View Full Version : Love or hate summer?

07-02-2012, 09:23 AM
I so desperately hate summer. There is nothing good about it. The heat. The humidity. The bugs. The sunburns. Needing to have my legs daily :eek: ;) The fact that my job is dead dead dead in summer and my coworkers become backstabbing monsters only makes summer even more miserable. I've also been diagnosed with Seasonal Depressive disorder -- only I get it during the summer (whereas most "normal" people get it in the fall) Plus my cats won't snuggle with me because they're hot :( Poor melty cats.

Ok, well, ice cream does taste especially good in summer. And we can give summer a plus for long days. but thats as far as I will go for liking summer! :p

What is your feeling of summer?

07-02-2012, 09:47 AM
As I have gotten older, I find that I tolerate cold much better than hot. So I much prefer the cooler months. I also like the shorter days, longer nights. One reason - it's easier to get the boy cats in when it gets dark earlier.

I like my "winter" recipes more than the summer ones. Who wants to make chili or pot roast when it's over 90°?

07-02-2012, 09:48 AM
Let's just say I TOLERATE it. As I get older, I find I get very tired and cranky in humid, hot weather.

But I do like the activities, and the fact that I can take my nekkids out for a walk in their stroller!

07-02-2012, 09:58 AM
I enjoyed summer more years ago when I was thin and active. Now that I'm heavier I prefer winter so I can cover up under layers of clothes. Hopefully that will change soon though.
We used to go out on our boat almost every weekend. Now we are selling the boat. One summer activity is going for rides on the motorcycle. I can still wear layers on the bike. :p
So I voted other on the poll.

07-02-2012, 11:34 AM
I tolerate it - the heat waves make it that way for me. I look forward to Labour Day weekend!:D

07-02-2012, 11:41 AM
I voted that I enjoy it but I like other months better. Since I live in Northern CA it doesn't get as hot as in many other areas but we do have our hot spells. I don't have AC either and I live on the second floor so my condo can heat up quickly especially if it doesn't cool down at night. I love the long days and daylight though. My favorite month is probably Fall because I like the temperature better. I'd love for the temp to stay 70 all year long.:)

07-02-2012, 12:06 PM
I voted "I enjoy it, but like other months better "

I don't like the heat either but I work in air conditioning, have it in my car and at home. I don't go outside if it is too hot. I am pretty spoiled.

I would say my favorite season is Spring, Fall, Summer and then Winter.

07-02-2012, 12:52 PM
I love the summer. ;) I like the warm weather.I love spending time in the garden and under the tent, its peaceful.
We get a lot of birds and wildlife. The humming birds, the humming bird moth, goldfinch, the bear.:eek::D

07-02-2012, 04:23 PM
Summer time is MY time! LOVE this time of year, my fave!!! The activities, not having to add clothes to go out, not dealing with boots, wet paws, just having FUN!!!!

Growing up, I assumed everyone loved summer cuz it meant school was out. ;)

07-02-2012, 06:53 PM
I mostly HATE IT with a passion, my favourite time of year is autumn, spring it would be except for the hayfever, i would rather just stay inside with my air con all summer and not go out at all, infact i do not go out much anyhow.

However some things are good about summer, swimming is nice,but that is about it for me .:D

07-03-2012, 12:30 AM
We have summer days that are in the 70s - low 80s. I love those days. Summer days that are in the high 80s - 100+...I don't enjoy. I'm very sensitive to heat, get migraines, and end up feeling sick if I go out. I enjoy spring/fall more. Our winters are not bad either...sometimes the cold, crisp air feels so 'fresh'. :)

07-03-2012, 07:33 AM
I have a love/hate relationship with summer. I love it quite warm. I am good with 30 even 35°C (85-95°F) weather with no problem. But I hate the humidity. If I could have the heat with low-low/moderate humidity I would be just fine. I could even handle hotter than I stated. I am cold with temperatures under 25°C (77°F) so am more than happy with the heat. Just take away that miserable humidity that makes it feel like the seventh circle of hell and I would be a happy camper.

