View Full Version : A request for MoFF from Cassie

06-18-2012, 04:32 PM
Boots what a gorgeous and spirited boy you are!!! :love:

Ok, I admit, I giggles at the picture of you with the bill you shredded. It looks like you didn't find it very tasty. :D Maybe they should use fish flavored glue on the envelope? ;) What fun it must be to live with you. I hope you are being spoiled rotten today.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our very special Cat of the Day!!! :cool::love:

Dear Auntie MoFF, did you say fish flavored envelope glue? Where can my meowm get some of those envelopes? I will have her use them for our PT Christmas cards!

06-18-2012, 05:32 PM
Aw, Sweetie, I'm afraid fish flavored glue has not been invented yet. Maybe some big company will though now that they have a market for it. Besides fish is supposed to be good for humans as well as kitties. A little extra in our envelopes couldn't hurt, eh? Luvies from me and my gang :love::love::love:

06-19-2012, 09:45 AM
Fish flavored glue not invented, I shall have to let My Found Hotel Cats dowm easy:love: