View Full Version : Sissy-loaded with videos and pics

07-17-2012, 12:12 PM
Tues, July 17 2012
Get ready for Sissy overload LOL. I took her yesterday to the groomer for the first time. Nooo, I was told she was not thrilled LOL. Here are some BEFORE videos and one AFTER video. Then I'm posting some AFTER grooming photos.
She is 5.5 months old and weights ~3.5 lbs.

BEFORE groomer

Sissy & LilGirl having a spat


Sissy & Luke cat touching paws


Sissy & Luke cat playing & LilGirl barking


Hardy hibiscus with pets briefly


AFTER groomer

Sissy back from first trip to groomer with LilGirl


07-17-2012, 01:14 PM
That little one is just so full of energy that she just must constantly devil with LilGirl and Luke. I wonder if LilGirl will ever come around and play with her? I can't get over how tolerant Luke is tho - considering he's a c-a-t!! :eek:
Sissy looks so spiffy after her haircut. I've never had Myndi cut - just trimmed up. I just can't even picture her with short hair.

Kay - may I make a suggestion?? I've noticed how Sissy pulls when she's on a leash. You might want to use a harness on her, as that pulling and the collar pressing into her throat, could eventually cause damage to her trachea. I had that problem with Sparky and his vet thinks there may have been damage done before I switched both of the pups to a harness whenever they have to be on a leash. Just sayin'.................:)

07-17-2012, 01:49 PM
Hello, Sissy and Lil Girl! I can't get the videos to play (it's a problem with my computer) but the photos are wonderful! You two are soooo cute! :D

07-17-2012, 02:43 PM
pomtzu, No, I dont mind at all your suggestion of a harness. For some time I've been thinking that perhaps she should be on harness. Glad you pointed out possible problem. OK, soon we will get a harness; that should be fun putting a harness on her. Guess I could leave it on all day and take it off at night. Maybe I can find a velcro one that will fit her; it seems that kind might be easier to put on. Do you agree?

cassiesmom, sorry the videos won't play for you and that your computer has problems. At least you can get on the internet and come to this site. Glad you could see the photos of my babies.

07-17-2012, 02:51 PM
pomtzu, No, I dont mind at all your suggestion of a harness. For some time I've been thinking that perhaps she should be on harness. Glad you pointed out possible problem. OK, soon we will get a harness; that should be fun putting a harness on her. Guess I could leave it on all day and take it off at night. Maybe I can find a velcro one that will fit her; it seems that kind might be easier to put on. Do you agree?

No - I definitely wouldn't leave it on all the time. Your best bet would probably be to take her with you to a place like Petsmart and see what would work best for her. The velcro ones are easier, but the "vest" type like they advertise on t.v. are more of a pain to put on than the simpler ones. I'll see if I can find one like the other one I have, and post it here.

Here it is. I like it because the part that goes under the "armpits" is padded and doesn't cut into that area. It's simple to put on too. I got it at Petsmart. Of course as tiny as she is, you might have to get one specifically made for tiny dogs.

07-17-2012, 09:11 PM
Pomtzu, That was very thoughtful of you to post a pic of harness--thank you. I'll try to find one like that or similar. I just want it to be easy to put on her. She just recently got so it isnt a hassle to put a collar on her; she's such a busy active girl.

07-18-2012, 07:47 AM
Sissy overdose? Oh YEAH I'm feeling Gooo-oood right now, he he heeeeee!!!

What a little spit fire! So full of puppy energy. If you could find someone local with a small puppy for play dates, I bet she'd be in HEAVEN!

Having watched these vids, I disagree, I don't think Luke 'tolerates' her, I think he gets into play mode as well! He keeps her in line, but he doesn't get up and stalk off, tail flicking, which he'd do if he didn't like it at all. The paw game was fantastic! Ha ha haaaaa

Sorry LilGirl still isn't a fan of Sissy. Lovely to see Annie in that vid!

Oh the hibiscus! I have a few of the hardy ones as well, but not the deep pink you have! Most of mine are red, a few are white with red centers. Isn't it grand that we can enjoy these big summer blooms? Thanks for sharing yours!

Those post groom photos are super, her whites are so WHITE ha haaa. The second photo, she is doing a perfect stack, which they use in conformation shows! Wonderful!

Thank you Kay, I enjoyed this thread with my morning coffee today, delightful!

07-18-2012, 04:01 PM
Freedom (I'm sorry I can't remember your name),
.... I think he (Luke) gets into play mode as well! He keeps her in line,

Hmmm, Now that I think about it, I do believe you are right. He was hiding the other day behind a stool waiting to jump out at her. He loves to scare her & LilGirl doing that. The thing it it does NOT scare Sissy but it does upset LilGirl.

07-18-2012, 04:08 PM
pomtzu (sorry, cant recall your name),
I got a harness today for Sissy. It's not exactly like the photo you posted but it goes on sort of easy--with TWO people LOL... one to put it on and one to hold her still. We've been outside and she does fine with it--walking, running, pullingl

I was sorry to read in another thread that your Sparky is having problems. Prayers are going up for him and you too. Kay