View Full Version : Luke cat new haircut with Sissy Pom-pic

06-18-2012, 07:33 PM
Monday night

It's been awhile since I posted pics of Luke cat. Last week he got his summer lion cut and looks so different--better I think. Below is a short video of puppy Sissy Pom greeting him after new cut. Also I'm posting some pics of Luke cat BEFORE and AFTER.

Sissy Pom and Luke cat with new haircut video


06-18-2012, 08:32 PM
Hi, Luke! What a beautiful kitty you are, modeling your box and showing your new haircut! I can't get the video to play, but I'll try on a different computer. Gentle pets to you, sweety guy! And pets to Annie, Lil Girl and Sissy Pom, too :love:!

06-19-2012, 05:21 AM
Luke looks so handsome with his summer cut, and of course Miss Sissy-Poo is adorable as ever. :love::love: I'm really amazed at how tolerant that Luke is with that little bundle of energy. Good boy Luke!! Smoochies to all, including LilGirl and Annie too.

06-19-2012, 08:47 AM
Oh, Luke is so handsome in his new haircut, and Sissy Pom clearly LOOOOOOVES it!

06-19-2012, 08:58 AM
You look very stunning with your haircut, Luke! Looks like Sissy Pom thinks the same thing too. :D

06-19-2012, 09:41 AM
Luke the Lion looks so cool, and we bet that he will feel better as it is said to be a long hot summer coming up:eek:

06-19-2012, 09:12 PM
Well Luke, they did it again, got you ready for the new season, ha haaa. I'm not sure you agree this is necessary, however you ARE going to feel better in the heat.

Kay, do you have to brush him when he is in full coat, or is he able to keep himself mat free?

Sissy is just too funny in that vid, opening the door to let him in, and then practically climbing on his back! Goodness, not many cats would be that tolerant, You are SO lucky Sissy to have Luke as your bro. But then, with another cat I guess you'd have stopped doing that ages ago, ha haaa.

Sending chin rubs to Luke, and cuddles to Sissy Annie and LilGirl!

06-20-2012, 10:13 AM
Thanks to all who commented.

About Mr. Luke being tolerant, yes, most of the time he is. However, one day last week I was in the kitchen away from them and heard Sissy Pom yelping as if in pain. I had an idea that once again Sissy was giving Luke too much attention. When I walked in the den, I saw a ball of cat and puppy; this happened once before but it was longer this time. I yelled (as before) and they broke it off... and still that little Sissy puppy would not leave him alone. Sometimes she's a slow learner LOL. Luke was MAD and I had to keep them separated awhile until Luke cooled down.

Sometimes I'll be sitting on the couch and I'll hear feet running toward me. It's Sissy with Luke cat right behind her... mad ... but Sissy thinks he is playing. He's NOT! All in all, Luke does good with her. Once in awhile, Sissy gets him so mad that I have to block the doorway and keep them apart because Luke could really hurt her if he got mad enough to do so. Keep in mind LilGirl is usually on the couch watching all this interaction; she's so GOOD and no trouble at all. I bet she thinks they're both crazy LOL. There's no way on earth LilGirl would "play" with Luke.

I brush Luke maybe once every two weeks; he doesnt like it very much. His coat stays in pretty good shape without many tangles and such.

Guess that's it for now. It's expected to be 94 here today and even hotter tomorrow. Hope everybody can stay cool this summer.... Kay in central NC

06-20-2012, 11:51 AM
Luke does look very elegant and cool. I love his box pictures! The box fits better if you sit in it instead of lying down, Luke!

Your Sissy sister can be quite a pain, can't she? ;) I am glad your Mom is there to keep an eye on you two. :love:

06-20-2012, 02:40 PM
I brush Luke maybe once every two weeks; he doesnt like it very much. His coat stays in pretty good shape without many tangles and such.

Handsome AND handy, atta boy Luke!!! LOL