07-03-2012, 07:48 AM
I totally, completely, gazillion percent HATE spring and summer. As I get older I love the cold weather more each year - at my age I figure I'll keep better. The perfect day is 20 degrees with about a foot of fresh snow on the ground, crystal blue sky, and cotton-ball clouds.

Felicia's Mom
07-03-2012, 08:55 AM
Even though I prefer cool-cold weather, I love the change of seasons. I wouldn't want to live where the weather doesn't change much all year long.

07-03-2012, 09:12 AM
I tolerate it - as long as I have my air conditioning to stay cool. I much prefer winter tho, and can take the cold better than the heat. I love the beach or having access to a pool, but that's not always possible. Give me temps in the low 80's, a nice breeze, and no humidity, and I would gladly take that year round. However, living in Delaware, that ain't ever gonna happen! :( Besides - I love the change of seasons. :)

07-03-2012, 11:37 AM
I enjoy it but only with the a/c and if the temperatures stay in the 70's. High 30's is too much and the humidity is a killer. But with all the clothes we have to put on during the cold months I find the summer so much easier to cope with. We don't get more than a few months and back to the ice and snow so when summer hits we're all glad to get a rest from the cold.

07-03-2012, 11:58 AM
I quite like summer, but not if it's humid, or over 75-85F. In Denmark, it's unusual that anyone has AC, so especially at night is it a pain if it's over 75F. I'm lucky I can keep the windows open - Fister won't jump out, but I usually keep the blinds down all day and the curtains drawed in my bedroom, when it's hot.

I remember when I visited CA... it was 88F one day, but when you get 5 miles inland, it was 10 degrees hotter. Spain also has a nice warm and dry climate. In Denmark we have a coastline almost anywhere you go, so that helps, too. :)

07-03-2012, 04:58 PM
I used to dislike it, but I've had enough of -40 for weeks on end to last me forever! We're actively working towards buying property somewhere in Central America. Five years from now, we plan to never, ever see snow again! Summers in the Yukon assuming they don't continue to suck weather-wise like the this one has; two warm days a year is not going to cut it! If our summers here continue to look like the Central American rainy season, we're just going stay down there! At least I wouldn't have to run my furnance and wood stove in July!

Winters near a beach in Costa Rica or Nicaragua or Belize, Honduras, or El Salavador! Nica is next on the list to check out, just as soon as I find & train a new dogsitter.

07-03-2012, 08:28 PM
Being a native Floridian I am quite used to summer for most of the year. I like the long days the best. Dark by 6pm like in the winter makes me insane. We have AC so its not bad just to retreat inside when it gets too bad out. I don't hate summer at all.

07-03-2012, 09:00 PM
I'm surprised to hear that people hate summer honestly. I enjoy it for the activities - hiking, camping, etc. I'm way more active in the summer. I enjoy all of the seasons though and hiking is best in the spring/fall for the most part because it's not so hot. I don't think I'll be doing much hiking this year the whole state of Utah is practically on fire new ones starting every day. We had a really dry winter and a really wet winter the year before so there's a ton of vegetation from the year before and no moisture....yeah I shouldn't even go outside right now because of the air quality. Yuck. So right now I don't really like summer but normally I do. :)

07-03-2012, 09:14 PM
Amy, I have been thinking of you guys when I hear about all the fires in Utah, stay safe - humans and doggies, okay?

I like most of the seasons, thankfully in New England the really hot muggy days - my least favorite - don't stay for too many days at a time, in fact the weather changes often, which is why I like living here! I dislike sunburns, and as a kid, August was the worst month for me because of my allergies and asthma - that's when the ragweed blossoms here. But now that my asthma is under control for the most part, summer is a lot nicer. So while I don't LOVE summer like some people, I am okay with it!

