer especially one of my own.:( I know he's ready to go so I know I'm making the right decision. Please keep Storm in your thoughts and prayers.

08-01-2012, 11:40 AM
Thanks everyone. The kittens seem to be doing much better already.:) As of last night Radar still had diarrhea. My vet told me to try a 1/4 tablet of Immodium A-D for only two days. I tried it yesterday morning and it seemed to make him worse so I decided not to give him any more of it. So far so good with him this morning. Every day is challenging when trying to give everyone their Lysine. This morning went much smoother than yesterday. I can't catch Colby to give him his eye drops so he won this battle. His eyes seem to have cleared up on their own though. Maybe it's due to the Lysine.

On a much sadder note. Storm's back legs are only getting worse.:( Last night while he was trying to pee in the litter box he almost fell over.:( If he even tries to run he immediately flops over and he looks like a fish out of water. I just can't sit back and watch and act like there's nothing wrong with him. I also can't wait until he can't even walk any more or even use the litter boxes any more. I've thought about this very long and hard and I've had to make the difficult decision to let him go. I've decided to let him go some time this Sunday. I e-mailed my vet about this and I don't need to make an appt. for this. She won't be able to do it though because she's become allergic to the medication that's used for euthanasia. I'm hoping to be able to take this Fri. and the following Mon. & Tues. off so that I can spend some extra time with him and so I can go through the greiving process before I have to go back to work. I can't type any more right now because I'm getting too upset.:(

Oh Tracy, my heart is breaking for you. So difficult to leave them go, however, I think you are doing the right thing by him though. It just shows that you do love and care for him by letting him go. We are all here for you.

08-01-2012, 12:08 PM
When they tell us they are done with life and are ready to go, it is the one last act of love we can do for them to let them go. I know how you are hurting, Tracy, but you are definitely doing the right thing for dear Storm. You will see him again One Fine Day, along with all your other kitties! Love never dies.:love:

08-01-2012, 07:33 PM
My heart is with you and Storm:love:. There is never a right time for this to happen ... it just happens and amazingly they know when it is time to go. Spend some precious moments with your beloved Storm - he will understand:love:.

08-01-2012, 08:38 PM
It's so very hard to see someone you love so much suffering and so many feel one's kitty is "just a pet." None of us here do. I went through a tough time when my sweet prince Nicky seemingly went from healthy to severely ill in 2 days and despite the best medical attention nothing could be done except the right thing for my boy but a very hard decision for me. I don't know you but your devotion to and love for your kitties comes across. Take good care.

08-01-2012, 08:52 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and sweet Storm.
I know its not easy saying goodbye. I went though the same thing with my Calico Girl.
Give Storm a kiss and some rubbies for me.

08-01-2012, 10:12 PM
I am so sorry to hear this. I had no idea that Storm is so sick. My prayers are with you and the furr posse. :love:

08-01-2012, 10:22 PM
Please give Storm love and cuddles from me, and a kiss on his forehead.:love:

08-02-2012, 12:47 AM
Thanks again everyone. Storm is definitely ready to go. The lady that I work with asked about him this morning and I told her that he was getting worse. She told me to take tomorrow off because she also knows that it's time. She's a huge animal lover,mainly dogs, and her daughter is a cat lover. So now the plan is that I'm taking Thurs. Fri. & Mon. off and I plan to say my final goodbye to Storm some time tomorrow. If he had been like he was this morning when I got home then I would've done it tonight. He's been much more alert and bright eyed tonight but he's still having the same problems with his back legs.:( I've been talking to him and telling him what's going to happen. I also took a few pictures of him. I'm going to enjoy his company for as much as possible before I take him to my vets for his final journey to Rainbow Bridge. I'll post a few of his pictures below.




08-02-2012, 04:55 AM
Big big big hugs and lovies for sweet, precious blue boy Storm (((HUGS)))

08-02-2012, 10:07 AM
:( More kissies to Storm. Goodbye baby boy. I have loved seeing pics of your beautiful self, with and without your summer haircut. ;):love: Tracy you are doing the most selfless and loving thing, putting Storm's comfort ahead of your own tremendous heartbreak. HUGS to you. We are all here with you, you know that.:love::love:

08-02-2012, 10:21 AM
Dearest Storm, so beautiful and so beloved. Gentle kissies and pets to you. God bless you and your Meowmie who loves you so very much.


08-02-2012, 10:24 AM
Farewell Storm. :love: Hugs and peace to you, Tracy. :love:

08-02-2012, 12:23 PM
Goodbye, Storm. You were one of the best kitties ever!:love: Major LES as I type this.:(

Pinot's Mom
08-02-2012, 12:57 PM
I am sorry you're going through all this, and I'm sorry for your sweet kitties, too.

Storm, honey, Godspeed and sleep softly. Much love is with you.:love::love:

08-02-2012, 02:07 PM
I am so sorry for you and sweet Storm. This is exactly what happened to Leonardo. He had had trouble standing and the vet gave him a shot once that helped. Then then next time, the shot didin't. When he couldn't even stand up to use his litter box, I knew it was time. I could tell he was in pain and miserable.

It is never easy and my heart is shattered with you. Prayers for you and for a peaceful trip to the Bridge for sweet Storm. :love:

08-02-2012, 03:28 PM
Love and kisses to you dear Storm, God bless you, sleep softly sweet baby.. say Hi to my beloved Chester when you meet him at the Bridge, I know he'll be waiting for you.

Prayers for you Tracy, my heart is with you :(

08-02-2012, 06:20 PM
Thanks again everyone. He's at peace now: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?174083-RIP-Sweet-Storm-1-11-96-8-2-12.