View Full Version : German Shepherd - Fear of Thunderstorms - HELP!

06-22-2012, 12:50 PM
I have recently taken in an abandoned German Shepherd, he has a terrible fear of thunderstorms. I was unaware until my door bell rang one morning at 6 AM. It was my neighbor with poor baby Doc in tow. He had jumped the fence!

Now, when the storms are coming I put him in my basement (finished with comfy places to relax). The other night he came up into the garage and was throwing himself against the door, whining, and barking. I feel terrible for him, and I would allow him upstairs in my home if I trusted the cat and him to get along. I felt like I had a new born baby, each time I got him settled, and got back into bed, he started up again!

This is my first dog, so I have no experience with this behavior, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also, attached is a photo of Doctor Dawg.


06-22-2012, 01:32 PM
The most immediate thing I can think of to help is, they actually make a product call the Thunder Shirt - having a tight-fitting garment somehow calms the dog down. My friends have a rescue mini schnauzer who was terrified of storms. Now when one is coming they put the thunder shirt on him, and Michael says "Fritz is calm, seems a little puzzled as to why he's not freaking out, but calm nonetheless. http://www.thundershirt.com/

Oh, and by the way, he's gorgeous!

06-23-2012, 09:28 AM
Thank you!!!

I have heard of this thundershirt, we may just have to try it, he barged in the sliding glass door last night and cat and dog didn't mind each other. I have a feeling he'll be in my bed before long!

06-23-2012, 12:42 PM
I mentioned it not only because of Fritz's success with it, but we are just at the start of summer, so you obviously need something to help immediately! In the long run you may be able to desensitize him to them, but I know right now, you just want everyone to be safe!

06-23-2012, 12:50 PM
THUNDER SHIRT! I've heard good things about it.

06-23-2012, 01:35 PM
I agree........thundershirt. Much better than having the dog on drugs. I hope it help Doc. He is a beautiful shepherd! :D
And there is nothing wrong with having him in your bed..........is there? :p