View Full Version : And the lamb lies down on Broadway?

07-01-2012, 10:49 AM

The dog owns the lamb now.

I love the Edster because he always finds a place to sack out.

He usually goes to his window ledge and sleeps there during the day and makes a special guest appearance during the day.

Now that the weather is heating up, he's found cool places to nod out....so, I took an old fake sheep skin square and tossed it on the floor for the cat.


It's about 3x3 and folded in half it's a nice cushion. I pulled it out, washed it and tossed it on the floor.


The cat found out that it's a great place to hang out.

That is until the D-O-G went over and took it over.

It makes me laugh because the Tuckster has a huge pet bed and knows where all the A/c vents are in the area - He's a pro at positioning himself to get the max effect.........

One day he Tuck went over, sniffed it and took it over.


It's a huge decision for him on where he needs to sleep.

In front of the a/c, the floor, pet bed or the lamb?


Since he took it over?

The cat won't even look at the darned thing.

He'll sniff the edge, look at the middle and walk on.

It's funny and sad.

Ed lost his napping place.

Tuck has a new hangout and instead of wanting to sleep someplace else?

Ed comes over to look at me in the recliner, then jumps up into my lap.

It's not bad, until I have to go to the bathroom and Ed looks up at me, a little preturbed.

He doesn't understand I am not a fake sheep.

I'm a real person with a real bladder.

I get the 'Meow, why are you waking me up?'

and I can swear, when Tuck is asleep on the sheepskin?

He's laughing at the both of us!

07-01-2012, 12:12 PM
Edster doesn't need the fleece that the Tuck-meister has taken over... he has Dad! :love: this funny story!

07-01-2012, 12:48 PM
That is so funny! He really won't lay on it since the dog layed on it? Zoey always lays on the cat beds when she is here. I guess it does take the cats awhile until they will lay on them again.

I would take Ed laying on my lap any day.:) :love:

And, yes, they do get perturbed when I get up as well.

07-02-2012, 11:51 AM

The 'lamb'.....

07-02-2012, 01:22 PM
Sounds like they have a little friendly competition going on, like true siblings! :love: Perhaps a comfy retreat that only Ed can reach?

07-02-2012, 02:38 PM

I :love: this picture of Edward D. Katz! Kisses on those pink jelly bean toesies!

07-04-2012, 09:22 AM
We would have thought that Edster would have put up a bit of a fight for his bed!!
I guess Tuck is a better fighter or is bluffing the White Wonder!!!:eek:
Maybe Richard you will have to buy another sheepskin!!!:love::love: