View Full Version : Worried about Groucho

07-19-2012, 08:21 AM
We took Groucho for his follow up with Dr. Pearson last night. He has lost half a pound over the last 3 weeks and Dr. Pearson said for him it's significant. We told her he won't eat the canned food she gave him but when Soncat got him some dry food he chomped it right down. Doctor said not eating the canned food could be why Groucho lost the weight. He's now on prescription dry food so we'll see how that works and Dr. Pearson said to stop his meds for now.

The vet tech took his temperature then held the thermometer up for the vet, Dr. said there was a small amount of blood on it. When asked, we told her we haven't noticed anything in the litter box. Doctor told us to call her immediately if we notice anything. The good news here is Groucho isn't leaving anymore bombs around the house and litter box contents are as they should be.

As for his heart murmur, it's a stage 1 but Dr. Pearson said she's more concerned about his insides. She said it could be IBS and since it's quite common in cats there are several treatment options if that turns out to be the problem. Dr. Pearson is running more lab work so now we wait for those results. There are no definite conclusions right now and more tests may need to be done.

Maybe I'm being an over-anxious Meowmie over this, I just don't know. Dr. Pearson is taking this a step at a time and I trust her professional judgment. As for the IBS, she said "Don't jump the gun, let's see exactly what's going on." Groucho goes back in another 3-4 weeks and till then he'll be watched very closely. And right now Groucho's Meowmie is quite worried and upset.

07-19-2012, 08:27 AM
It is always so worrisome when one of our babies isn't feeling right. I appreciate how you're feeling, but you are doing the right thing to have Groucho checked and monitored. Hopefully the new diet will help to ease what ever is upsetting him and things will adjust themselves. Give that boy a big hug for me:love:.

07-19-2012, 08:33 AM
Of course you're worried, but I hope there's no reason to be. However, losing that much weight in only three weeks is not good, but I'm glad Groucho is at least eating dry food. Best wishes and kisses to Groucho. :love:

07-19-2012, 09:01 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Groucho- we all are worried with you. Hope the new food helps.

07-19-2012, 09:26 AM
Oh No!
Not Groucho who for yeras has been our lega advocate, our Furry Perry Mason!!!:cool::cool:
We are praying had that Our Attorne Grocho will get a good verdict from his White Coats!!:love::love:

07-19-2012, 09:35 AM

I'm SO sorry I missed your call last night. I was comatose by 9 p.m. I hope they find out what's going on with Groucho. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. Call me!!!

07-19-2012, 09:47 AM
The only comfort I can offer is that your vet seems to be on top of things and that Groucho is in very good hands. :love: I hope a straightforward solution is found.

Hugs to you and Soncat and cuddles to Groucho! Prayers that all turns out well. :love::love:

Felicia's Mom
07-19-2012, 09:48 AM
I'm sorry Groucho isn't feeling well. Sending postve thoughts to both of you.

07-19-2012, 09:58 AM
If our resident lwyer kitty has IBS it is not a serious problem. I have one guy who has had it for about 7 years now and we can control it with diet. But there are also medications that are available if you need to go that route. Hopefully everything will turn out normal, but we are keeping our fingers and paws crossed for you

07-19-2012, 11:19 AM
I'm sorry Groucho isn't feeling well. Sending postve thoughts to both of you.

Me too, me too! Do you think Groucho is feeling the stress of Soncat getting ready to leave? Big big hugs and prayers for PT's resident lawyer kitty and his meowmie.

07-19-2012, 11:20 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Groucho and hopefully whatever it is can be easily treated. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

07-19-2012, 12:14 PM
I know how it feels to be so worried when your precious furbaby isn't feeling quite right. I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way for dear Groucho. I hope it turns out to be nothing serious.:love:

Queen of Poop
07-19-2012, 01:40 PM
Dearest Groucho, we are so sorry you are not feeling so well these days. Sounds like your meowmie and vet are doing their utmost to figure out the issue and come up with a suitable solution. If it's IBS that can be managed fairly well with diet and medication - our meowmie has it and other than having a stinky butt when she tries some food that turns out not to agree with her she's doing pretty well with it. We send you loving purrs and healing thoughts.

