View Full Version : The 77% Weekly - Spiritual Self-Violence

07-23-2012, 08:29 AM
Don't turn that frown upside down....;)

http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=rpi7oyn6&v=001Nk7PNBlHbx2WfYZgOzV-IlAvz4XbMCauBB5wmtWUQcb5aLTan7j7p6UBSnVIHPwXWTdicJ i5N5Dc_r3jDCXIhniMcIEpZEfIIlx44pV7NiCYfUbcPo2dnJ2K sT2IMToaP-bhsA8lJUP0mZRLVyNXcj648jq0CSpa9Iiyh4JVYpFneO8hxDOS Ur6YU-OZafLcbI2flUbBulETgwpyvvbuCw%3D%3D

Spiritual-religious self-violence is the act of berating ourselves for feeling whatever we are feeling. Spiritual-religious self-violence is when we censor our true feelings. It happens when we, seemingly with good intentions, manipulate ourselves into feeling something other than what we are/were just feeling. In refusing to honor our true emotional states, and in trying to be something we're not, we commit spiritual-religious self-violence.

Click the link to read the whole page. :)

07-23-2012, 12:36 PM
Don't turn that frown upside down....;)

http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=rpi7oyn6&v=001Nk7PNBlHbx2WfYZgOzV-IlAvz4XbMCauBB5wmtWUQcb5aLTan7j7p6UBSnVIHPwXWTdicJ i5N5Dc_r3jDCXIhniMcIEpZEfIIlx44pV7NiCYfUbcPo2dnJ2K sT2IMToaP-bhsA8lJUP0mZRLVyNXcj648jq0CSpa9Iiyh4JVYpFneO8hxDOS Ur6YU-OZafLcbI2flUbBulETgwpyvvbuCw%3D%3D

Click the link to read the whole page. :)


I was just learning to be forgiving.....;)