View Full Version : Introducing German Shepherds

06-23-2012, 08:48 PM
Thoughts/suggestions/tips on introducing a spayed female 5 year old German Shepherd (that has been an only dog thus far) to a nonspayed (yet) female 9 month old German Shepherd pup. Neither has been well socialized with other dogs. The younger one came from the pound tough situation. I would say "let them work it out" but there has been bloodshed.

06-23-2012, 09:32 PM
They should be introduced on neutral territory first. Both dogs should be on leashes, and both should be told to sit, and when both are calm, let the older one go see/sniff the "new kid" and see how that goes. Watch body language, and if there's any sign of aggression, tug the leash to stop, separate them again, and start over. What kind of training has the "new kid" had, if any? Class would definitely help ...

06-23-2012, 10:35 PM
This is hands-down the BEST article I have ever seen on dog intros. It's starring Frida, a somewhat dog reactive pit bull who was slowly introduced into her new home, which she shares with another pit bull. Hooray for slow and steady intros!


06-24-2012, 12:54 AM
They should be introduced on neutral territory first. Both dogs should be on leashes, and both should be told to sit, and when both are calm, let the older one go see/sniff the "new kid" and see how that goes. Watch body language, and if there's any sign of aggression, tug the leash to stop, separate them again, and start over. What kind of training has the "new kid" had, if any? Class would definitely help ...

they were introduced on neutral territory the pound let them bring their older dog out to meet the new kid.
They are leaving new kid in the crate for now b/c there has been bloodshed. I think that's a good idea to start so the other dog can smell the new one.

06-24-2012, 12:55 AM
This is hands-down the BEST article I have ever seen on dog intros. It's starring Frida, a somewhat dog reactive pit bull who was slowly introduced into her new home, which she shares with another pit bull. Hooray for slow and steady intros!


thank you! I'll forward it to her!
keep em coming!
I really want this to work!

06-24-2012, 11:47 AM
At age 9 months, the pup is fully matured and giving off hormone scents. Getting the pup spayed will help TONS. Yes the older gal is already spayed, she is largely reacting to the hormone scent of the intruder. I wouldn't allow them near one another until the pup is spayed and recovered from that. (Usually 2 weeks, for a female).