View Full Version : Mikey gave me the biggest scare of my life today!!

07-09-2012, 07:15 PM
First of all, I wasn't there, I was in Manhattan, but anyway this is all coming from my mom.

My mom was picking Mikey up after a trip to Disney World last week. He had a grooming and his collar was extremely loose. My mom was walking out of the kennel with Mikey and the kennel attendant. He somehow got off the collar and ran into the road. It's on a busy country road with people whizzing by, speeding! The kennel girl took off SPRINTING with a dislocated knee. My mom got the car, 'cause when he used to run away from his old owners they said he'd jump in an open car. A guy who just got his dogs from the kennel took off after Mikey. A woman stopped her car and asked if they needed help. She began blocking traffic and the kids in the car were helping the chase. My mom started running after him at some point during his 20 minute escapade. He ran up someones driveway, thank god cause he chases and lunges at cars! I am working on that but apparently it isn't entirely cured. He scared a cat off someones deck and followed under the deck! My mom followed him and he heard the leash and he was play bowing at the cat and at them. He thought this was a HUGE play session apparently. My mom said "TREAT!! TREAT!!!" and he finally came over. My mom said she tackled him and he didn't know what hit him!! She called me after and I was crying like an idiot but he's okay!

I really don't know how much more gray hairs this dog is gonna give me before I am 20. Moral of the story: NEVER LET A PSYCHO PUGGLE OFF THE LEASH. He is NEVER going anywhere without a harness again.

I think my mom is going to put an ad in the Newspaper for everyone who helped out and she gave the kennel girl a huge tip. I am so grateful for the amazing people who helped. The lady who stopped said she knows what it's like to loose a dog in the middle of the woods.

WOO, Mikey either has a huge death wish or extreme luck! PROBABLY both!

07-09-2012, 07:28 PM
Wow, that's a big scare. I'm glad he is ok!

07-09-2012, 07:34 PM
WOO, Mikey either has a huge death wish or extreme luck! PROBABLY both!

I'm starting to think he has 9 lives! :D I am so happy that he is OK, goodness what a romp he had. 20 minutes?! As soon as you wrote 'loose collar,' I had a sinking feeling.

Mikey, I see more recall work in your future, mister! Good thing you know TREAT!

07-09-2012, 07:51 PM
That must have been so scary for your mom! Thank goodness everyone helped out, and it turned out fine! Oh, Mikey, you gotta be good!

07-09-2012, 07:51 PM
Oh my goodness!! I was holding my breath while I was reading!! So glad it was a happy ending. It's so nice to hear about the good citizens that are still out there in the world. :D

07-09-2012, 10:04 PM
Yikes! What a scare! I'm glad everything turned out ok.:)

07-10-2012, 06:42 AM
Mikey - don't ever do that again!!! You scared a lot of people half out of their wits!

I know that horrible sinking feeling - Myndi pulled the same stunt many years ago on a trip to the vet, just as we got there. She slipped her collar and took off across the parking lot headed for the road, with this crazy woman running after her and screaming at her to stop. She finally did of course, but after that, I always used a choke chain on both her and Sparky when I had to take them anywhere on a leash. Now they both get a harness tho.

So glad that this story had a happy ending, with only a few new gray hairs for a lot of people. ;)

07-10-2012, 07:51 AM
Oh that boy is a stinker! Thank goodness this all turned out okay. It really is a panic when they get loose. Thankfully too, that so many people worked quickly to help out your mom. Whew!

And, he has no clue what he did. He was running free like Beagles like to do.

Queen of Poop
07-10-2012, 08:21 AM
Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. (shakes head) You silly little goofball. What the heck were you thinking. Life doesn't get any better than where you're at silly. I think I sprouted a few more grey hairs just reading about your adventure. DON'T do it again!! Sending you a big HUG and KISS as I'm very relieved you are ok and safe at home. :love::love::love:

07-10-2012, 01:46 PM
So glad he is okay! Shame on you Mikey!

07-11-2012, 12:58 PM
Oh My Goodness! How scarey!! I am so relieved your dog is ok. I'm sure your mom was scared too. I'm so glad all those people helped.

07-11-2012, 09:36 PM
Thanks guys, I'm glad he's okay too!! I literally still think about how close I was to him being killed. Of course, the first words my mom says are "MIKEY GOT OFF THE LEASH!!" when she called me so I thought the worst had happened. She tends to do that. But nope he's fine! I can't believe him though, he thought they were PLAYING. Mikey play bows at everything, my mom said she really wanted to KILL him when she saw his little butt go up like that. :p For once I wish I had a normal dog, but alas, I got stuck with pugga face. He is a stinker for sure :D

Pom, the feeling is very real and very sinking. It's like you need to prepare for the worst. The kennel is on such a busy road, he really had a miracle. Maybe Sassy took a liking to him after all;)

Sassy would have NEVER done that. I always walked her off leash and she would either stop and wait for me or just come back to me and follow me. No training required. Mikey is the complete opposite :rolleyes:

07-12-2012, 06:38 AM
Pom, the feeling is very real and very sinking. It's like you need to prepare for the worst. The kennel is on such a busy road, he really had a miracle. Maybe Sassy took a liking to him after all;)

Sassy would have NEVER done that. I always walked her off leash and she would either stop and wait for me or just come back to me and follow me. No training required. Mikey is the complete opposite :rolleyes:

The only reason she did it is because she knew where she was - at the V-E-T! :eek: Normally she walks just fine on a leash.

07-13-2012, 06:10 AM
WoW! What a little stinker! Gosh, your mom must have been so scared.
Glad everything turned out ok!

07-23-2012, 05:19 PM
Ugh how scary Alyssa! I'm SO glad he's ok and he's safe and sound now! Mikey don't scare your poor mommy like that anymore!