07-03-2012, 09:30 PM
Tolerate it! I hate being hot, I hate bugs, I hate storms, especially the ones where we end up spending the evening in the basement.:rolleyes:

07-03-2012, 10:25 PM
Summer for me, has taken on a new meaning.

I thoroughly enjoy it now. In CA it was just like all the other seasons.

Tonight I went out on the deck to make some calls.

The crickets were out, cicadas?

LOL, it's just like a surround sound experience.

Frogs and the fireflies.

I don't think I will ever get used to them. When I walk the dog one of the most special things
are the smells and sounds from around the block.

The smell of a freshly mown lawn or a storm coming in? Heat and dampness also have a definite smell.

The other day I heard music, being played quite loudly and it wasn't until I was almost through my walk that I realized it was from the ampitheater in the park.

Yeah, it's bugs and heat.

But it's being able to go out and not get dressed, it's the smell of a freshly cut watermelon or the chicken on a grill.


The best part about summer is right around December when it's cold and crappy outside.

The best part of winter is a 100 degree day during summer......;)

Lady's Human
07-03-2012, 11:28 PM
I enjoy summer, but I could do without the raw heat.

I enjoy the fireflies, gardening, sitting out reading while scritching a certain pup, deep sea fishing when I can get there, and other things I'm sure I'm forgetting.

However, there are things I ejoy about all seasons, and missed the changes when I was in Texas. The seasons there are brown, green, brown, green. Pretty boring, really.

david p
07-04-2012, 08:26 AM
I'm not too thrilled with the heat and humidity & the heat index in the summer in Butler, Pa., but at Concordia we have a lot of summer activities to keep us residents busy. When I was working at the golf course, I had gotten used to the heat and humidity, but now I seemed have lost that ability!

07-05-2012, 11:55 AM
I have a breathing problem so I really hate the hot summer months especially when the humidity is high. I tend to stay indoors in the a/c when the weather gets really hot and here in NJ it has been very hot lately. I love the Fall and Winter but don't like the snow and ice. I feel better and breathe better in the colder weather.

07-05-2012, 07:26 PM
I love summer, particularly June with its long days. I'm not loving this summer because it's been so incredibly hot. We have a forecast for temps in the high 90s through tomorrow. Then the wind shifts (hopefully bringing rain) and the forecast for Saturday is - high of 82! Nice! The humidity is 45% today so it's not hot and sticky, just hot.

07-07-2012, 02:28 PM
.....as long as the temps stay between 60 and 80 degrees.......with low/comfortable humidity.......love rain tho......

08-22-2012, 04:04 PM
I'm really happy to have found this forum! I came across it in a search engine as I was, believe it or not, searching for help/info for my apparent heat intolerance!! I have become so very intolerant of the summer heat, and I am just miserable during these months! I am extremely active, and LOVE being outdoors, but am unable to do as I'd like when it's so darn HOT!!! My precious black lab is EXACTLY like me too! There is never a time that he's not by my side (if at all possible), and he can't be out in this horrible heat either! We both LOVE LOVE LOVE cool/cold weather, and absolutely thrive in it!! So it's a little comforting to see so many who feel the same way. I am always the odd bird it seems, who passionately hates heat. Come on fall!! WE ARE READY!!! :love:

08-22-2012, 07:55 PM
I keep looking at the calendar, but it's not live we never get 90-degree days in September, so I don't know why I think that'll make any difference! And welcome to Pet Talk, by the way!

Lady's Human
08-22-2012, 08:14 PM
I'm really happy to have found this forum! I came across it in a search engine as I was, believe it or not, searching for help/info for my apparent heat intolerance!! I have become so very intolerant of the summer heat, and I am just miserable during these months! I am extremely active, and LOVE being outdoors, but am unable to do as I'd like when it's so darn HOT!!! My precious black lab is EXACTLY like me too! There is never a time that he's not by my side (if at all possible), and he can't be out in this horrible heat either! We both LOVE LOVE LOVE cool/cold weather, and absolutely thrive in it!! So it's a little comforting to see so many who feel the same way. I am always the odd bird it seems, who passionately hates heat. Come on fall!! WE ARE READY!!! :love:

Welcome, and tell us more about the lab companion!