Cali and Diego
:love: :love: :love:

07-19-2012, 02:40 PM
So sorry sweet Groucho is not feeling well. Prayers on the way for you both. :love::love:

07-19-2012, 04:15 PM
I'm so sorry to learn about Groucho. The poor baby; that's so worrying when you know that something is off but you don't know just what.. or what to do about it. I'm glad your vet is checking all this out thoroughly. Between you and her and Groucho, you will do the right things.

God bless you all. Prayers and good wishes and healing energies and white light are being sent from us.

Love from us all :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:,
Pat and cats

Pinot's Mom
07-19-2012, 05:46 PM
Groucho, we're so sorry you're not feeling well! You listen to you doc and your Meowm and get yourself better!

Purrs and much love, Pinot and Mom

07-19-2012, 08:26 PM
Prayers for you groucho. Feel better soon.

Edwina's Secretary
07-19-2012, 08:51 PM
Dear Groucho,

As difficult as it is....and as hard as it is to believe PEOPLE know better than us....take your medicine...eat your special food. I am eating special food and I have to have medicine put in my ear twice a day...oh the indignity!!!...but I am putting weight back on and feeling so much better.

This is one time I say...be a good boy...

Yours in elder cathood,


07-20-2012, 04:19 PM
Oh Dear Groucho! we're sorry you're not feeling well :(
Please be a good boy and eat your special food, that will help you!

Good thoughts, love and prayers for you, honey, get well soon!
Sophie and Astrid :love::love:

07-20-2012, 06:23 PM
I can't thank all of you enough for your prayers, positive thoughts, and good vibes for Groucho. He has always been very healthy so I'm hoping that will work in his favor. For whatever reason he would never eat canned food so when we told Dr. Pearson she switched him over to the dry prescription food. Fortunately he seems to like it and has been eating. He's to get half a cup a day though Dr. Pearson said if he's still hungry to let him have a bit more.

Dr. Pearson said she'll call me when the lab tests come back but no word yet. Better yet, there have been no problems with the litter box and the contents are as they should be. Since his food was changed a few weeks ago, Groucho hasn't been vomiting and is consistently back to using the litter box. We've been watching that very closely.

Staff at our vet's office are wonderful and very caring. One thing that's very important to me is how the staff approaches and handles their patients. Everyone treats Groucho as if he was their own pet, they give lots of pets and scritchies, talk to him softly, are very gentle with him and don't rush to do anything that might be upsetting or uncomfortablefor him. They go out of their way to keep him calm, he actually fell asleep on the examining table while waiting for the doctor to come in.

Elyse, Mike leaves on Thursday. Dr. Pearson and I both think that has something to do with this though other factors may also be part of it.

Groucho wants all of you to know how grateful he is for your hugs and lovies and sends lots of purrs to say thank you. :love:

07-20-2012, 08:23 PM
You might have Mike leave behind an unwashed tee or sweat shirt for Groucho to cuddle with while he's gone. I've sent those to the vets with my cats when they had a stay over. It helps them from getting too lonesome. That way groucho will still have you and the shirt so he might not feel so lonesome. :love:

07-20-2012, 10:34 PM
You might have Mike leave behind an unwashed tee or sweat shirt for Groucho to cuddle with while he's gone. I've sent those to the vets with my cats when they had a stay over. It helps them from getting too lonesome. That way groucho will still have you and the shirt so he might not feel so lonesome. :love:

That's exactly what I plan to do, in fact I asked Mike to leave two T-shirts. One will be at his favorite spot on the couch. I'll also make absolutely sure that Groucho has free access to Mike's room with the other shirt on his bed or chair.

