View Full Version : A little pupdate on Kiara... (pics)

07-17-2012, 01:18 PM
Hey all!

So, long story short, my parents decided they wanted to Kiara to live with me now. So, she's joined Mufasa, Ace, Alice, Athena and I at my house.

No problems with the pups/cat getting along, however, Kiara isn't as comfortable as I'd prefer. I live on a semi-busy street, and as some may know, Kiara is terrified of most thing ever since she ran away. A vet that I work with is doing accupuncture and put her on calming herbs and so far, so good. Prior to that, I'd have to force her outside because she was terrified by the noises of the traffic, neighborhood, etc. She improving greatly which makes me so excited because I was hoping she would work out well. I miss my tennis ball freak! So, now with herbs, accupuncture, and thundershirt we are making progress!

So I don't completely bore you, here are some pics!

First day here, Mufasa, Alice, Kiara, and Ace!

Hanging in the backyard....

Catching the frisbee...

It's not like my parents pool, but it will have to do and she's thrilled by it!


All the babies on my bed...


Hanging in the yard

A few more in the next post....

07-17-2012, 01:18 PM
Kiara loving her thundershirt...

Kiara hanging on my front porch... This is a huge thing. Prior to her accupuncture/herbs/etc. she would not be this comfortable, instead, she'd be squishing herself under my chair/trying to get inside.

And, everyone on the couch!

And that's all! Hugs for everyones pups!

07-17-2012, 01:51 PM
Hi, Kiara! I am so glad the acupuncture and herbs are helping you be more calm! Mum misses her tennis ball freak. I love the photos of everyone together -- they gave me a HUGE SMILE :D :D today! Keep up the good work, pretty girl!

07-17-2012, 03:56 PM
There's Kiara!! :D :D She still looks like a puppy. :)
And I am in awe that you got all of them to pose on the couch (especially the CAT!!).
I am glad she is getting more comfortable in her new home.

07-17-2012, 04:36 PM
Good to see you at Kay's Kiara! I hope things work out.:cool:

07-17-2012, 06:43 PM
So glad the thundershirt and everything else are helping her adjust to the big change. Hopefully in time she will become accustomed to everything, and desensitized to it all. Good to see you, Kiara!

07-17-2012, 07:24 PM
I just wanted to say what a fab foursum oh and yes the kitty is nice also. I was wondering if the Thundershirt was worth the money glad to hear it's helping Kiara and that she is doing better .

07-18-2012, 01:11 AM
Great pictures and I'm glad that she's getting more comfortable in your home.:)

07-18-2012, 02:14 AM
Good that's she's settling in better. Hopefully she'll keep on making progress and be fully comfortable :)

I also gotta mention that Ace just cracks me up. He always looks so super excited and happy on every photo. Such a cute little guy! :D

07-18-2012, 07:31 AM
Kiara!!! Lovely to see you girl!!! Sorry you found the new digs (oops! should I use that word with a doggie? LOL) scary at the start. Prayers that you settle in and calm down so you can enjoy da place. And hey, your own POOL!

How on earth do you get them to cuddle to close together for group pictures? I am impressed!
You have lovely smiling pics of her, so the herbs, acupuncture and thunder shirt are helping. Is it a TCVM vet? I've only just 'discovered' them myself in Feb of this year, hearing many good things.

That last photo will make a wonderful new siggy for you! (hint!)

07-23-2012, 05:16 PM
Awwww! Sweet Kiara girl! I'm so glad to hear she's doing well! :love:

07-23-2012, 09:37 PM
Aww, such a cute little family! :)

I'm glad Kiara is adjusting well... I'm sure she'll only get better, especially with her mommy. If you haven't tried it already, BAT might be helpful, if she's scared of people or dogs when she's out and about. It works well for fearful dogs. Thundershirts do work really well! I've had success with Rescue Remedy, too, while training.

Omg is Mufasa really going grey? I can't believe that! He used to be a goofy little puppy... Ace is super cute, he really reminds me of Simba. <3