View Full Version : ROTB - the How Stressed Can I Be? Contest

07-02-2012, 09:03 AM
http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=rpi7oyn6&v=001gitP1NKQiAKv_TtcJWVSmNrPpewr5bA0tXDqyLLGnTj9G REi-XUZHOoSMpDbXSREuB2FBHmBoC7Yn-GxJwrWeM17ou_biSKfI_iMWdpWT0jAJY2CjpODSD0zHWWsKtXc lyaCE-8SxQYxIiWASUIq47Vf-3mYnjnbYHZZvPkra_0mybYeNWx9C1kWY5ceN8euFIzgT5g-7Vu-HKvmz3kvMw%3D%3D


Religion-Outside-The-Box (http://www.rotb.org) originally ran this contest when it only had a few hundred people on the mailing list.

This utterly sarcastic spiritual contest is intended to raise awareness to the societal braggadocio in which we have pride boasting how stressful our lives are.

The contest is this easy, the person who is the most stressed wins.

07-02-2012, 01:48 PM
Interesting. Anyone want to guess what my score was? Not as bad as I thought, but still . . .

07-02-2012, 06:14 PM
Ha! If they only knew ... Just because certain things happen does not mean one need stress about them! I always tell people "stress is what I give other people!"

07-02-2012, 08:56 PM
Ha! If they only knew ... Just because certain things happen does not mean one need stress about them! I always tell people "stress is what I give other people!"

That is one perspective. :D