View Full Version : RIP Sweet Lily

07-20-2012, 12:11 PM
I rescued a beautiful cat today. A beautiful Oriental Shorthair kitten, not more than 9 months old. I gave her a name. Her name was Lily.

Her lifeless body was laying in the middle of Route 5 in the pouring rain.:(:(

Call me crazy, but I could not let her lay there alone in the rain. I turned my car around and scooped her up in a towel. I took her to the vet to be scanned to see if she was "chipped". She wasn't. She was in rigormortis, which means she was hit by a car sometime last night.

Lily was a beautiful black tiger and white Oriental. She was unspayed and had flea dirt. The vet said it didn't look like she belonged to anyone. She was cremated and now is off to the Rainbow Bridge.

This is the part of my job I don't like. NO animal should die alone.

RIP sweet beautiful girl. You were loved, even for a brief moment. Play hard at the Bridge and watch over my RB fur crew.:(:(

07-20-2012, 12:45 PM
Rest in peace, pretty one, your struggles are over.

07-20-2012, 01:26 PM
Sleep softly, you were loved.

07-20-2012, 02:36 PM
RIP little Lily. Only good times for you from now on, now that you are at Rainbow Bridge. I'll bet you'll be waiting for Donna to thank her one day.

Donna - that's heartbreaking. I know how it upsets me too, every time I see a cat or dog along side the road. I always wonder if they were someone's pet, or just another stray or outcast. :(

07-20-2012, 02:59 PM
Thank you Donna for giving this little girl kindness and dignity. I agree - no one should die alone:(.

Rest in peace sweet Lily.

07-20-2012, 03:26 PM
Rest in peace, dearest Lily. You are loved.

Thank you, Donna.

God bless.

Love from Pat and cats

07-20-2012, 06:51 PM
Thank you Donna (((Hugs))) for giving Lily a dignified send off to Rainbow Bridge.
Rest In Peace sweet Lily.:love:

07-20-2012, 09:15 PM
Everyone but YOU drove by that kitten and I bet never even blinked a eye. I thought I was a pretty good person and try to look out and do my part for our fellow creatures but I can say you are truly a angel on this earth to care so much for another liveing being. I have hit a cat before and stoped there were some house's on the street so I knocked on a few of them no one claimed the cat so I wraped it up and took it home and buried it. Left some flyers up with my num asking if someone had lost there cat but no reply which really didnt make sense she was no stray you could tell. That tore me up thinking someone is certain shes just lost and will come home I know my kitty would leave for 2 or 3 days sometimes well again wish there more out there like you.

07-21-2012, 09:25 AM
Lily Angel appreciates being taken off the road, and will see you in paradise where you will be FurrEver Friends.:love:
What a shame it was that ily was outside and that these motorosts did not watch out for her.:(
Lily will see you in love
One Fine Day:love:

07-21-2012, 09:38 AM
Bless you, Donna.

Play happily at the bridge, sweet Lily.:love:

07-21-2012, 02:03 PM
Rest in peace, sweet Lily. May God bless you, Donna. :love:


07-21-2012, 06:50 PM
Perhaps Lily has met Summer, a small kitten (no more than 4 or 5 months old) whom I found in front of my rural property when I returned from a visit to the mountains last summer. I wrapped her small body in a towel; I couldn't bury her, as the ground in August was very hard, and I'm not so good at digging anyway. I took her to the back of the property, where the vegetation is thick, and laid her body in a soft spot, and then, knowing there was a hurricane coming, put the top of a plastic dog house over her. I just couldn't bear the thought of her body lying out in a storm.

Lily and Summer are happy now, and our tears are for ourselves, because *we* are sad. They are not! Lily will meet you at the Bridge, as Summer will meet me. The only consolation I can find in either of those transitions is that they were quick.

May Lily's Creator bless you mightily for your compassion and love.:love:

07-21-2012, 07:54 PM
This is so sad.:( RIP sweet Lily.:(

07-21-2012, 10:00 PM
for helping lily reach rainbow bridge in love instead of alone.. my times some animals or people die alone and there is no one there for them.. lily is in peace because and people like you care enough to love them in return and help them when needed.. thank you thank you thank you donna .. 20120721.2000

smokey the elder
07-23-2012, 08:54 AM
RIP, precious Lily. Thanks, Moosmom for providing this last kindness.

07-23-2012, 05:09 PM
Moosmom, you are the best! RIP, Lily. I'd like to think Churchill and all the other PT kitties met her at the Bridge, so she won't be alone there. Dear Lily, I will meet you in heaven, One Fine Day.