07-21-2012, 01:58 PM
Dr. Pearson called this afternoon with Groucho's lab results. She said his white blood cell count has improved slightly but she still wants to keep watching it. Doctor said her main concern right now is his weight. Fortunately he is eating the dry prescription food so he'll stay on that unless and until Dr. Pearson changes it. I also talked to her about what a beggar he is with our food. As hard as it will be to not give in and let him have a taste, Dr. Pearson said he gets his prescription food only. She was glad to hear there has been no blood in the litter box, something we're watching very closely. Should we notice anything, we're to call her immediately.

As concerned as I am about my sweetie, I do feel better knowing Groucho is under the care of such a thorough, caring, wonderful vet. I would highly recommend Dr. Pearson to anyone!

Again, thank you - all of you - for your prayers and support! Groucho has really enjoyed all the scritchies, hugs, and lovies you have sent him. :love:

Scooter's Mom
07-21-2012, 04:23 PM
I hope Groucho is feeling okay today. It's always so worrisome when our beloved furbabies begin to show signs of not feeling up to par.
((hugs)) and headbumpies to you both!

07-21-2012, 06:59 PM
I'm a little late to this thread, but it certainly sounds as if Groucho's doctor is a gem! She seems on top of things, and Groucho seems to be doing well. The weight problem - well, Mordred's cardiologist wants him to lose 3-1/2 pounds!! I wish you luck with the weight loss, for I know how very, very difficult it is.

Listen to your mom, Groucho- and be well!

07-21-2012, 07:04 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Groucho is doing better and that he likes his new dry food.:) It sounds like he's getting great vet care and the staff and your vet all sound great.:) I hope that he'll continue to do well. More prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

Killearn Kitties
07-22-2012, 05:01 AM
I'm sorry I wasn't here to worry along with you earlier, but at least now I can see that things are looking quite encouraging. I will still keep my fingers crossed that Groucho continues to eat his prescription food well. Please give him some scritchies from me. :love:

07-24-2012, 12:02 PM
Hello, sweet Groucho and your people! I'm thinking of you today :love:! Hope you are feeling well. Gentle pets to you today!

07-24-2012, 12:50 PM
I hope Groucho's blood cell count will keep improving and he'll continue to eat his prescription food. Oh, it's hard not to give in when he's begging, isn't it. I remember with Fister when he was only allowed to eat a certain kind of food.

Btw, Fister had blood in stool one time and the vet suggested we mix two different Hills foods, instead of just giving him one of them. Shortly after, he had no blood in his stool.

Please give Groucho some kisses and hugs from Fister and me. :love:

07-24-2012, 07:38 PM
Hi Elyse and Randi,
Groucho is eating his dry prescription food and we're not finding any Groucho bombs around the house. There's plenty of fresh water for him in two different places but when I sit down with my freezer mug filled with cold water he goes straight for it and will drink a considerable amount if I don't pay attention. He can be so insistent. I'm going to start using a measuring cup to fill his water bowls so I can give Dr. Pearson an idea of how much he's drinking.

Mike is leaving Thursday morning for the Dominican Republic so it's wait and see how that goes. Mike eliminated 2 t-shirts from his laundry for Groucho. One will be on Groucho's favorite spot on the couch, I'll make absolutely sure he has free access to Mike's room all the time with the other shirt on the bed or chair.

Thank you so much for your concern! Sending lots of lovies to Cassie and Fister :love: :love:

07-25-2012, 07:25 AM
Sorry I couldn't get back to you, Eileen! I'm running ragged in between pet sitting jobs. AND, we just got a notice that our new windows are being put in Friday morning. That means I have to get my cats outta here tomorrow night. The ferals are going to be a biatch to catch!!! Got a fundraiser to go to tonight. It's been non stop!!!

HUGS and prayers being sent to you and the G-man.


Donna and fur crew

07-29-2012, 05:57 PM
Momcat and Groucho, how are things going? Did Soncat leave as planned? I was thinking about him during church this morning. ((((HUGS))))