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07-16-2012, 10:35 AM
One "group" shot, and a close up of each. Riley discovered the back of the sofa Sunday morning, and enjoys hopping up there to see out the window, lol.

From left to right: Willy, Lacey, Tasha, Riley

Such hard work living here - Willy



Riley (darn flash was tired, lol)

That's all!

07-16-2012, 10:48 AM
Hello, Fluffs! Riley fits right in with Tasha, Lacey and Willy! And Wills, it is hard work to be such a cutie, but someone has to do it :) and you're doing a terrific job with your sisters! We are crossing fingers and paws for Riley's doctor's appointment, hope she gets a good report!

07-16-2012, 12:59 PM
Wonderful pics!! How do you tell them apart? I guess that's a silly question to the owner who interacts with them every day. However, to me who sees them once in awhile, they all look alike LOL. They sure are cute!

07-16-2012, 02:55 PM
Kay, when you look at them, you see fluffy white doggie. When I look at them, I see personality!

Riley weighs 13 pounds; I am surprised she is that much! She has an appt on the 25th for spay and dental. She also has a grade 2 luxating patella on her right rear knee. I asked if she could do Agility with that, should she be so inclined, and I was told yes!

07-16-2012, 06:39 PM
Well I was going to ask the same question-- how do you tell them apart but it was answered, and I guess an owner wouldn't be seeing white fluffballs but peronality. Still all very cute regardless of who's who.

07-16-2012, 06:47 PM
Kay, when you look at them, you see fluffy white doggie. When I look at them, I see personality!

Riley weighs 13 pounds; I am surprised she is that much! She has an appt on the 25th for spay and dental. She also has a grade 2 luxating patella on her right rear knee. I asked if she could do Agility with that, should she be so inclined, and I was told yes!

What is a luxating patella? It sounds painful.

07-16-2012, 06:52 PM
What is a luxating patella? It sounds painful.

Wobbly kneecaps. They can be painful if they're serious enough. Jasper has a grade 1 on the right side and a 1-2 on the left...I noticed it at first because he "hops" with his back legs a lot when he's trotting.

07-16-2012, 08:29 PM
Yes, that is right, just what snakemama said. They are graded 1 to 5, with 5 being the worst. Grade 5 requires surgery, I think grade 4 surgery is optional. Riley has a loose kneecap which may pop out now and again, but pops back into place on it's own. She would feel pain while it is out of place, once it pops back, the pain ends, though there may be some inflammation. In the 48 hours she has been here I have not noticed it as an issue. So for now we won't do anything for it.

07-17-2012, 12:17 AM
I knew which one Riley was without you telling.

He's the one with the mischievous look :rolleyes:

07-17-2012, 10:49 AM
Love all the pics! When Riley is laying down, it's hard to tell her from the rest of the crew, and she looks just like them. You can see more of the poodle in her when she's standing up.

Myndi has had the luxating patella since she was quite young, and she has never had surgery for it. It has popped a few times, but other than that, you'd never know about it. Of course now in her senior years there's the arthritis issue in the knees too, which causes her discomfort - thus the Tramadol!

Lovins going out to ALL of The Fluffs. :love::love::love::love: