View Full Version : Anybody watching SYTYCD this year?

06-28-2012, 03:15 PM
What do you think so far? I thought last night's who was nice, but that Zooey Deschanel, albeit as nice and friendly as she was, was completely useless as a commentator! And boy, I could so do without the cheesy cross-promotional stuff - one mention of the All Star Game is plenty, thanks!

Any early favorites, or ones you expect to be out early?

06-28-2012, 03:29 PM
I guess not me. What do those initials mean?

06-28-2012, 03:33 PM
Sorry - it is "So You Think You Can Dance" which, as you can tell, is a lot to type out!

06-28-2012, 04:20 PM
:love: Cole from Hawaii!

06-28-2012, 06:29 PM
I don't have a favorite yet. But it's nice to see such a wide array of different styles being represented.
Alexa reminds me too much of Ryan from last season. And I wasn't very fond of Ryan. Hopefully I'll like Alexa better. I'm excited for this season!! :D

06-28-2012, 06:37 PM
It will be interesting to see what the choreographers do with all the different genres of dance that are represented in this group. And I hope Cyrus does well, although he has the least training in styles other than his own, he's just darned likable about it. I wonder if Janelle's not being allowed to perform this week is because they are being extra cautious about concussion risk, as there seems to be an ever-increasing awareness of its dangers in sports medicine these days.

06-28-2012, 11:54 PM
I took it as she was sick with an unrelated issue. If they were so concerned about concussion risk why was she rehearsing with them?

I'm bummed we have to wait an extra week to see the show. :( I'm going to forget who was in the top 20 by the 11th. LOL
I'll just have to rewatch last nights episode to refresh my memory on the 10th.

07-26-2012, 10:21 PM
Okay, I figured I'd give it a try - and I officially dislike the "only one show per week" format. Someone could dance brilliantly after a whole week of rehearsal, and still go home over a mistake they maybe the previous week which none of us remember?

I officially dislike this new format.

And now we'll have to wait 2 weeks to see who shouldn't even be bothering to rehearse during the meantime?

Are you surprised at any of the eliminations so far? I was sad they let Amber go, thought she did better than some of the lackluster contemporary dancers this week.

07-26-2012, 10:42 PM
I thought that none of them should have been cut this week. Give them till after the two-week break before the group gets trimmed. Following Amelia and Eliana, Darian and of course Cole. I thought the Alvin Ailey piece was magnificent.

07-27-2012, 05:06 AM
I love SYTYCD! Every week I can't wait to see all the great routines. Hate seeing people go home and was sad to see Amber go. I don't have any clear favorites yet. I just think they are all so good and just wish that I could do what they do! I know Cyrus, aka Glitch, won't make it to the end because of his lack of training, but I just love him. His animation moves amaze me and I'm impressed with his attitude and his willingness and eagerness to learn. I youtubed him and there are lots of videos of him and his house brothers doing dance off contests and I think its so cool.

Karen, I agree with you about the new format. I don't like just having one show a week and it doesn't make sense that the judges know a week ahead who will be going home and those dancers are working their butts off for that entire week. Amber is a perfect example of that. She had a great performance and that didn't even matter because the audience couldn't vote for her this week and after seeing that they may have decided to start voting for her.

07-27-2012, 09:33 AM
I'm a HUGE fan of this show. This year everyone is SOOO good that it is tough to see anyone go home. Although Amber was not among my list of favorites. In fact, I usually forgot about her at all. But still........she is an amazing dancer, for sure!
I said "my list of favorites" and I don't even know who that is! I know my favorite girl is Janelle. I think she is beautiful and love her style. But for the guys........no clue! So many stand out to me: Cole, Cyrus, Matthew, Will.
I'm bummed we have to wait two weeks, but I'll stay occupied with the Olympics. :D

Nigel knows who the bottom three guys/girls are the week before. That doesn't mean he knows who will be going home. He just knows who it is between. I do like the fact that he talks to the choreographers though. They know the dancers more intimately and know what they are capable of in the long run.

09-12-2012, 09:42 PM
So anyone still watching? Did you vote this final week? Who do you want to win? Who do you think will win?

I would be happy whichever guy won, which is odd for me, I usually am more rooting for one over the other, but I am SURE both will find work after the show, no matter what!

And how fun was it that they had an actual ballet number?

Anyone else think it a tad obvious that they have had "promote the disabled dancer" spots two weeks in a row, without every having had one before? And no explanation ... And which All Stars have you been very glad to see back on the show?

09-12-2012, 09:55 PM
I am. I voted for Chehon and Eliana, but they are all good. Favorite all-stars I've been glad to see back...Alex and Benji. Of course, Twitch is always fun, and I love to watch Allison and Melanie.

09-13-2012, 12:17 AM
I am ... I'm bummed that Cole is gone but I'm still watching Eliana.

09-13-2012, 08:02 AM
Didn't vote but would love to see Eliana and Chehon win it.

09-13-2012, 09:28 AM
I never vote. I would if I felt strongly enough about someone winning. But they are all great dancers so I'll be happy with who ever wins.
I was THRILLED to see Alex come back!! :D He probably would have won his season had he not been injured.
I really want to see Alex and Twitch do the dance that Ellen stood in for after Alex was hurt. I LOVE that routine. :)

09-19-2012, 10:21 AM
Well, it ended how I figured it would end. Although I had the feeling that Eliana knew she was going to win. And I was a bit bummed that Cyrus didn't. But it doesn't matter, they will all have successful careers, I'm sure.
Now on to Survivor! Starts tonight!! :D (Ugh, I'm such a reality junky. But the reality competition shows, not the smut shows.)

09-19-2012, 10:26 AM
I was happy with the winners, but I would have been happy either way, and think they will all end up hired by someone as soon as the tour is over! This was the first year I didn't fast-forward through some of the reprised routines, too. I hope they go back to the 2-night format next year, but know its unlikely!