08-23-2012, 01:03 AM
Ya know, maybe being a costume character for 3 years changed my heat tolerance for good. I seriously don't notice heat much anymore unless it's real bad (like Florida in July). I LOVE hiking, beach weather, swimming, bon fires, off-roading, barbecues AND no school. So, I LOVE the summer.

08-25-2012, 03:25 PM
I don't have a lot of love for summer. It is my least favorite season. Too hot for me to handle and being fairskinned and freckled i have to really minimize my exposure to the sun.

My favorite is fall followed by winter. Love te cool air, the fall harvest activities, halloween, thanksgiving, then getting in to the christmas season. The comfort food like chili cooking in the crock pot all day on a cold windy day, chicken pot pie, turkey roasting in the oven, ham, bean and potato. Baking banana bread and cookies and brownies

08-26-2012, 08:03 AM
As one who voted 'tolerate it' I'm ready to move on! Tired of the bugs, the heat, and the mowing! We had drought conditions so storms weren't bad this summer.;)

08-26-2012, 11:21 AM
Oh I know what you mean. mosquitos have been TERRIBLE here this year. It's crazy. I can't go out for 5 seconds without being attacked lol. We were at Hershey Gardens the other day and something bit hannah on the ankle and her ankle puffed up and she had a big hard bump where the bite was and it was so itchy. Poor kid.

08-26-2012, 11:59 AM
The past couple of weeks the temps have been in the 80's - seasonable for this time of year - and not that oppressive heat we had with temps of 100+ for almost 2 weeks straight. Today is rather steamy tho, even tho not too hot. For the past week I've been leaving the house every morning at 7:30 to take my grandson to soccer practice, and one day I actually had to turn the heat on in the car for a few minutes to take the chill off. Of course it warms up during the day tho.

One thing I LOVE about this time of year - Fall is almost here and we'll soon be enjoying the cooler weather. Hope Mother Nature doesn't have any surprises up her sleeve like a few years ago when we were still having to have the a.c. on till mid October! I love my sweatshirts and can't wait till I have to get them out again! :D

08-26-2012, 01:57 PM
I voted "other", and I will try to expain:

I like the light, and the green trees, the flowers, the crops and everything... I also like the sunshine.
I don't like the heat, and I hate the humidity; especially at night. I wouldn't mind hot days if the nights were cool, but often, they are not in my area. If that happens, I'm having problems to get the heat and the muggy air out of my rooms, and I don't like that.

But over the last three years, we had really gloomy and rainy summers, and I found that's really depressing. I'm missing the light.

08-26-2012, 04:49 PM
Ya know, maybe being a costume character for 3 years changed my heat tolerance for good. I seriously don't notice heat much anymore unless it's real bad (like Florida in July). I LOVE hiking, beach weather, swimming, bon fires, off-roading, barbecues AND no school. So, I LOVE the summer.

I totally agree! I LOVE hiking, swimming, camping, being out on the lake/boating, wakeboarding, tubing, you name it!:D

09-08-2012, 03:38 PM
It's a lovely day in Chicago today. Sunny and 75F. Yesterday was cloudy, though. I heard on the news there is rough weather out east, so I am thinking of everyone on PT who lives in that direction!

09-09-2012, 02:40 PM
This weekend the weather has been perfect. The high has only been to about 70. I'm able to open up and keep my windows and sliding glass door open all day. This is the kind of weather that I love.:) Unfortunately it's supposed to get hotter again during the week so I'm enjoying it while I can. My cats have been so much more active so they're enjoying it too.:)