View Full Version : What's the Weirdest Question Strangers Have Asked About Your Dog?

07-10-2012, 02:59 PM
Have any funny/weird comments or questions you've received from people about your dog? Please share :)

I get a lot of comments about Taggart which are not unusual - usually people just saying how pretty he is and what a big tail he has. Some people have commented that he kinda looks like a fox or a coyote.

I think the funniest question was when someone asked if he was part Papillon. I'd never though of that before but if you disregard the size difference, there is quite a resemblance! :D The people themselves had a Papillon with the exact colours as Taggart, so that just made it more funny. Like a mini version of him that's even fluffier, haha.

07-10-2012, 03:07 PM
Someons once asked me if Jasper was a pit bull. Uh yeah, the 25lb, pointy-nosed, wirehaired variety! :rolleyes:


07-10-2012, 03:25 PM
People always comment on Zoee's eyes. And usually ask if she can see out of the blue eye.
Poor Taggart gets mistaken for a girl. His fur is so long it covers his boy bits. LOL But people always ask what breed he is.
Nothing weird, that I can remember anyway.

07-10-2012, 08:44 PM
When Gracie was around, and we were waiting outside somewhere, it always amused me when people said trepidatiously (from a "safe distance") "Do you need help?" We'd play "get the leash" where I'd shake the leash and she's "attack" it ferociously, lots of teeth and growling, tail wagging the whole time! It always made me chuckle, as we knew it was a game, but she was big and black and apparently scary to some people!

07-11-2012, 12:10 PM
"What kind of weird looking German Shepherd dog is that?"

A comment about Katie. ;)

07-11-2012, 03:42 PM
I guess some people just don't know enough dog breeds to recognize an Akita when they see one! :) Hope Katie's feeling weren't hurt, but knowing her, she probably just chalked it up to their ignorance as a lowly human! She is, after all, Queen, right? ;)

07-11-2012, 03:55 PM
Awww, I had a big squishy Akita in my store the other day who looked a LOT like Katie, there was no mistaking his breed. He was also a total doofus, slobbered all over me when I knelt down to pet him. Most akitas I meet are a little reserved with new people, so the tongue-lashing came as a surprise!

07-11-2012, 06:06 PM
"Do they all have names?"

Seriously!! I get that one all the time! No, I just yell "Hey You" til the right dog responds!!:rolleyes::p

07-11-2012, 06:42 PM
Laughed out loud at that one Glacier. Too funny.

The one that gets me is when people say "Dogs have personalities?" Really, that is the dumbest question - of course all five of mine have personalities and they are all different. Geez.

07-11-2012, 07:55 PM
When we were at the dog park once, this teenage girl and her Mom followed us around INSISTING that Fozzie was a baby wolf! :eek:

"That's a baby wolf isn't it!!!!"

"No... he's 3 years old. He's a Husky, Corgi mix."

"Uh-uh, I know a baby wolf when I see one, look Mom!"
"Oh yeah that's a wolf for sure. Those ain't allowed at the dog park ma'am!"


Another time at the dog park, me and my friends were leaving because a giant Aussie mix was repeatedly attacking Fozzie, who just cowered under benches in fear of him. The owner of the assy dog told some other lady "Corgis are stupid!" right after we walked by them. Wow... that lady got an earful for her rude comment!!! "You think so?! Personally, I think dogs who attack other dogs for no reason are stupid! Stupidest of all is their owner who doesn't leave with her aggressive dog..." Corgis are magical. Who could hate them?

07-20-2012, 12:11 AM
I get asked if Lily is a long-haired chihuahua all the time. I've even had people tell me there's no way she's a Pomeranian, that she MUST be a mix.

People are just really rude about Brennan because he's a Pit Bull. I get stupid stuff like "Is he a mix?" or "Is he a boxer?" Or "Does he bite?" Oh, and because he wears a gentle leader, it gets mistaken for a muzzle all the time. Yeah, I'm gonna bring my nearly 60 lb dog out in a muzzle around people and children. And he's sitting there wagging his tail looking like a dork for people to pet him, so he sure looks vicious alright :rolleyes:

07-20-2012, 05:52 AM
"What kind of dogs are they - are they brother and sister"??? Sure - just because the Fuzzbuttz happened to be relatively the same size, I guess they must be!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

07-20-2012, 08:33 PM
There's a lot of funny replies to this!:D I had people in the petstores ask me if Layla is a wolf or part wolf.

07-20-2012, 08:42 PM
"What kind of weird looking German Shepherd dog is that?"

A comment about Katie. ;)

OMG! That is ridiculous! Rude, too.

07-22-2012, 12:19 PM
People used to ask me if zues was a pitbull and why don't i crop his ears and tail and that always annoyed me.

As for blaze everyone thinks she's a wolf and when i say no she's a mal they go like oh then she must have wolf in her, she must be part wolf! and they do insist she does and even ask me if i would sell her to them lol they even ask: "is she vicious? aren't you afraid of her? Does she howl like wolves do?" DUH! all dogs howl for gods sake -__-

Titan is always mistaken for a husky, i guess some people can't tell the difference and when i say no he's an alaskan malamute their faces turn into :confused: once this girl said "you're a fool, the breeder played you that IS a mutt he's mixed with a german shepherd that is why he looks like an overgrown husky" lol surprisingly she did not annoy me i actually laughed at her.

07-22-2012, 11:38 PM
On one jog I had to stop a Bus Stop Corner, to wait on traffic to clear. There was a lady setting/waiting who ask...

"What's wrong with that Dog" (as she looked at My Female Becca).
"Nothing (I replied), she's perfect !" :D
"Are you sure (the lady said) why is her tail so long ?" (Becca has a full tail)
"Vitamins !" (I said as I smiled, jogged on)

It's amazing how many people think that Yorkies are born with bobbed tails.